<!>Speak in Your Conlang Thread (2014-11-15 18:20:00)
Speak in Your Conlang Thread
Anthologica Universe Atlas / Forums / Scriptorium / Speak in Your Conlang Thread / <!>Speak in Your Conlang Thread (2014-11-15 18:20:00)

? Thry posts: 55
, Gene, Spain
Σεκύρο, δεν το πρήνδω ταλ μαλβόλτο. Σήντεμαι κυριωστάς σισσήρη και δεν βείω ραζών να δεν την περσεία.
Sure, not taken as snarky. I simply feel sincere curiosity and I see no reason not to indulge in it.