<!>Romanization Thread (2015-06-03 21:44:21)
Romanization Thread
Anthologica Universe Atlas / Forums / Scriptorium / Romanization Thread / <!>Romanization Thread (2015-06-03 21:44:21)

? Matrix Chronicler of the Myriad
posts: 216
, Conversational Speaker message
/p t tʲ ts tsʲ ʈ tʃ k ʔ/ <p t c ts ch tr tch k '>
/b d dʲ z~dz zʲ~dzʲ ɖ dʒ ɡ/ <b d j z jh dr djh g>
/m̥ n̥ n̥ʲ ɳ̥/ <mh nh nyh nrh>
/m n nʲ ɳ/ <m n ny nr>
/f s sʲ ʂ x h/ <f s sh sr kh h>
/ʋ l lʲ ɭ ɽ~ɻ j/ <v l ly lr r y>

/i u/ <i u>
/e o õ/ <ei ou oun>
/ɛ ɔ ɛ̃/ <e o en>
/a ɑ̃/ <a an>

/There are two tones. All vowels can be short or long. Syllable structure is roughly CCVC./ <Low Tone = Vw, Long Vowel = VV>

/ki˥mɛ̃˩ ʔʋal˥ɡiː˩ kɔ˥joː˥ ʔdʲaɡ˩ mi˥tʲaː˥ ʋaʔ˥ za˥n̥ʲɔ˩/
/stɔ˩m̥ɔː˥ mi˩ka˥ʋeː˥ zɔk˥ɳa˥ɽe˥/
/ki˥mɛ̃˩ dʒal˩ʋɛ˥ tsaʔ˥ɖɛ˥ faː˥ɽɔ˩ jõ˩ɳa˥ɽe˥/

Kimewn 'valgiiw koyoou 'jawg micaa va' zanyhow.
Stowmhoo miwkaveei zoknrarei.
Kimewn djhawlve tsa'dre faarow youwnnrarei.