Standard universe template.
Site Infrastructure / Universe

[show modes: view edit news]

[begin preamble]
if(title2id(_title) != _id)
	_bestlink = {id=[_id]}
else if(strcount(_title, "&"))
	_bestlink = {id=[_id]}
	_bestlink = urlencode(_title);
[end preamble]

[begin mode css]
banner = getv("banner");
if(banner) {
<style type="text/css">
#site_title {
	background: url('/pictures/universes/[$_title]/[banner]')[if(getv("text_color") == "white") { black}];
#site_title a, #site_title {
	color: [getv("text_color")] !important;
#site_title #title_text img {
	display: none;
[end mode css]

[begin mode create_group]
	if($_group == 0) {[
		$g = new_group($_title);
		set_group(_id, $g);

		mute set_founder($g, $_author);
		mute set_group_profile_id($g, $_id);
		$gr = new_grouping($_author, $g);
		mute set_grouping_permissions($_author, $g, "cadre");

		var hcount = 1;

		var hsum = 0;

		while(hcount > 0) {[
			command({update entries as A
				inner join entries as B on A.parent = B.id
				set A.group = [$g]
				where B.group = [$g];

			$remaining = retrieve({
				select count(A.id) as e
				from entries as A
				inner join entries as B on A.parent = B.id
				where B.group = [$g] and A.group = 0;

			hcount = $remaining[0]["e"];
			debug("hcount: " & hcount & " children of " & $g);
			hsum += hcount;

			Group created! [if(hsum > 0) {[hsum] child pages added to the group.}]
			<a href="/?id=[_id]&mode=edit">Click here to go back to the editor.</a>

	]} else {
		This project already has a group! <a href="/?[_bestlink]">Click here to go back.</a>
[end mode create_group]

[begin mode delete]
<form method="post" action="/">
<input type="hidden" name="id" value="[_id]">
<input type="hidden" name="mode" value="delete_submit">
To obliterate this universe and everything inside of it, type "YES, I'M REALLY, REALLY CERTAIN" into the below field:<br>
<input name="remove">
<input type="submit" value="Delete it!">
[end mode delete]

[begin mode delete_submit]
if(_params.remove != "YES, I'M REALLY, REALLY CERTAIN") {You didn't say the magic words.} else {[
	$n = delete_page($_id);
	$m = delete_group($_group);
	if($m != "1") {
		<p>Group removal failed. You should probably tell an administrator.</p>

	if($n == "1") {
		<p><b>[$_title]</b> has been removed from 
	} else {
		<p><b>[$_title]</b> could not be removed from 
		<b>[get_title($_parent)]</b> by you ([$_viewer.name]). If you 
		feel that should be able to do so, now might be a good time to
		<a href="mailto:[$_globals.ADMIN_EMAIL]?Subject=Can't delete 
<p><a href="/?id=[$_parent]">Return to [get_title($_parent)]</a></p>
[end mode delete_submit]

[begin mode icon]
if(getv("image") != "")
	$e = {/pictures/universes/[$_title]/[getv("image")]}
	$e = {/pictures/default-avatar.png};
<a new href="/?[_bestlink]"><img src="[$e]" height="64px" title="[$_title]" style="vertical-align: middle; border-radius: 5px; box-shadow: rgba(0,0,0,0.2) 1px 2px 3px;"></a>
[end mode icon]

[begin mode add_news]
	$p = new_page({Untitled Entry}, $_id);
	set_template($p, title2id("News Post"));
	set_permissions($p, "cadrecadrec--r-c--r-");
	set_group($p, 2);
	page("edit", $p);
[end mode add_news]

[begin mode news]
[if(getv("blog_url") == "") {
	override_title(getv("blog_title"), {[$_title] News});
	override_parent({./?[_bestlink]}, $_title);

	$pagesize = 10;
	$q = query("news", $pagesize, "id DESC, title", "parent", $_id, "template", title2id("News Post"));

	query_view("abbr", $q, list("no_icon"));
	$qc = query_count($q);
	if($qc > $pagesize) {<center>[
		$np = next_page($q);
		$pp = previous_page($q);
		if($pp) {<br><br><a href="[$pp]">Previous</a> };
		if($np) { <a href="[$np]">Next</a><br>};
	if(can_comment()) {<center><br>
		<a href="/?id=[$_id]&mode=add_news">Create news post</a>
} else {
	Transferring you to <a href="[getv("blog_url")]">[getv("blog_title")]</a>...
	[refresh_to(getv("blog_url"), 1)]
[end mode news]

[begin mode admin][
if(is_user_in_group($_viewer.id, $_group)) {
	<span style="float: right; display: block; text-align: right">
		<a href="/?id=[$_id]&mode=edit">edit</a><br>
		<a href="/edit_group.star?id=[$_group]">team</a>
	<h2 style="margin: 0px">
		<a href="/?[_bestlink]">[$_title]</a>
	<div style="clear: both"></div>
][end mode admin]

[begin mode link]<a href="/?[_bestlink]">[$_title]</a>[end mode link]

[begin mode table]
	<tr><th><nobr><a href="/?[_bestlink]">[$_title]</a></nobr>
	<td>[_wiki_format(getv("summary"), "inline")]
[end mode table]

[begin mode abbr]
<span style="float: right; font-size: 60%; text-align: right">
if(_group > 0) {[
	books = query_count(query("books", 0, "id", "group", _group, "template", title2id("Book")));
	articles = query_count(query("books", 0, "id", "group", _group, "template", title2id("Recursive Wiki Page")));
	languages = query_count(query("books", 0, "id", "group", _group, "template", title2id("Language")));
	lfams = query_count(query("books", 0, "id", "group", _group, "template", title2id("Language Family")));
	dicts = query_count(query("books", 0, "id", "group", _group, "template", title2id("Dictionary")));
	words = query_count(query("books", 0, "id", "group", _group, "template", title2id("Dictionary Entry")));
	np = query_count(query("books", 0, "id", "group", _group, "template", title2id("News Post")));
	if(books > 1) books & " books<br>" else if(books == 1) "1 book<br>";
	if(articles > 1) articles & " articles<br>" else if(articles == 1) "1 article<br>";
	if(lfams > 1) lfams & " language families<br>" else if(lfams == 1) "1 language family<br>";
	if(languages > 1) languages & " languages<br>" else if(languages == 1) "1 language<br>";
	if(dicts > 1) dicts & " dictionaries<br>" else if(dicts == 1) "1 dictionary<br>";
	if(dicts > 0) {[ if(words == 1) "1 word<br>" else words & " words<br>" ]};
	if(np > 1) np & " news posts<br>" else if(np == 1) "1 news post<br>";
[if(count(_children()) == 0) {no content<br>}]
[if(_body == "") {lacks description + synopsis} else if(getv("body") == "") {lacks description}]
	[if(getv("image") != "") {
		[$e = {/pictures/universes/[$_title]/[getv("image")]}]
		<img src="[$e]" style="max-height: 100px; float: left; margin-right: 10px;">
	} else if(file_exists({[_globals.VROOT]/avatars/[_owner.id].jpg})) {
		<img src="/pictures/avatars/[_owner.id].jpg" style="max-height: 100px; float: left; margin-right: 10px;">
	} else {
		<img src="/pictures/default-avatar.png" style="max-height: 100px; float: left; margin-right: 10px;">
	<div style="font-size: 140%"><a href="/?[_bestlink]">[$_title]</a></div>
<div style="font-size: 70%">[
if(_group != 0)
	groupies = retrieve({select users.name, users.profile_id from groups inner join groupings on groups.id = groupings.group inner join users on groupings.user = users.id where groups.id = [_group] order by users.name asc});
	founder = retrieve({select users.id, users.name, users.profile_id from groups inner join users on groups.founder = users.id where groups.id = [_group]});

if(count(groupies) > 1) {
	contributors: [x = foreach(groupies) (_data = (if(_data.profile_id == 0) _data.name else page("link", _data.profile_id) & ",")); substr(x, 0, -1)]<br>
if(count(groupies)) {
	founder: [if(founder.0.profile_id == 0) founder.0.name else page("link", founder.0.profile_id)]
	[if(_owner.id != founder.0.id) {<br>
	maintainer: [if(_owner.profile_id == 0) _owner.name else page("link", _owner.profile_id)]
	[_wiki_format(getv("summary"), "inline")]
	<div style="clear: both;"></div>
[end mode abbr]

[begin mode view]

page("view", 278);
<div style="float: right; margin-left: 10px; font-size: 80%; text-align: right; max-width: 300px;">
if(getv("image") != "") {
	[$e = {/pictures/universes/[$_title]/[getv("image")]}]
	<img src="[$e]" style="max-width: 100%; margin-bottom: 10px; display: block; margin-left: auto;">

if(_group != 0)
	groupies = retrieve({select users.name, users.profile_id from groups inner join groupings on groups.id = groupings.group inner join users on groupings.user = users.id where groups.id = [_group] order by users.name asc});
	founder = retrieve({select users.id, users.name, users.profile_id from groups inner join users on groups.founder = users.id where groups.id = [_group]});

if(getv("hide_stats") < 1) {[

if(count(groupies)) {
	[if(count(groupies) > 1) {contributors: [x = foreach(groupies) (_data = (if(_data.profile_id == 0) _data.name else page("link", _data.profile_id) & ",")); substr(x, 0, -1)]<br>}	]
	founder: [if(founder.0.profile_id == 0) founder.0.name else page("link", founder.0.profile_id)]<br>
	[if(_owner.id != founder.0.id) {
	maintainer: [if(_owner.profile_id == 0) _owner.name else page("link", _owner.profile_id)]<br>

if(_group > 0) {[
	books = query_count(query("books", 0, "id", "group", _group, "template", title2id("Book")));
	articles = query_count(query("books", 0, "id", "group", _group, "template", title2id("Recursive Wiki Page")));
	languages = query_count(query("books", 0, "id", "group", _group, "template", title2id("Language")));
	lfams = query_count(query("books", 0, "id", "group", _group, "template", title2id("Language Family")));
	dicts = query_count(query("books", 0, "id", "group", _group, "template", title2id("Dictionary")));
	words = query_count(query("books", 0, "id", "group", _group, "template", title2id("Dictionary Entry")));
	np = query_count(query("books", 0, "id", "group", _group, "template", title2id("News Post")));
	if(books > 1) books & " books<br>" else if(books == 1) "1 book<br>";
	if(articles > 1) articles & " articles<br>" else if(articles == 1) "1 article<br>";
	if(lfams > 1) lfams & " language families<br>" else if(lfams == 1) "1 language family<br>";
	if(languages > 1) languages & " languages<br>" else if(languages == 1) "1 language<br>";
	if(dicts > 1) dicts & " dictionaries<br>" else if(dicts == 1) "1 dictionary<br>";
	if(dicts > 0) {[ if(words == 1) "1 word<br>" else words & " words<br>" ]};
	if(np > 1) np & " news posts<br>" else if(np == 1) "1 news post<br>";



[bod = getv("body");
if(bod != "")
else if(can_edit())
	{<i>This universe doesn't have an introduction yet. <a href="/?id=[_id]&mode=edit">Click here to start editing</a>.</i><br>};

if(can_comment() && not(can_edit()))
	{<br><i><a href="/?id=[_id]&mode=add">add new book, language, language family, or list</a></i><br>};


<table class="front_table">
search("table", "parent", $_id, "template", title2id("Book"));

$ss = search("table", "parent", $_id, "template", title2id("Language Family")) & search("table", "parent", $_id, "template", title2id("Language"));
if($ss != "") {
	<table class="front_table">

$ss = search("table", "parent", $_id, "template", title2id("Universe List"));
if($ss != "") {
	<table class="front_table">

[if(getv("blog_rss") == "") {
		$q = query("blog", 3, "id desc, title", "parent", $_id, "template", title2id("News Post"));

		if(query_count($q) > 0) {<h1><a href="/?id=[$_id]&mode=news">[iif(getv("blog_title"), getv("blog_title"), "News")]</a></h1>};

		query_view("abbr", $q, list("no_icon"));

		if(can_comment()) {<center>
			<a href="/?id=[$_id]&mode=add_news">Create news post</a>
		<a href="/?id=[$_id]&mode=news">More...</a>
} else {
	<h1><a href="[getv("blog_url")]">[iif(getv("blog_title"), getv("blog_title"), "News")]</a></h1>

		show("view", slice(get_rss(title2id("Tumblr Entry"),
		), 0, 3))

		<a href="[getv("blog_url")]">More...</a>

if(can_edit()) {
	<p style="text-align: right">
		<a href="/?id=[_id]&mode=edit">edit this universe...</a>


[end mode view]

[begin mode add]
templates = {Language
Language Family
Universe List};
<h2>Create Section</h2>
<form method="post" action="/">
<input type="hidden" name="id" value="[$_id]">
<input type="hidden" name="mode" value="add_submit">
<table style="width: 100%">
<tr><th style="width: 80px">Title:<td><input name="title" type="text" style="width: 100%;">
<tr><th style="width: 80px">Type:<td><select name="template">[foreach(templates) _data = {
	<option value="[title2id(replace(_data, chr(13), ""))]">[_data]</option>}]
<tr><td><td><input type="submit" value="Create">
[end mode add]

[begin mode add_submit]
templates = {Language
Language Family
Universe List};

var fail = 1;

mute foreach(templates)
	if(title2id(replace(_data, chr(13), "")) == _params.template)
		fail = 0;

if(fail == 1) {
	<p>Bad template for creation; try again.</p>
} else if($_params.title == "") {
		<p><b>Couldn't create new [title2id(_params.template)]</b>: you didn't specify a title!</p>
	} else {[
		$p = new_page($_params.title, $_id);
		if($p != "0") {
			<p>[get_title(_params.template)] created. Go <a href="/?id=[p]">check it out</a>!</p>
				set_template($p, $_params.template);
				set_permissions($p, "cadrecadrecadre---r-");
				set_group($p, $_group);
				if(_params.template == title2id("Universe List"))
					set_body($p, {<!>template=0<!>pagesize=10<!>alpha=});
		} else {
			<p>Either something with the same title already exists in this universe, or a permissions failure occurred.</p>
[end mode add_submit]

[begin mode edit][
	if($_params.submit == "edit") {
			if(_params.universe_title != _title) {[
				ut = replace(replace(_params.universe_title, ".", ""), "/", "");
				if(not(can_direct())) {[
					msg("You don't have permission to rename this universe.");
				]} else if(ut == "") {[
					msg("You can't rename the universe to an empty title.");
				]} else if(search("id", "title", ut, "template", _template) != "") {[
					msg("That title is already taken!");
				]} else {[
					old_title = _title;
					upath = _globals.VROOT & "/universes/";
					if(not(dir_exists({[$_globals.VROOT]/universes/[$_title]})) || mv(upath & old_title, upath & ut)) {[
						msg({Done! [old_title] renamed to [ut].});
						_title = ut;
						set_group_name(_group, ut);
						if(title2id(_title) != _id)
							_bestlink = {id=[_id]}
							_bestlink = urlencode(_title);
					]} else msg("Failure! Time to call the admin.");
			putv("no_mail", $_params.no_mail);
			putv("hide_stats", $_params.hide_stats);
			putv("summary", $_params.summary);
			putv("body", $_params.desc);
			putv("image", info_display($_params.image));
			putv("blog_title", $_params.blog_title);
			putv("blog_url", $_params.blog_url);
			putv("blog_rss", $_params.blog_rss);
			putv("banner", info_display($_params.banner));
			if($_params.text_color == "white")
				putv("text_color", _params.text_color)
			else if($_params.text_color == "black")
				putv("text_color", _params.text_color);

		Page updated! <a href="/?[_bestlink]">Click here</a> to see the results.

if($_params.create == 1) {[msg_start();
	if($_params.title == "") {
		<p><b>Couldn't create new list</b>: you didn't specify a title!</p>
	} else {[
		$p = new_page($_params.title, $_id);
		if($p != "0") {
			<p>List created.</p>
				set_template($p, title2id("Universe List"));
				set_permissions($p, "cadrecadrecadre---r-");
				set_group($p, $_group);
				set_body($p, {<!>template=0<!>pagesize=10<!>alpha=});
		} else {
			<p>Either something with the same title already exists in this universe, or a permissions failure occurred.</p>

if($_params.create == 2) {[msg_start();
	if($_params.title == "") {
		<p><b>Couldn't create new book</b>: you didn't specify a title!</p>
	} else {[
		$p = new_page($_params.title, $_id);
		if($p != "0") {
			<p>Book created.</p>
				set_template($p, title2id("Book"));
				set_permissions($p, "cadrecadrecadre---r-");
				set_author($p, $_viewer.id);
				set_group($p, $_group);
		} else {
			<p>Either something with the same title already exists in this universe, or a permissions failure occurred.</p>

if($_params.create == 3) {[msg_start();
	if($_params.title == "") {
		<p><b>Couldn't create new language family</b>: you didn't specify a name!</p>
	} else {[
		$p = new_page($_params.title, $_id);
		if($p != "0") {
			<p>Language family created.</p>
				set_template($p, title2id("Language Family"));
				set_permissions($p, "cadrecadrecadre---r-");
				set_author($p, $_viewer.id);
				set_group($p, $_group);
		} else {
			<p>Either something with the same title already exists in this universe, or a permissions failure occurred.</p>

if($_params.create == 4) {[msg_start();
	if($_params.title == "") {
		<p><b>Couldn't create new language</b>: you didn't specify a name!</p>
	} else {[
		$p = new_page($_params.title, $_id);
		if($p != "0") {
			<p>Language family created.</p>
				set_template($p, title2id("Language"));
				set_permissions($p, "cadrecadrecadre---r-");
				set_author($p, $_viewer.id);
				set_group($p, $_group);
		} else {
			<p>Either something with the same title already exists in this universe, or a permissions failure occurred.</p>

<form method="post" action="/">
<input type="hidden" name="id" value="[$_id]">
<input type="hidden" name="mode" value="edit">
<input type="hidden" name="submit" value="edit">
<table style="width: 100%">
	<td><input type="text" name="universe_title" value="[edit_display(_title)]">
	<br><small>Any links to universe images or attached files will be broken if you rename the universe. Periods and slashes are not allowed.</small>
	<td><textarea name="summary" style="width: 100%;">[edit_display(getv("summary"))]</textarea>
	<br><small>Displayed on your profile page and the <a href="/?Universes">Universes</a> index.</small>
	<td><textarea name="desc" style="width: 100%;" rows="7">[edit_display(getv("body"))]</textarea>
	<br><small>Displayed on the universe's main page.</small>
<tr><th>Hide Stats:
	<td><input type="checkbox" name="hide_stats" id="hs" value="1" [if(getv("hide_stats")) {checked}]><label for="hs">Hide universe statistics</label>
	_select(getv("image"), "<!>(none)" & chr(10) & dirlist({/universes/[$_title]/}), "image", {width: 100%;})
else {
	<i>No image portfolio defined. </i>
<tr><th>Banner Image:
	_select(getv("banner"), "<!>(none)" & chr(10) & dirlist({/universes/[$_title]/}), "banner", {width: 100%;})
else {
	<i>No image portfolio defined. </i>

	<a href="/?id=[$_id]&mode=pictures" target="_blank">Manage pictures for this universe...</a>
<tr><th valign="top">Banner Text Colour:
		_select(getv("text_color"), {black[chr(10)]white}, "text_color");
<tr><th valign="top">Blog Name:
	<td><input type="text" name="blog_title" value="[edit_display(getv("blog_title"))]"><br>
<tr><th valign="top">Blog URL:
	<td><input type="text" name="blog_url" value="[edit_display(getv("blog_url"))]"><br>
<tr><th valign="top">Blog RSS:
	<td><input type="text" name="blog_rss" value="[edit_display(getv("blog_rss"))]"><br>
	Input the URL to a blog's front page and RSS feed to use it for your profile. <a href="http://tumblr.com">Tumblr</a> and <a href="http://wordpress.com">Wordpress</a> blogs have been confirmed to work properly. If you prefer, however, you may leave this blank and use a built-in Cadre blog. A Cadre blog will let you automatically limit comments according to the site's controls, but a Tumblr or Wordpress blog may be better for sharing your work with others outside of our community.<br><br>If you provide a name for your blog, it will be used either way.
		if($_group == 0) {
			<a href="/?id=[$_id]&mode=create_group" target="_blank">Click here to initialize this universe's group</a>.
			This will let you give others the ability to participate in your project.
		} else {
			<a href="/edit_group.star?id=[$_group]" target="_blank">Click here to manage this universe's group</a>.
			This defines who is allowed to contribute to the universe, and how.
<tr><th>Discussion Messages:
	<td><input type="checkbox" name="no_mail" value="1" [if(getv("no_mail")) {checked}] id="no_mail">
		<label for="no_mail">Do not notify group members of posts on discussion pages within this universe.</label>
	<td><a href="/?id=[$_id]&mode=delete">Click here to initiate deletion of the whole universe</a>. (Confirmation is required.) Be careful with this!
<center><input type="submit" value="Save Changes to Universe"></center>



<table class="front_table">
search("table", "parent", $_id, "template", title2id("Book"));

if(can_comment()) {
<form method="post" action="/">
	<input type="hidden" name="id" value="[$_id]">
	<input type="hidden" name="create" value="2">
	<input type="hidden" name="mode" value="edit">
	<th><nobr><input type="text" name="title" style="width: 80%;">
	<input type="submit" value="+"></nobr>
	<td>Create a new book. This is the best container for notes about the conworld and other non-linguistic information.

<h1>Language Families</h1>

<table class="front_table">
search("table", "parent", $_id, "template", title2id("Language Family"));

if(can_comment()) {
<form method="post" action="/">
	<input type="hidden" name="id" value="[$_id]">
	<input type="hidden" name="create" value="3">
	<input type="hidden" name="mode" value="edit">
	<th><nobr><input type="text" name="title" style="width: 80%;">
	<input type="submit" value="+"></nobr>
	<td>Create a new language family. This is a special kind of book specially designed for managing languages.


<table class="front_table">
search("table", "parent", $_id, "template", title2id("Language"));

if(can_comment()) {
<form method="post" action="/">
	<input type="hidden" name="id" value="[$_id]">
	<input type="hidden" name="create" value="4">
	<input type="hidden" name="mode" value="edit">
	<th><nobr><input type="text" name="title" style="width: 80%;">
	<input type="submit" value="+"></nobr>
	<td>Create a new language at the root level. Use this section if you have an isolated language or auxiliary language with no lineage. You can also add languages inside language families.


<table class="front_table">
search("table", "parent", $_id, "template", title2id("Universe List"));

if(can_comment()) {
<form method="post" action="/">
	<input type="hidden" name="id" value="[$_id]">
	<input type="hidden" name="create" value="1">
	<input type="hidden" name="mode" value="edit">
	<th><nobr><input type="text" name="title" style="width: 80%;">
	<input type="submit" value="+"></nobr>
	<td>Create a new list. You can use lists to manage special appendices such as itemized historical events or individuals.


[end mode edit]

[begin mode pictures]
$fn = {/universes/[$_title]/};
$fullfn = {[$_globals.VROOT][$fn]};

if(dir_exists($fullfn)) {[_gallery({universes/[$_title]}, 150, iif(can_direct(), 1, 0), $_id);]}
else {[msg_start({text-align: center; padding-top: 30px; padding-bottom: 30px;})]<i>No image portfolio yet for this universe. [if(can_edit()) {Upload some pictures!};]</i>[msg_end()]};

if(can_edit()) {
if(dir_exists($fullfn)) {[
	$cc = strcount(dirlist({/universes/[$_title]}), chr(10)) + 1;
	if(dirlist({/universes/[$_title]}) == "") $cc = 0;
]} else {[
	$cc = 0;

if($cc < 50) {
<form action="/" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
	<input type="file" name="ufile">
	<input type="hidden" name="id" value="[$_id]">
	<input type="hidden" name="mode" value="picture_submit">
	<input type="submit" value="Upload" name="button">
	<input type="submit" value="Upload and Rename" name="button">

<p>You may not have more than 50 pictures. You have [$cc] picture(s).</p>
} else {<p>You have too many ([$cc]) pictures to add more.</p>};]

<p><a href="/?id=[$_id]&mode=edit">Return to editing [$_title]</a></p>

[end mode pictures]
[begin mode picture_rename]
if(can_edit()) {[
	$pp = $_params.picture;
	$pp = replace($pp, "/", "");
	if(file_exists({[$_globals.VROOT]/universes/[$_title]/[$pp]})) {
		<h3>Rename Image</h3>
		<center><img src="/pictures/universes/[$_title]/[$pp]">
		<form method="post" action="/">
		<input type="hidden" name="mode" value="picture_rename_submit">
		<input type="hidden" name="id" value="[$_id]">
		<input type="hidden" name="from" value="[$pp]">
		<th>From:<td>[substr($pp, 0, strrpos($pp, "."));]
		<th>To:<td><input type="text" name="to" value="[
			substr($pp, 0, strrpos($pp, "."));
		<input type="submit" value="Rename">
		<a href="/?id=[$_id]&mode=pictures">Cancel</a>
	} else {
		Bad file name. This renaming has probably already been done.
		<a href="/?id=[$_id]&mode=pictures">Go back to the gallery.</a>
]} else {
	This is not your universe.
	<a href="/?id=[$_id]&mode=pictures">Go back to the gallery.</a>
[end mode picture_rename]
[begin mode picture_rename_submit]
if(can_edit()) {[
	$pp = $_params.from;
	$pp = replace($pp, "/", "");
	$pt = $_params.to;
	$pt = replace($pt, "/", "") & substr($pp, strrpos($pp, "."));

	if($_params.from == $params.to) {
		No? Alright...<br><br>
		<a href="/?id=[$_id]&mode=pictures">Go back to the gallery.</a>
	} else if(file_exists({[$_globals.VROOT]/universes/[$_title]/[$pt]})) {
		Destination file already exists. Perhaps you already
		renamed the file?<br><br>
		<a href="/?id=[$_id]&mode=pictures">Go back to the gallery.</a>
	} else if(file_exists({[$_globals.VROOT]/universes/[$_title]/[$pp]})) {[
		$fpp = {[$_globals.VROOT]/universes/[$_title]/[$pp]};
		$fpt = {[$_globals.VROOT]/universes/[$_title]/[$pt]};
		if(mv($fpp, $fpt)) {
			File renamed!
			[refresh_to({/?id=[$_id]&mode=pictures}, 0)]
			<script type="javascript"><!--
				document.location = "/?id=[$_id]&mode=pictures";
		} else {
			File could not be renamed.
		<a href="/?id=[$_id]&mode=pictures">Go back to the gallery.</a>
	} else {
		Bad file name. The source file was deleted.<br><br>
		<a href="/?id=[$_id]&mode=pictures">Go back to the gallery.</a>
]} else {
	This is not your universe.
	<a href="/?id=[$_id]&mode=pictures">Go back to the gallery.</a>
[end mode picture_rename_submit]
[begin mode picture_submit]
$fn = {/universes/[$_title]/};
$fullfn = {[$_globals.VROOT][$fn]};

if(dir_exists($fullfn)) {} else {[
	if(mkdir($fullfn)) {
		Creating the universe's image portfolio for the first time.
 	} else {
		Could not create the image portfolio.
		Expect a bunch of horrible error messages.

$na = file_upload("ufile", $fn, 10485760);
$fn = slice($na, 2, 1);
if($fn != "null") {
	[// file_crop($fn, 150, 150);]
	Done. Upload successful!
	Now that the image is uploaded, please go and make sure it has a name that 
	will be easy to remember.

	[if($_params.button == "Upload") {
		[refresh_to({/?id=[$_id]&mode=pictures}, 2)]
		<script type="javascript"><!--
			document.location = "/?id=[$_id]&mode=pictures";
	} else {
		[refresh_to({/?id=[$_id]&mode=picture_rename&picture=[basename($fn)]}, 2)]
		<script type="javascript"><!--
			document.location = "/?id=[$_id]&mode=picture_rename&picture=[basename($fn)]";
} else {
	File upload failed.
	Why is anyone's guess.
	Contact <a href="mailto:hexadecima@gmail.com">an 
	administrator</a> if you want it fixed.
<a href="/?id=[$_id]&mode=pictures">Go back</a>.</p>

<p><a href="/?Settings">Or, return to Settings</a>.</p>

[end mode picture_submit]
[begin mode picture_delete]

[if(can_edit()) {[
	$fn = {[$_globals.VROOT]/universes/[$_title]/[$_params.picture]};
	if(file_exists($fn)) {
		[if(rm($fn)) {Deleted!} else {Not deleted! Oh no!}]
	} else {
		Not deleted because it doesn't exist!
		What's up with that?
]} else {
	This isn't your universe. Where did your life go so wrong?

<p><a href="/?id=[$_id]&mode=pictures">Go back</a>.</p>

[end mode picture_delete]