<!>Speak in Your Conlang Thread (2014-08-03 06:26:08)
Speak in Your Conlang Thread
Anthologica Universe Atlas / Forums / Scriptorium / Speak in Your Conlang Thread / <!>Speak in Your Conlang Thread (2014-08-03 06:26:08)

? Nessari ?????? ?????? ????????
posts: 932
, Illúbequía, Seattle, Cascadia
Koko-∅1sg.pron-dir łeskafilaqəũmpołes-siŗ-kapilaqe-õ-poinchoat-pfv-emph.screw.up-1p.tr-refl koko-∅1sg.pron-dir siṡentẽãsəwmi.si-ṡentẽã-s-e=umidef-obstacle-obl-neut=dat
I managed to smear myself to the rock blocking my path.
(slightly more intelligibly) Welp I managed to wipe myself out all over the problem.

This is my first pubilic attempt at a Common Zein sentence since I've started revamping it bigtime. EVA word order and a bit of sandhi so I can make the daughters more interesting. I'll probably drop the pronouns for reflexives, triple-marking is a bit overkill. The original concept was to make Salanjan more analytic…I think I might have failed rather badly on that front, but I like where it's going so I'm happy

For shits & giggles, in Anaşali, it's
Korzakor-za1pers-erg česmenjamumčesmenjam-umobstacle-dat serumser-umthat.one-dat jakafilagreiwompa.ja-kaf-ilagrei-on-papfv-despic-smear.foully-1p.tr-refl