<!>Oh my Dawkins (I'm Atheist, deal with it) (2014-09-17 17:58:07)
Oh my Dawkins (I'm Atheist, deal with it)
Anthologica Universe Atlas / Forums / Miscellaneria / Oh my Dawkins (I'm Atheist, deal with it) / <!>Oh my Dawkins (I'm Atheist, deal with it) (2014-09-17 17:58:07)

? Pthagnar Benedictine Ovulation
posts: 209
, Quaestor Foraminis Aspirationis
u lecture me, an inhabitant of the land of the Daily Mail, about idiocy tourism and the press


the fine young capitalists chapter isn't the half of it, either.
you are right to say that that the piece isn't a simple bit of good-natured idiocy: i gather that the scandal is more than just an affirmative action programme for white nerdettes, and is also the work of the clique who runs the games journalism racket [many of whom appear to be white, straight men, the worst kind of person]. this is part of the smokescreen thrown up to try to silence their detractors by calling them ungoodthinkful cis white male skkkum who are ugly and fat and etc. etc.

ne: all the products thereof have the typical sound of american new media, which is composed of equal parts professor, grade school teacher, leftist demagogue, preacher and teacher's-pet. the most amusing bit of flak i read was by some buddhist fellow who came out against fun as being SEDUCTIVE and DANGEROUS and accused The Detractors of pushing a spiritual agenda. Meanwhile, his CV explained how his life's work was... getting Buddhist concepts into media, esp video games. psychological projection is a p cool thing, and is interesting me a lot recently.

said racket seems to be pretty well organised too, with masterful use of various articles in all kinds of media, and not coordinated by utter idiots at all. but it is all calculated to provoke and encourage idiocy, which is what matters

tl;dr agree with me and like me, or shut up and go to pastor black science man's colourful space cloud church