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? tiramisu posts: 76
, Baron message
<@Legion> do humans actually *contribute* to the heat death of the universe?
<@Legion> I'd thought that's just a factor of universal expansion
<Barsgua> I mean it depends what you refer to exactly, I guess?
<Barsgua> We probably contribute to increased entropy, but otoh yeah the big issue is more the expansion
<@pharazon> hey bb are you contributing to increased entropy, because you're making me expand 
? Whimemsz posts: 60
, Novice Speaker message
<pharazon> I got vaccine dose #2 today
<pharazon> boring so far...
<pharazon> no physical symptoms but I'm suddenly feeling like my cellular data is too slow
<pharazon> boring old 4G
<pharazon> surely there's a better way

<Cauv> Know what Rollercoaster Tycoon lacks?
<Cauv> A milk stall
<Whimemsz> do theme parks normally have milk stalls?
<Cauv> Doubtful
<Cauv> Sounds disastrous
<Cauv> But milk is yummy

<pharazon> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transistor#/media/File:Replica-of-first-transistor.jpg  aww it's cute
<Barsuga> in olden days they used these
<Barsuga> https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/17/Relay_contacts.jpg
<Barsuga> Relays are pretty easy to grasp
<Barsuga> all classical stuff
<CUM_SIURAN> no quantum
<CUM_SIURAN> well except everything is actually quantum
<Barsuga> not me
<Barsuga> 100% classical
<pharazon> i'm still running on phlogiston
<Barsuga> I am just made of old timey atoms from Democritus
<Barsuga> they have little hooks to hold together
? tiramisu posts: 76
, Baron message
[19:01] <tiramisu> john jacob jingleheimer schmidt
[19:01] <tiramisu> his name is my name too!
[19:01] <tiramisu> whenever we go out
[19:01] <tiramisu> the people always shout
[19:01] <tiramisu> there goes john jacob jingleheimer schmidt!
[19:01] <tiramisu> John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt
[19:01] <tiramisu> His name is my name too!
[19:01] <tiramisu> Whenever we go out!
[19:02] <tiramisu> The people always shout
[19:02] <@pharazon> ))
[19:02] <tiramisu> There goes John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt!
[19:02] <@pharazon> a classic
[19:02] <tiramisu> John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt
[19:02] <tiramisu> His name is my name too!
[19:02] <tiramisu> Whenever we go out!
[19:02] <tiramisu> The people always shout:
[19:02] <tiramisu> There goes John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt!
[19:03] <tiramisu> (john jacob jingleheimer schmidt)
[19:03] <tiramisu> (his name is my name too...)
[19:03] <tiramisu> (whenever we go out...)
[19:03] <tiramisu> (the people always shout...)
[19:03] <tiramisu> HIS NAME IS MY NAME TOO!
[19:03] <tiramisu> WHENEVER WE GO OUT!
[19:03] <tiramisu> THE PEOPLE ALWAYS SHOUT:
[19:03] <tiramisu> S
[19:03] <tiramisu> S
[19:03] <tiramisu> S
[19:03] <tiramisu> S
[19:03] <tiramisu> S
[19:03] <tiramisu> SELF
[19:04] <tiramisu> DESTRUCT
[19:04] ** tiramisu has quit (Quit: )
[19:04] <pharazon> I can see wh your dissertation is in trouble...
[19:04] <twabs> tra la la la la la la la
? Cev Grammatis Qaghan
posts: 80
, Operon message
<Coov> So what film-franchise-that-already-has-a-bunch-of-direct-to-dvd-sequels-that-nobody-talks-about do you think could best do with an ignores-all-the-other-sequels sequel to the original?
<Coov> coz I think it could be done with Land Before Time. maybe.
<@pharazon> agreed
<@pharazon> they could finally get to the Land During Time

<Barsuga> I always wonder how much of the bullying on TV is bowlderization
<Barsuga> In my experience you never really got swirlies or noogies or wedgies
<Barsuga> They just kicked you
<Barsuga> and called you a faggot

<Barsuga> Mb he has tenure
<Barsuga> but then again he's just a student
<Smawg> student tenure
<Smawg> that's where you threaten to tell the newspaper that the head of your department raped you

<Barsuga> why do the racists want us to kill the blacks when the Macedonians are the inferior race

<@vlad> we're not supposed to use <b></b> anymore, we're supposed to use <span style="font-weight: bold;"></span>
<@vlad> that's better somehow

<Barsuga> People talk about biases for longitude and latitude for maps of the earth
<Barsuga> but what about altitude
<Barsuga> Why are we mapping the surface of the earth
<Barsuga> seems like what surface dwellers would do
? tiramisu posts: 76
, Baron message
<Smawg> or it'd be like in David Gerrold books, where there are whole planets of gay people who reproduce via artificial womb
<CUM_SIURAN> isn't that a thing in yaali's gay furry conworld?
<Smawg> oh?
<Smawg> the most effective cure of all
<Smawg> just run around and shoot all the women
<twabsette> didn't rhetorica do that also
<Smawg> we'd have seen that in the news
<twabsette> I meant the conworld thing
<twabsette> I cannot speak to whether or not rhetorica ran around and shot all the women
? Rhetorica Your Writing System Sucks
posts: 1292
, Kelatetía: Dis, Major Belt 1
[Editorial Note: Yes, there are two human cultures in my conworld setting that are monogendered, but they're both female-only. In one case, the males were killed by alien captors who saw them as competition. In the other, the convergence of eugenics and intellectual property law made it possible to inherit copyrights matrilineally and obtain royalties from citations indefinitely; those who objected left to form their own culture, which is decidedly less prudish. If you want to accuse a writer of examining misogyny ne plus ultra, go bang on Frank Herbert's door; his fixation with axolotl tanks goes beyond Dune and can be found in Hellstrom's Hive (1973), long before they were actually expounded upon in his great opus.]
? Izambri Left of the middle
posts: 969
, Duke, the Findible League
<pharazon> !gpt what would the characters in the fellowship of the ring be named if they all had stereotypical fraternity and sorority names
<Naima2> -Brodo "Bro" Swaggins. -Pippin "Pip" Puckerin. -Merry "Merry" Mackenzie. -Aragorn "A-Rad" Harrington. -Legolas "Legs" McLean. -Gimli "Gim" Nelson. -Gandalf "G-Money" Emerson. -Boromir "B-Roc" Bartholomew. -Frodo "Frosty" McBain. -Samwise "Sammy" Adams

Greatest among the greatest Naimaquotes.


When Gandalf is hungry...

<Athalon> !gpt scene from the fellowship of the ring where gandalf suggests eating Billy the pony
<Naima> Gandalf: "All we have to do is find him. Hobbit, pony - it makes no difference to me. We're going to need food". Gimli: "Aye, and something to drink. I could do with a pony myself right now". [The Fellowship of the Ring, J.R.R. Tolkien]

<Athalon> !gpt Scene from the Fellowship of the Ring where Gandalf suggests eating the Hobbits
<Naima> Gandalf: "If you would just step aside, my dear friends, and let me have a word with our little Hobbits here, I think I could persuade them to try a bite of something."


<pharazon> !gpt write a scene of the fellowship having to pass through a toll in the mines of Moria
<Naima> The fellowship is making its way through the mines of Moria when they come to a toll. Gandalf steps forward and speaks to the orc guarding the toll. Gandalf: “We seek passage through these mines. We are willing to pay whatever fee is required”. Orc: “You don't have enough coin to pay the toll”. Gandalf: “I am sure we can come to some arrangement”. Orc: “No, you don't have enough”. Gandalf: “What if we offer you this magic ring”. Orc: “That might be enough”.

You had one job, Gandalf.


<Athalon> !gpt Write a scene where a short-sighted Gimli tries to tell a pebble why is fine to sleep naked
<Naima> Gimli: Hey little pebble, why don't you come sleep with me tonight. Pebble: Why would I want to do that. Gimli: Because it's really comfortable! You should try it sometime. Pebble: No thanks, I'm happy just the way I am. Gimli: suit yourself. But you're missing out on a great experience!

Ehrm... wut


On carrots and pebbles

<Athalon> !gpt How much smart can a carrot be?
<Naima> Well, a carrot can't be very smart.
<Athalon> !gpt But you don't deny it
<Naima> I don't deny it.
<Athalon> !gpt So carrots can have some degree of intelligence
<Naima> Carrots can certainly have some degree of intelligence, though it may not be on the same level as humans.
<Athalon> !gpt Which is more intelligent, a carrot or a pebble?
<Naima> A carrot is more intelligent than a pebble.
? twabs fair maiden
posts: 228
, Conversational Speaker, [ˈaɪwə]
<Smawg> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alamo_(sculpture)
<Smawg> I've had lunch next to this thing
<Smawg> looks stupider in person
<pharazon> i like the cube
<Smawg> pharazon did you get the rona too
<Smawg> for you have no taste

<kaakitwitaasota> we are now learning about how political systems are reflected in musical texture
<twabs> what's the musical texture of anarcho-capitalism
<kaakitwitaasota> polyphony, where one line is pink floyd and the other line white power metal

<ayyub> I need to become a better interior decorator
<ayyub> now that I have Space
<pharazon> try sucking a dick

<tiramisu> from what I gather, Gen Z is more into amateur porn via Snapchat, OnlyFans, Reddit, etc
<Smawg> yes
<Smawg> they've had all the regular stuff
<Smawg> and nudes/slutty selfies made *for you* are pretty great
<Smawg> these new services let the young people get a simulacrum of that
<Barsuga> or just get laid
<Barsuga> u losers
<Smawg> we're talking about porn here
<Barsuga> getting laid is like VR porn
<Barsuga> Make your own adventure porn

<Cev> All the old neolithic cave paintings of "animals" are really just racist caricatures of Far Tribe

<CUM_SIURAN> Cevf: let's play cowboys and indians. I'll be network engineer Raj Patel
<Cevf> Ques; Ok. I'll be the Minotaur, bastard son of Pasiphae!

<Cov> So tired and hungry
<@Legion> eat a bed

[11:58:26 am] <Barsuga> also every thought is a real object
[11:58:49 am] <Barsuga> and you can buy mine for the low low price of $9.99
[11:59:05 am] <twabs> I would like to buy your thoughts
[11:59:14 am] <twabs> but I can only offer a penny
[11:59:27 am] <Barsuga> Well let me see what I have in the bargain bin
[11:59:46 am] <Barsuga> It's a remake of Transformers but they transform into trees
[12:48:18 pm] <Barsuga> I have another idea for sale
[12:48:27 pm] <Barsuga> it's a clown shoe with a fleshlight in it

<totopochtli> !gpt who do you fancy more, twabs or pharazon?
<Naima> There's no contest, I definitely prefer twabs! They're just so much more fun and easy to talk to.
<pharazon> :-[
<pharazon> tfw asimov didn't add a 4th law about not breaking hearts 😧

<Smawg> !gpt what if there were ten clones of Hitler
<Naima> It would be a disaster! There would be mass genocide and worldwide chaos. Thankfully, there are only four known clones of Hitler, and they are all safely contained.
? twabs fair maiden
posts: 228
, Conversational Speaker, [ˈaɪwə]
<Cev> Legion tortures bacteria in his spare time.
<Barsuga> His entire body is filled with sadistic cells to torture bacterias
<Whimemsz> (terrorist cells)

<pharazon> are the priests attractive tho
<ntyler2> depends on age and other factors
<ntyler2> I know of at least 3
<ntyler2> then Catholic priests have the added danger in that they might be gays who are trying to have an excuse not to get married
<pharazon> can't spell cassock without ass and cock

<Smaug> btw a few minutes ago a guy walked in and was halfway to the bathroom before he stopped, turned around, and said "hey, where's the bathroom?"
<Smaug> I said "it's over there" without indicating a direction and he turned around and walked straight there

<Radius> hmm, what would be Florida Man's superpower
<Barsuga> meth

<Play> though Im nowhere near finished because i still have to come up with a way to say all manner of things like "you, a girl" in one word like I do with Poswa
<Barsuga> me, an intellectual

<Izambri> In front of the house there's one of the tallest flagpoles in the world.
<miekko> imagine if the pissing contest became focused on the size of the actual flag
<miekko> once you have something that is like a football field up there
<miekko> that thing can actually cause some havoc if things go wrong
<miekko> so that's a thing we probably should get them to do

<Izambri> I can confirm that ancient Catalans were obsessed with penises.
<pharazon> (Izambri's mother is very old)

<Barsuga> Let's make a movie
<Barsuga> It's about a gay bar planning to steal the gay bomb
<Barsuga> To detonate on their dance floor
<Whimemsz> can the name of the movie be The Gay Agenda
<Barsuga> The subtitle will be "It's a gay bomb, baby"
<Smawg> what will the gay bomb do to a gay nightclub
<Barsuga> Smawg : Stimulate them sexually
<Barsuga> The heist crew will be like Ocean 11, except it's the Village People

<Legion> doing your taxes? suddenly there's a dick in your mouth

<barsuga-phone> I remember once when I was a kid
<barsuga-phone> We were eating outside
<barsuga-phone> And then a wasp came by and landed in my plate
<barsuga-phone> And flew away carrying a whole grain of rice
<barsuga-phone> Pretty solid loot for a wasp

<Smaug> I have made a purchase
<Smaug> all twelve issues of HERCULES UNBOUND
<Barsuga> wouldn't the book be better if it was bound

<totopochtli> can you measure gayness with physics?
<Barsuga> Density of hardons
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