Anthologica Universe Atlas / Universes / The Allosphere / Otkh / Phonology

/p tʰ t cʰ c x q/ <b t d c j k/kh q>
/f θ ʃ h/ <f th s h>
/ɮ ɣ/ <l g>
/m n r j/ <m n r y>
/ɑ ɛ ɔ e i ɨ u/ + length <a/ä e a e/i/ai i ü u>

The phonemes written /x q/ vary between [kx qχ] and [x χ]:
/xɛːɮm/ [kxɛːɮbm]
/ɔtxɔn/ [ɔtxɔdn]
/muːʃx/ [muːʃx]
/ɮɔx/ [ɮɔx]

/qeɮm/ [qχeɮbm]
/mɔʃqɔn/ [mɔʃχɔdn]
/θuːfq/ [θuːfχ]
/rɔq/ [rɔʔ]~[rɔχ]


/ɑ e/ are uncommon.
/e/ occurs after /q/, around /ʃ j/, and in loanwords, but sometimes arises from /ɔj/:
/qeɮm/ vs. /ciɮmʃ/
/teːʃ/ vs. /tʰɛθ/
/jenfxuːt/ vs. /ɔnfxuː/
/xeː/ vs. /xɔjɔ/
/metɑ/ (a Duhai loan)

/ɑ/ mostly occurs in words with /i/ and loans.


Velars and uvulars can't appear before /i/.