Anthologica Universe Atlas / Universes / The Allosphere / Kett / Insular Kett / Teuenre

Word of the Day: ngasi
n. leaf
anibé god.
báha n. father
balé appear.
ben want.
cac order.
cecak king.
ceck rule.
ceme come from.
cenne dream.
cepa understand.
erai type.
faññais v. elevate, make high, make holy, worship
fante adj. high
fau that.
han one.
iar this.
kaibat book.
kalmái request.
kambéc display.
katw time.
kellu bad.
keréu wait.
kiársa v. awaken
lacan name.
lancak child.
leradáñ n. market
letak n. man
leyka think .
manc priest.
may cat.
nak death.
nakk kill.
neséi eat.
ngari v. live, stand
ngasi n. leaf
rakynne read.
rat be able to.
reu know.
seher language.
tesek hawk.
teu say.
téuiaf n. name
teumi house.
veré n. land
xan here.
xummái bear.

46 entries.

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