<!>Sound Change Appliers (2014-08-26 04:19:35)
Sound Change Appliers
Anthologica Universe Atlas / Forums / Miscellaneria / Sound Change Appliers / <!>Sound Change Appliers (2014-08-26 04:19:35)

? Matrix Chronicler of the Myriad
posts: 216
, Conversational Speaker message
Here's the full ruleset:
K = k g ng
T = m p b f v n t d s z c j r l ny y
N = ḿ ń ŋ ñ ññ
C = T K
V = i ì e è a aì u aa o ou

l > 0 / V_ % Postvocalic l is lost.
om on ong ony onny > ḿ ń ŋ ñ ññ / _ % Relabeling the syllabic nasals.
i ì e è a aì > u u o o aa ou / K?_(K{T N #})? % Front vowels back after syllable-initial velars and before syllable-final velars.
u aa > ì a / {c j Cy}?_({c j Cy}{T N #})? % Back vowels front after syllable-initial 'palatals' and before syllable-final 'palatals'.