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? twabs fair maiden
posts: 228
, Conversational Speaker, /ˈajwʌ/
I get this question, about I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud by Wordsworth, in my literature class:
"Reread lines 3-12 of the poem. In your own words, describe the scene the speaker encounters."
So I answer with this:
The daffodils, they dance in streams of gold
An ocean floral, bathed in twinkling light
A sea of radiance spread across the wold
And as I look'd upon this awesome sight

My mind was struck with wonder and delight
My heart did leap with great unbounded joy
I watch'd the flowers sway from left to right
...I saw this spectacle as but a boy.

Though now I cannot see the nárkissoi1
I gladly think upon the memory
For when I do so it my heart doth cloy
With pleasure, and I find that I feel free

Free from my mortal pains and sufferings
I rest my mind in peace on other things.

1. Greek νάρκισσος— best word I could find for "daffodil"