Shiffaractean Roots
Wherein a selection of roots and their descendants is given
Anthologica Universe Atlas / Universes / Šaol / Shiffaractean / Shiffaractean Roots

This is a testbed page at the moment, experimenting with different ways for how best to present the Shiffaractean roots and derivations.
-ẹi intensifier
-ại definite marker, augmentive
-ọ indefinite marker
-ẹ nominaliser
-ẹ verbal suffix
-īsi modal/inceptive suffix
ite- causative
Ambiguous Use
-īkh locative

In the following tables, forms with no given meaning carry the meaning from the left, or immediately above if none is present to the left.
St Steppe  Faj Fajau  Ins Insular  Co Coastal  Šem Šemarahśe  Lei Leidas
rootglosssuffixed formsattestationsmetathesized variants
driw-peopleSt ḏryḏs self-referent
Ins drọ people (generic)
Faj dru person
elạtjī-haveSt elčī-
Ins eličī-
Faj -ĕrci-
enu-turn, curve, circle
jardh-maniraptoran (generic)jardh-ại-St jarðis oviraptorid herd animal
Co jaθrɜi-
kaw-person, anyman;kaw-sạ-ại > kausạiSt kaġis
relative pronounkaw-sạ-ọ > kawsọSt kawọs
lei-seeSt lei- see
nại-relativenại-ẹi-St nīæs blood relative
nại-aus- male relativeSt nīausọs father
Faj năîax, stem năîaŵ-
nại-aus-ẹi-Ins nọyāse father
Co nɜiaus
nại-mou- female relativeSt nīmus motherFaj măînōx mother
Co nɜimɜwi- grandmotherŠem mɛnoʷi sister
nại-mou-ẹi-Ins nọimuse mother
ọnufor, throughSt ọn
Co ɞnu

thại-foot, standthại-īsi-stand-incep, riseSt þīsu-
Faj tăîs-
tjại-tongue, speech
tjại-ẹ-St čīæn- speak, say
Faj căîĕx say
ttjẹith-eat fleshSt nǯǣþ- eat
Ins chęs- eat meat
ttjẹitjardhfaralosaurttjẹitjardh-ại-St nǯǣčarðis faralosaur

ʒọgiveSt dọ-
Ins ẓo-
Faj dē-

Placeholder for important things here