Romanization Thread
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? Nortaneous ? ?????
posts: 467
, Marquis, Maryland
/m n ɳ ɲ ŋ/ <m n nh ñ ng>
/p pʼ pʰ t tʼ tʰ ʈ ʈʼ ʈʰ k kʼ kʰ q qʰ/ <p b ph t d th tr dr thr k g kh q qh>
/ts tsʼ tsʰ tɬ tɬʼ tɬʰ tɕ tɕʼ tɕʰ tʂ tʂʼ tʂʰ cç/ <z dz zh x dl xh j dj jh c dc ch cy>
/f s ɕ ʂ x χ ħ h/ <f s sy sh x vh xh h>
/ʋ ɹ j ʕ/ <v r y gh>
/r ʀ/ <rr rh>
/ɾ/ <r>
/l ɭ ʎ ɬ/ <l lr ly lh>

/i y ɯ u/ <i iu w u>
/e ø ɤ o/ <e eu oe o>
/ɛ œ ʌ ɔ/ <ae eo oa aw>
/a/ <a>

/a˧ a˥ a˩ a˧˥ a˧˩ a˩˧ a˥˧/ <a á à aá aà àa áa>
/a̤˧ a̤˥ a̤˩ a̤˧˥ a̤˧˩/ <ah...>
/a̰˥ a̰˩/ <aq...>
example text:

/na˥mis˥ ʂu˧ na˧ʂe˥ti˩ ʋa˥tʂa˩ ʋa˧ħai˥tat˩ kṵ˥kai˩ ka˩la̤˧ ytɬ˥pa˧sap˧ ja˧ŋa˩tsa˧ tɕɔ˩ka˥nu˧ am˧pʰu˧mu˧ɹi˧˩sap˧ ki̤˧˥kal˧lain˧˨sap˧ uɹ˧ɹa˩ me˧ʋa˥nu˧ ytɬ˥tʼa˧sap˧ ja˧pʰø˩na˥nu˧ en˧ ʋa˥kœym˩to˧ ʋa˥tʂa˩ tɕa˩jœi˧pɛt˩ uɹ˧ɹa˧/

Námís shu nashétì vácà vaxháítàt kúqkàì kàlah íúxpasap yangàza jàẁkánu amphumuriìsap kiíhkallaìnsap ur-rà mevánu íúxdasap yaphèùnánu en vákèùìmto vácà jayeoypàèt ur-ra.
? Nesescosac Verborum qaghatun
posts: 31
, Foreigner message
damn nort you're good at what you do
? Nortaneous ? ?????
posts: 467
, Marquis, Maryland
it would be better to use separate diacritics for contour tones so you don't get shit like <èùì> but I don't have a fancy deadkeying keyboard
? Nortaneous ? ?????
posts: 467
, Marquis, Maryland
also r-underdot for the approximant since I somehow missed that there are *four* rhotics

[uvular rhotics are Bad and Wrong but owell]
? twabs fair maiden
posts: 228
, Conversational Speaker, /ˈajwʌ/
Onsets: /p t k d g ∅/ + /ɹ w j ɥ n l ∅/
Vowels: /i-y ɯ-u ɤ-o ʌ-ɔ/ with progressive rounding harmony
Codas: /ɹ w j ɥ ɰ z/
Tones: /˦˥ ˦˥˧ ˧˦ ˦˨ ˨/ (high rising, high circumflex, mid rising, falling, and low level approximately)

I'd like to do some sort of contraction system which *may* involve central vowels. Not going to do that yet though.

Schleicher's fable:
jʌ˧˦a˧˦ wyɹ˦˥ kɤ˦˥tʌɹ˧˦ ɥoɹ˦˥tjo˨ dou˧˦. ʌɹ˦˥˧ do˦˨no˨ pu˦˥t i˧˦ ʌɹ˦˥˧ do˦˨ noi˦˥to˨ klʌr˦˨ki˦˥˧ tu˦˥˧ly˦˥˧ i˧˦ ʌɹ˦˥˧ noi˦˥to˨ ga˧˦ wʌɥ˦˨. wyɹ˦˥ ɥoɹ˦˥tjo˨ dou˧˦: "ʌ˦˥ lʌ˦˥ɹɤi˦˨tʌ˧˦ ki˧˦nʌ˦˥˧ ɥo˦˥ɹɔ˦˥kjɔ˦˨ tʌ˦˨ wʌɥ˦˨ pu˨nɔi˦˨dɔ˦˥ki˦˥˧ dou˧˦." dou˧˦ ɥoiɹ˦˥toiz˦˥: "wyɹ˦˥ u˦˥ty˨, lʌ˦˥ɹɤi˦˨ti˧˦ ky˧˦nɔ˦˥˧ ɥo˦˥ɹɔ˦˥kwy˦˥ tʌ˧˦ni˦˥˧: wʌɥ˦˨ di˧˦nɤɰ˦˨ pʌ˦˥tjɤ˨ wuɹ˦˥ɥou˨ knii˦˥˧ wɤi˧˦. i˧˦ wyɹ˦˥ kɤ˦˥ti˧˦." y˦˥ty˦˥tjɔ˦˨ wyɹ˦˥ tu˦˥˧wɔɹ˦˨tjo˨ noi˦˨.

Yes, I *know* it's Asian. I'm not concerned about that. Feel free to yell at me for doing tones wrong, though.
? Nortaneous ? ?????
posts: 467
, Marquis, Maryland
<p t k d g> <r w y yw n l>
<r o i ü/iu g z/s>

<i ü/iu e/ɯ/ui u e o ae oa a>, or <a aa> / <a ah> for <ae a>

not doing tones bc too hard

Ya'ah wiur ketar ywortio dou. Ar dono put i ar do noito klarki tuliu i ar noito ga waiu. Wiur wyortio dou: "A lareita kina wyorokio ta waiu punoidoki dou." Dou wyoirtois: "Wiur utiu, lareiti kiuno wyorokuiu tani: waiu dineg patie wurwyou kni wei. I wiur keti." Iutiutio wiur tuwortiu noi.
? twabs fair maiden
posts: 228
, Conversational Speaker, /ˈajwʌ/
Here's something rather older—two things, that is, a parent and its descendant. I'm not quite sure what the phonology is; I've just taken a wordlist and made it into sentences.

Apparent phonology: /t k q b d g tʃ dʒ ʃ ʒ s x h v l m n r j/ and /a e i o u aj aw a: i: u:/

/hevu: bubhawvʃawt su:qqen kunugvo ra:mnis qa:x jajtta:k, kaj hej hevu: najdʒra:haw nahilmor majgʃu nebbek dudsa:q ra:mnis hevu: las kavi nud mokvoʃa:lo. nebbek jajtta:k kaj "lun, lun, lun!" ra:mnis "lun" najdʒra:haw tʃajnrawh, hu: ra:mnis "qa:qa:" nebbek qa:x najdʒra:haw nud. dʒi berditu:d kaj tʃalda, tʃi:x, tʃawn hevu: hu: vom hevu: mevxe. kaj xublak ʃajjam tʃalda li:mun nahilmor, kaj boʃa; nu: tʃalda vom kavi kitru:g hu: dʒaimbaʃ./

Apparent phonology: /p b t (d?) k g f v s z ʃ ʒ ʕ ħ ʔ m n ŋ j/; /a ɛ e i o u/ + length plus /ɜ ɨ ɒː ow/, and phonemic stress.

/tʃɨˈjaː pifiˈves ˈaʔaː ˈxuŋbe ʕaːˈniː xɒː jɨˈʔaː, xe jeː tʃɨˈjaː nɨˈʒʕoː njeːˈmiħ ˈmeʒɨ nɜˈʔiː tɨˈzɒː ʕaːˈniː tʃɨˈjaː naː xɜˈvi nus mɛˈfaː. nɜˈʔiː jɨˈʔaː xe "nuː, nuː, nuː!" ʕaːˈniː "nuː" nɨˈʒʕoː tʃiːˈʕo, ow nɨˈʒʕoː "xɒːˈkɒː" nɜˈʔiː xɒː nɨˈʒʕoː nus. ʃi pʕɜʃˈus xe ʃaːs ʃuː, ʃaːm tʃɨˈjaː ow vɛː tʃɨˈjaː ˈmɛve. xe xɨvˈnix ʃɜˈʔaː ʃaːs ˈniːmiː njeːˈmiħ xe feˈʃi; nuː ʃaːs vɛː xɜˈvi kɨsˈʕuːx ow ʃaːmˈbiː. ˈʔaŋgɔː nɜˈʒɛʔɜ xe oʔˈaħ./
? twabs fair maiden
posts: 228
, Conversational Speaker, /ˈajwʌ/
And here's my own romanization:

<t k q b d g ch j sh zh s x h v l m n r y> and <a e i o u ai au â î û>.

Hevû bubhauvshaut sûqqen kunugvo râmnis qâx yaittâk, kai hei hevû naijrâhau nahilmor maigshu nebbek dudsâq râmnis hevû las kavi nud mokvoshâlo. Nebbek yaittâk kai "lun, lun, lun!" râmnis "lun" naijrâhau chainrauh, hû râmnis "qâqâ" nebbek qâx naijrâhau nud. Ji berditûd kai chalda, chîx, chaun hevû hû vom hevû mevxe. Kai xublak shaiyam chalda lîmun nahilmor, kai bosha; nû chalda vom kavi kitrûg hû jaimbash.


<p b t k g f v s z sh zh r ḥ ʻ m n ñ y>; <a ẹ e i o u>, +circumflex for length, stress is unmarked, and /ë ï ao ou/.

Chïyâ pifives aʻâ xuñbe rânî xao yïʻâ, xe yê chïyâ nïzhrô nyêmiḥ mezhï nëʻî tïzao rânî chiyâ nâ xëvi nus mẹfâ. Në ʻî yïʻâ xe "nû, nû, nû!" rânî "nû" nïzhrô chîro, ou nïzhrô "xaokao" nëʻî xao nïzhrô nus. Shi prëshus xe shâs, shû, shâm chïyâ ou vệ chïyâ mẹve. Xe xïvnix shërâ shâs nîmî nyêmiḥ xe feshi; nû shâs vệ xëvi kïsrûx ou shâmbî. ʻAñgộ nëzhẹʻë xe oʻaḥ.
? Hallow XIII Primordial Crab
posts: 539
, 巴塞尔之侯
/p t tʲ ts tsʲ ʈ tʃ k ʔ/
/b d dʲ z~dz zʲ~dzʲ ɖ dʒ ɡ/
/m̥ n̥ n̥ʲ ɳ̥/
/m n nʲ ɳ/
/f s sʲ ʂ x h/
/ʋ l lʲ ɭ ɽ~ɻ j/

/i u/
/e o õ/
/ɛ ɔ ɛ̃/
/a ɑ̃/

There are two tones. All vowels can be short or long. Syllable structure is roughly CCVC.

/ki˥mɛ̃˩ ʔʋal˥ɡiː˩ kɔ˥joː˥ ʔdʲaɡ˩ mi˥tʲaː˥ ʋaʔ˥ za˥n̥ʲɔ˩/
/stɔ˩m̥ɔː˥ mi˩ka˥ʋeː˥ zɔk˥ɳa˥ɽe˥/
/ki˥mɛ̃˩ dʒal˩ʋɛ˥ tsaʔ˥ɖɛ˥ faː˥ɽɔ˩ jõ˩ɳa˥ɽe˥/
? Matrix Chronicler of the Myriad
posts: 216
, Conversational Speaker message
/p t tʲ ts tsʲ ʈ tʃ k ʔ/ <p t c ts ch tr tch k '>
/b d dʲ z~dz zʲ~dzʲ ɖ dʒ ɡ/ <b d j z jh dr djh g>
/m̥ n̥ n̥ʲ ɳ̥/ <mh nh nyh nrh>
/m n nʲ ɳ/ <m n ny nr>
/f s sʲ ʂ x h/ <f s sh sr kh h>
/ʋ l lʲ ɭ ɽ~ɻ j/ <v l ly lr r y>

/i u/ <i u>
/e o õ/ <ei ou oun>
/ɛ ɔ ɛ̃/ <e o en>
/a ɑ̃/ <a an>

/There are two tones. All vowels can be short or long. Syllable structure is roughly CCVC./ <Low Tone = Vw, Long Vowel = VV>

/ki˥mɛ̃˩ ʔʋal˥ɡiː˩ kɔ˥joː˥ ʔdʲaɡ˩ mi˥tʲaː˥ ʋaʔ˥ za˥n̥ʲɔ˩/
/stɔ˩m̥ɔː˥ mi˩ka˥ʋeː˥ zɔk˥ɳa˥ɽe˥/
/ki˥mɛ̃˩ dʒal˩ʋɛ˥ tsaʔ˥ɖɛ˥ faː˥ɽɔ˩ jõ˩ɳa˥ɽe˥/

Kimewn 'valgiiw koyoou 'jawg micaa va' zanyhow.
Stowmhoo miwkaveei zoknrarei.
Kimewn djhawlve tsa'dre faarow youwnnrarei.
? Travis B. posts: 603
, Crystallogen, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
/p t tʲ ts tsʲ ʈ tʃ k ʔ/ ⟨p t ty ts tsy tr c k '⟩
/b d dʲ z~dz zʲ~dzʲ ɖ dʒ ɡ/ ⟨b d dy z zy dr j g⟩
/m̥ n̥ n̥ʲ ɳ̥/ ⟨hm hn hny hnr⟩
/m n nʲ ɳ/ ⟨m n ny nr⟩
/f s sʲ ʂ x h/ ⟨f s sy sr x h⟩
/ʋ l lʲ ɭ ɽ~ɻ j/ ⟨v l ly lr r y⟩

/i u/ ⟨i u⟩
/e o õ/ ⟨ei ou oun⟩
/ɛ ɔ ɛ̃/ ⟨e o en⟩
/a ɑ̃/ ⟨a an⟩

There are two tones. All vowels can be short or long. Syllable structure is roughly CCVC.

/a˩ a˥ aː˩ aː˥/ ⟨à á ā â⟩

/ki˥mɛ̃˩ ʔʋal˥ɡiː˩ kɔ˥joː˥ ʔdʲaɡ˩ mi˥tʲaː˥ ʋaʔ˥ za˥n̥ʲɔ˩/
/stɔ˩m̥ɔː˥ mi˩ka˥ʋeː˥ zɔk˥ɳa˥ɽe˥/
/ki˥mɛ̃˩ dʒal˩ʋɛ˥ tsaʔ˥ɖɛ˥ faː˥ɽɔ˩ jõ˩ɳa˥ɽe˥/

Kímèn 'válgī kóyôu 'dyàg mítyâ vá' záhnyò.
Stòhmô mìkávêi zóknráréi.
Kímèn jàlvé tsá'dré fârò yòunnráréi.
? Rhetorica Your Writing System Sucks
posts: 1292
, Kelatetía message
You mentioned this really well!
Superb stuff, Thanks a lot.
That is very fascinating, You are an excessively skilled blogger. I've joined your rss feed and stay up for looking for extra of your excellent post.
http://www.[redacted by mod; also we're blaming the French].com/
? dhok posts: 235
, Alkali Metal, Array
quoting MichaelJek, lurker:
Superb stuff, Thanks a lot.
That is very fascinating, You are an excessively skilled blogger. I've joined your rss feed and stay up for looking for extra of your excellent post.

new translation challenge y/y
? Rhetorica Your Writing System Sucks
posts: 1292
, Kelatetía: Dis, Major Belt 1
I'm offended this happened.
? Izambri Left of the middle
posts: 969
, Duke, the Findible League
? Hâlian the Protogen
posts: 142
, Alípteza, Florida
I know this! It's a UNIX system!
? Hâlian the Protogen
posts: 142
, Alípteza, Florida
We need email confirmation or something.
? Rhetorica Your Writing System Sucks
posts: 1292
, Kelatetía message
Very good page
Amazing website you possess here
? Jipí der saz ûf eime steine
posts: 291
, Transition Metal, Marburg, Germany
quoting Hàlian, Atetía, Florida:
We need email confirmation or something.

I wouldn't be surprised if spambots had a way to deal with that, too. From quickly looking at the code it seems, though, that there's nothing to keep bots out on the registration page.
? hwhatting posts: 105
, Sophomore, Bonn, Germany
quoting , lurker:
Amazing website you possess here

Without the link, I'd suspect this to be a mafia bot. ;-)
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