teye tsonka
Kala common phrases
Anthologica Universe Atlas / Universes / Miscellanea / Kala / teye tsonka

Common expressions

yata - greet - Hello/Goodbye
hala - greet.INF - Hi/Hey/Bye

yomuani - morning-nice - Good morning
puamani - afternoon-nice - Good afternoon/evening
yohuani - night-nice - Good night

ke ata nayo mikelo - NOM be.called 1SG.POSS Michael - My name is Michael
ke ata tayo ka - NOM be.called 2SG.POSS Q - What is your name?

ta tama ka - 2SG be.good Q - How are you? (lit: Are you good?)
na tama - 1SG be.good - I’m fine / Good

ipeso niha - PROX-meeting nice - Nice to meet you
nanku anyatli - 1PL.RECP see-FUT - See you later (lit: we will see each other)

na kayo - 1SG be.lost - I’m lost
mo uetse ka - place toilet Q - Where is the bathroom?

yali - pardon - Pardon me / Excuse me
tsepa - please - Please (from tse’e pala, seem possible)
nyasa(mpa) - thank(-much) - Thank you (very much)
hako - response.to.thanks - You’re welcome / It was nothing
na koya - 1SG apologize - I’m sorry

ke poku ka - O cost Q - What is the cost? / How much does it cost?
uku ka - numbe Q - How many are there?
mpa - many - There are many
ta itla tsumpaue ka - 2SG this buy-DES Q - Do you want to buy this?

ke tsima ka - NOM hour Q - What time is it? (lit: what is the hour?)

to ke “bird” ma’a kala ka - way O “bird” with language Q - How do you say “bird” in Kala?

a - COP - Yes
ak / nke - not / NEG - No

na unyak - 1SG understand-NEG - I don’t understand
tsepa ta kalatsuepa ka - please 2SG speak-slow-POT Q - Can you speak slower, please?

ko ka - AG Q - Who?
nye ka - reason Q - Why?
ama ka - time Q - When?
mo ka - place Q - Where?
to ka - method Q - How?
ula ka - INDEF Q - Which?
ke ka - O Q - What?