<!>Translat-not-so-matic (2014-06-16 01:15:47)
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? Travis B. posts: 603
, Crystallogen, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Three Rings for the Elven-kings    under the sky,
Seven for the Dwarf-lords    in their halls of stone,
Nine for Mortal Men    doomed to die,
One for the Dark Lord    on his dark throne
In the Land of Mordor    where the Shadows lie.
One Ring to rule them all,    One Ring to find them,
One Ring to bring them all    and in the darkness bind them
In the Land of Mordor    where the Shadows lie.

Nàm-kà-te pháng Jìng-lhà-hé-re-t Bàrn Sùm,
Lhúk-ki tan-thá-lì-á-re-n Nyì-tsá-lhà-ráng-re-t Ní,
Tan-kár sí srí Sí-a Mìr-re-t Kù,
Ta-thùng-ta mún-na Ráng mún-te-t Bàrn Tèk,
Thé-n drìp-re-te nà Mùr-dùr-k Ràm-te-n thé.
Bàrn Tèk khùr dzì, Bàrn Tèk thé-ne wu-tshár,
Bàrn Tèk khùr wàn, mún-ta-te-n thé-ne wu-jìt,
Thé-n drìp-re-te nà Mùr-dùr-k Ràm-te-n thé.

[nàmkàtè pʰáŋ dʑìŋɬàhéɻéʔt̚ bà˞n sùm |
ɬúʔk̚kí tántʰálìàɻèn ɲìtsáɬàɻàŋɻèʔt̚ ní |
tánká˞ sí ʂí síá mì˞ɻèʔt̚ kù |
tàtʰùŋtà múnná ɻáŋ múntéʔt̚ bà˞n tèʔk̚ |
tʰén dʐìʔp̚ɻètè nà mù˞dù˞ʔk̚ ràmtèn tʰé ‖
bà˞n tèʔk̚ kʰù˞ dzì | bà˞n tèʔk̚ tʰéné wútsʰá˞ |
bà˞n tèʔk̚ kʰù˞ wàn | múntátén tʰéné wùdʑìʔt̚ |
tʰén dʐìʔp̚ɻètè nà mù˞dù˞ʔk̚ ràmtèn tʰé]

Nàm-kàsky-te=DEF phángunder Jìngforest-lhà-spirit-hé-king-re=PL-t=ALL Bàrnring Sùm,three
Lhúkstone-ki=GEN tan-POSS.3P=thá-lì-áhall-re=PL-n=LOC Nyì-tságround-lhà-spirit-ráng-lord-re=PL-t=ALL Ní,seven
Tan-POSS.3P=kárfate die sríbe die-a-FUT Mìrperson-re=PL-t=ALL Kù,nine
Ta-POSS.3S=thùngsit-ta=OBJN múndark-na=LOC Ránglord múndark-te=DEF-t=ALL Bàrnring Tèkone
Thé3S-n=LOC drìpshadow-re=PL-te=DEF stay Mùr-dùrMordor-k=GEN Ràmland-te=DEF-n=LOC thé3S
Bàrnring Tèkone khùrall dzì,rule Bàrnring Tèkone thé3-ne-PL wu-INV-tshár,find
Bàrnring Tèkone khùrall wàn,bring múndark-ta=OBJN-te=DEF-n=LOC thé3-ne-PL wu-INVjìtbind
Thé3S-n=LOC drìpshadow-re=PL-te=DEF stay Mùr-dùrMordor-k=GEN Ràmland-te=DEF-n=LOC thé3S

That translation did not aim to maintain the meter of the original, but just to do it required adding a whole bit of new vocabulary. I also had to change the word order from the original significantly just to have grammatical Thote; I had an earlier version thereof which was closer to the original in word order but which was entirely ungrammatical.