<!>Grrr Thread (2014-10-31 06:38:54)
Grrr Thread
Anthologica Universe Atlas / Forums / Miscellaneria / Grrr Thread / <!>Grrr Thread (2014-10-31 06:38:54)

? Nessari ?????? ?????? ????????
posts: 932
, Illúbequía, Seattle, Cascadia
Is it too much to ask someone to make absolutely no noise in the morning, between ~4:30 and 7AM?

My landlady's SO leaves for work at around 7:15. This means he gets up between 4:30 and 5AM. I should note here that even during the evening after he gets home I often have problems with his voice, which is very deep and (to my ear, idk about what it's like to people without hypersensitivity) somewhat loud, compounded by the house's lack of interior insulation — aka I hear every damn thing that goes on in the living room, which I've just dealt with up 'til now. Anyways he gets up, and either has cereal while sitting on the couch (which is 10-15ft from my door), and constantly clanks his spoon on the bowl, or starts talking to someone (he generally keeps the TV to levels which don't bother me, thank the gods), which wakes me up; the absolute worst is when he manages to wake the dog up too, who is a spastic can't-sit-still bark-at-everything type, with her claws clicking very loudly on the wooden floors and her tag jingling constantly. It's gotten to the point where my body's been trained to wake up at 5, which means my normal ~3 hour variability in waking up, instead of being from 7-10 (which works perfectly fine) is from 2AM to 5 AM. I haven't said anything out of worry that it's just normal variation, and I have to suffer through it as another cost of having Asperger's, but this 2-5 bullshit is now actually going to start harming me, as I work schedules which range from 4PM running until 9PM. Only now, thanks to being consistently woken up at the asscrack of dawn, I'm starting to get tired at 9PM when I'm up at 5, I just got woken up at 3AM and I don't even want to think about what's going to happen tonight at work (which goes until 9PM). And I'm not even going into the sleep I'm not getting due to being a night owl.

Bottom line, is it within reason to require him to be entirely silent? I'm trying to look for other places to live, but the only promising (and really perfect, it was moving in with my best friend who I've stayed with extendedly before, working out exceedingly well) solution got torpedoed recently so I'm back to square one on that front and need something to change now.

(I've tried earplugs but they don't stay in, only doing so until awakening one out of 10 tries.)