Anthologica Universe Atlas / Universes / Šaol / Salanjan / Anaşa Salanja / Anaşa Salanja Dictionary / Particle

The following dictionary entries are tagged Particle:

agla p. no, not; general negative
hawidz pro. here
jei m. address particle; vocative marker.
njela mp. procl. the subject's nature or being requires her to perform the action.
oq m. exhortative particle, found without exception postverbally.
rénseinjo mp. procl. must happen (by divine law).
rénsur mp. procl. must happen (by order).
sagi p. still
šaube p. very (intensifier)
tunjeits p. further (used in comparison constructions, with a case and possibly an adposition indicating the degree)
uohi p. why?
vo conj. while