<!>Quote Thread (2014-11-22 21:42:03)
Quote Thread
Anthologica Universe Atlas / Forums / Miscellaneria / Quote Thread / <!>Quote Thread (2014-11-22 21:42:03)

? Yaali Annar The Gote
posts: 94
, Initiate Speaker message
Yng: What are you watching? is it something about Islamic history?
Yng: Are you excited because you finally get to see the most beloved nabee of all the anbeyaa?
Yng: I would be.

Brel: More #isharians need to get genotyped
pharazon: Agreed
ayyub: Why?
pharazon: How am i supposed to know who to ban otherwise?

pharazon: YaaliAnnar is a cyborg, all machine except for a little semen.

TheFizzMeister: Yeah, there's no way to zoom in on Morrowind like you can with Skyrim.
TheFizzMeister: But I'm 95% sure that female models have a labia peircing.
TheFizzMeister: Now I'm wondering if male models do.
TheFizzMeister: I mean, I have to kill three male dunmer here shortly, so I suppose I can check.
TheFizzMeister: Well, more like gotta kill 'em anyways, why not look at their genitals.
TheFizzMeister: You know.
TheFizzMeister: Like a serial killer.

Cev: Westerners: fertility goddesses have 40 breasts
Cev: Easterners: fertility goddesses spray blood from their vagina