Ilian Numbers
(Rough Draft-To be finished later)
Anthologica Universe Atlas / Universes / Terra Mala / Ilian / Ilian Numbers

Numbers in Ilian operate with a base-10 system. They also have several forms, depending on position and other things, with the most prominent being the "counting form" and the "article form".

Counting Form

The counting form is much like how one would count in a language. It forms the base for other numbers and is used when referring to, for example, operations of numbers.
1 y /ˈi/
2 két /ˈkeːt/
3 harã /ˈhaɾɐ̃/
4 patr /ˈpatɾ̩/
5 át /ˈaːt/
6 ceq /ˈʃet͡ʃ/
7 há /ˈhaː/
8 njelz /ˈɲelt͡s/
9 týva /ˈtiːʋa/
10 týca /ˈtiːʃa/

Above 10 and up until 20, numbers are regularly formed.
11 týcany /ˈtiːʃanˌi/
12 týcankét /ˈtiːʃanˌkeːt/
13 týcanharã /ˈtiːʃanˌhaɾɐ̃/
14 týcanpatr /ˈtiːʃanˌpatɾ̩/
15 týcanát /ˈtiːʃanˌaːt/
16 týcanceq /ˈtiːʃanˌʃet͡ʃ/
17 týcanhá /ˈtiːʃanˌhaː/
18 týcannjelz /ˈtiːʃaɲˌɲelt͡s/
19 týcantýva /ˈtiːʃanˌtiːʋa/
20 hés /ˈheːs/

Much like 11-19, 21-29 are regularly formed as well, as are each of the numbers within groups. Some samples are shown below.
21 hésany /ˈheːsanˌi/
22 hésankét /ˈheːsanˌkeːt/
25 hésanát /ˈheːsanˌaːt/

Further multiples of ten are as follows:
30 hárãza /ˈhaːɾɐ̃t͡sa/
40 patreva /ˈpatɾeʋa/
50 átva /ˈaːtʋa/
60 ceqva /ˈʃet͡ʃʋa/
70 háva /ˈhaːʋa/
80 njelva /ˈɲelʋa/
90 tývata /ˈtiːʋata/

At 100, things behave somewhat differently: ctá alone forces the words it modifies into a plural case without being marked itself as plural. Plurals are noted separately relative to the multiples of hundred.
100 ctá /ˈʃtaː/
101 ctá y /ˈʃtaː ˈi/
110 ctá týca /ˈʃtaː ˈtiːʃa/
200 kécty /ˈkeːʃti/
300 harãcete /ˈhaɾɐ̃ʃete/
400 patracete /ˈpatɾaʃete/
500 átcete /ˈaːtʃete/

Article Form

While the article form uses the same roots at the counting form, the major difference is that numbers from 1-99 adopt an ending that matches the noun they modify. This form depends on the final digit: singular for numbers ending in 1, dual for those ending in 2, paucal for those ending in 3-5, and plural for those ending in 6-0.
1 y /ˈi/
2 kéty /ˈkeːti/
3 harãje /ˈhaɾɐ̃je/
4 patre /ˈpatɾe/
5 áte /ˈaːte/
6 ceqák /ˈʃet͡ʃaːk/
7 hák /ˈhaːk/
8 njelzák /ˈɲelt͡saːk/
9 tývák /ˈtiːʋaːk/
10 týcák /ˈtiːʃaːk/