<!>Translat-o-matic (2014-07-31 17:45:05)
Anthologica Universe Atlas / Forums / Scriptorium / Translat-o-matic / <!>Translat-o-matic (2014-07-31 17:45:05)

? prettydragoon Speaker-to-Animals
posts: 13
, Serf, Haru, Rireinu
My father's native language is English, I can understand and speak it.

mano timano emotire yumatire yakava· ma sana to enata to puuta hopokava:

ma-no1S-GEN tima-nocomother-GEN emo-tirebirthmother-language.NOM yuma-tireHuman-language.NOM ya-ka-vabe-PRS-SENS

ma1S.NOM sa-na3S.INAN-PTV toand ena-taunderstand-INF toand puu-taspeak-INF hopo-ka-vabe.able-PRS-SENS

My comother's native language is Human, I can understand and speak it.