Ethnicity and Locality
Anthologica Universe Atlas / Universes / Archaeron / Hob Culture / Ethnicity and Locality

There are 24 recognized ethnic groups of hobs, largely identified as extended families. The largest groups are the Stonetappers of central Untioch with 21% and the Emberwrights of the Jielis Edgelands with 19%.  Next is the Bricklayers of northern Shiekli with 12%, the Alleywatchers of western Untioch with 11%, and the Henminders of Maeris Kol with 9%. The remaining population is divided up among small clusters scattered across Imperial territory. These figures do not include the isolated hob settlements outside Imperial borders. Statistics disagree on how many hobs live in such settlements, but current theories estimate 5-10% of the Imperial hob population.

Hob culture tends to cluster within whatever borders their host culture uses. Within those borders, each extended family of hobs maintains their own set of strict traditions and practices. This produces a dizzying array of localized subcultures, where crossing the street in a large city way bring an outsider into a completely alien territory.