Anaşa Salanja 3
The Messy Residue
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Says it right here folks. This page will eventually feature Derivation, Locative Phrases, and myriad Syntax sections, but for now it's still under construction. If something's not here and wasn't clarified elsewhere, please leave a comment or send a message, it will be answered promptly and gratefully.

Derivational Morphology


collective prefix
bjal·intensive prefix (V > V)
djé·reciprocal marker (N, PrN > N, PrN)
goi·under, below
ha·location prefix (PrN > PrN)
hoi·paucative prefix (A, V > A, V)
ju·some of ~, denotes a portion of the root (N, PrN > N, PrN)
kaf·despicative (A, N > A, N)
li·denoting the front of an object (N > N)
vaş· away, back (V > V)
zo· any~ (N, PrN > N, PrN)


·(q)ats to refuse to ~ (V > V)
·aimproduct of ~ (V > N)
·aunuphysicality (V, A > N)
·einagentive (V > N)
·hé target of ~ (V > N)
·iract of ~  (V > N)
·kjoto use ~ (N > V)
·leaugmentative (A, N > A, N)
·li tribal group or language variety (A, N > N)
·lluhabits or paths trodden which characterize a noun (N > N)
·loadjectivizer (V, N> A)
·loireversal of meaning
·moludenotes a version of a noun considered lesser, with some significant part of it taken away; it is generally considered an insult when used with people without good reason.
·noregion, '-land' (N > N)
·njam-ness (A, V > N)
·ŋithat which is ~ed (N, V > N)
·ŋiluthe ~ profession (N, V > N)
·ŋkaAbstractive. Frequently deletes final consonants when added. (V > V)
silo think +-ŋka > siloŋka create
ansar move + -ŋka > ansaŋka scatter
·rakiterative (V > V)
·roulocation of action (V > N)
·spidiminutive (A, N > A, N)
·suresult of ~  (V > N)
·thuability to ~ (V > N)
·ullathat which ~s (V > N)
·wadenominative verbalizer (N > V)
·ynominal (borrowed from Ker, replacing the native form in -u still seen in -aunu and -su) (V, A > N)


Herein lie explanations detailing the relations of both local and temporal caseforms with the adpositions which govern them. To help describe said relations, it is useful to employ the concept of Head Orientation: this means the orientation of the direction, or flow, of the adposition with regards to the governed noun, ie to the hill is oriented towards the hill, away from the barrel is oriented away from the barrel, and on the tree is unmarked.
Temporal relations are slightly different: [we partied] up until midnight is oriented towards midnight as is its direction of flow, thus it takes the Terminative for žaunu-é ro; [we slept] until midnight is oriented towards midnight but its direction of flow is away from midnight, and thus takes the Egressive in žaunu-o lis.
Head Orientationunmarkedoriented away fromoriented towards
staticLoc / TempAbl / EgrAll / Term
pointencompassbeginningflow away fromflow towardsarrival at
at, in, againstall overoutside at, up againstbehind, beforeup towards, up until, over there at ~outside of, at/in ~[time period]
in motionLoc / TempAbl / EgrAll / Term
pointencompassbeginningflow away fromflow towardsarrival at
between, duringover, across, over/for [time period]out of, away from, sincebackwards, back attowards, untilup to, up at

A selection of postpositions is given here for further clarity:
head orientationUnmarkedAway fromTowards
pointencompassbeginningflow away fromflow towardsarrive at
staticmuo in +locfe on/over +locšal up against+alllis after +abl/egri over at +allrin upon +all
during +tempgrai above +loclelo before +ablči beyond/after +abl/egrpu outside at +all under +all
šal against+locŋei before +egr
in motionhal all along +temp out into +ablzom back away +ablro into, inside +all,
up until +term
up to +term
hau up until +all


Suffix Quick Reference Table
Perfectiveja-1vAction is completed
Continuousora-1vAction is happening
Intentional-na2vShows intent to cause the action
(requires the causative or dynamic)
Abilitative-of2vDenotes that the subject can perform the action
Desiderative-i2vto wish or want an action to happen
Antipassive-ér3vdetransitivizer, reduction in valency
Dynamic-(a)las3vIncreases the valency of the verb slightly, commonly
found with intransitives taking a phrasal object
Causative3vproduces the causative meaning of the verb
Subordination-aimarks a verb as subordinated to that of the main clause;
frequently found with conjunctive subclauses,
rarely with relative subclauses.
PersonalEndingsTenseMood Clitics
1-on-jeSimple Past-uoOptativeii


Case usage


Dative of Resulting Action (Dative Absolute)

Multiple-Mood Conjunctions


'after, subsequent to, resulting from; since'
When meaning 'subsequent to' or 'resulting from <verb>', huofo takes the indicative; when meaning 'since' and describing an action whose reality is under some question, it takes the subjunctive:
Načnačbut huofohuofoafter/since vajevajewhat-abs jabenorewon…<insert subjunctive-using huofo clause here>
'But resulting from having learned what I have learned…''insert translation of subjunctive-using huofo clause here'
better 'But after I learned what I've learned…'versus

As can be seen from the slightly-differing translations of the indicative clause, there can be some shared ground of meaning between huofo and the Dative of Resulting Action (Dative Absolute).