Anthologica Universe Atlas / Universes / Archaeron / Hob Culture / Spirituality

Hob spirituality centers around the worship of Euvenara and the reverence of family and ancestors. Hobs consider themselves part of a greater whole, a small component in the mighty course of their bloodline, and they take solace in that continuity.

Most hobs keep small shrines in their homes inscribed with the names of their notable ancestors. Some keep artifacts owned by such ancestors in their shrines, or even bones. Hobs pray at their shrines for guidance, or for their ancestors to carry requests to Euvenara for them. Different clans expect differing levels of attendance to family shrines. Some require daily prayers, or multiple prayers a day, to properly honor the passed relatives. Some only expect the shrine to be maintained and kept up in a respectful manner.

A larger form of the name shrines, a large stone inscribed with the names of the entire family through known history, serves as the nexus for most Euveran ceremonies. This is known as an ‘ancestor stone’, and every hob family has one somewhere in a protected area. This is often considered the spiritual heart of the family.

In some areas, hobs wear ‘patron stones’. Patron stones take the form of a bead or tile, engraved with the name of an ancestor and worn to confer that ancestor’s blessing. Some clans wear stones corresponding to many ancestors, while some encourage members to wear the stone of one particularly appropriate patron. Patron stones represent part of a general belief that the written names of ancestors attract the attention and aid of their spirits.