Tutorial Block (or something of that nature)
2014-10-30 00:13:37
Anthologica Universe Atlas / Users / bloodbath, Ph.D. / Tutorial Block (or something of that nature)

Tutorial Block (or something of that nature)

For a few years, people have asked about the possibility of me creating some sort of banknote tutorial. And, try as I might, it hasn't surfaced. There are several reasons why, the most prominent being:

·I really don't know where to go with such a tutorial. I design in a bit of a nonlinear way, bouncing here and there and not following too much of a set procedure. I do a lot of preliminary work in my mind as well, so such a tutorial may neglect various steps that I normally just skip over.

·I really don't feel comfortable or confident enough in my design ability to do a tutorial. Part of me still thinks the designs I do are very run-of-the-mill and nothing special.

With that, the big reason for this blog post is mainly to ask, if I were to do a banknotes or documents tutorial or a how-to guide, what would you like to see in it? How would you suggest it be structured?
bloodbath, Ph.D. 9 years ago


9 years ago
Think of it less as a continuous narrative and more like a set of mini-guides for creating various elements. Your primary concern should probably be taxonomy, i.e. classifying and listing out all of the common features that make up a "run-of-the-mill" note, ideally with copious examples to draw inspiration from.