<!>Speak in Your Conlang Thread (2014-06-28 23:32:48)
Speak in Your Conlang Thread
Anthologica Universe Atlas / Forums / Scriptorium / Speak in Your Conlang Thread / <!>Speak in Your Conlang Thread (2014-06-28 23:32:48)

? Travis B. posts: 603
, Crystallogen, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Gure pè mêe śe sêne miřećiařełuarezehevå ćiařełèńilè śe toli ńê śe kunećiařemoezehełe sive mia paje śe pajetuźi cè lèje.
[ɡurə pɛ meːə ɕə seːnə miɹətɕi̯aɹəlu̯arəzəhəʋɒ tɕi̯aɹəlɛɲiʎɛ ɕə tɔʎi ɲeː ɕə kunətɕi̯aɹəmɔəzəhələ siʋə mi̯a pajə ɕə pajətuʑi tsɛ ʎɛjə]
Gurereduce PAS.ST mêemain śeDEF sênething.NOM.S miře-action-ćiaře-word-łuareagree-zehevå-ABST.ALL.S ćiaře-word-łèńilèpart.GEN.P śeDEF tolinumber.ACC.S ńêand śeDEF kune-name-ćiaře-word-moechange-zehełe-ABST.GEN.S sivestill miathough pajeelaborate śeDEF pajeelaborate-tuźi-PROP.ACC.S be AFF-je.-NOM.3S.A

The main thing that is reduced is the number of morphemes for verb agreement and the elaborateness of the nominal declension, which though is still elaborate.