a little background
Anthologica Universe Atlas / Forums / Department of Creativity / Ruhd'relian / a little background

? seraphinak posts: 11
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a little background
The Ruhdreliax are a race of dragon people. They have a nesting island called Korto'drely'ch which is situated between  the Mythril Sea to the west and the Celendrial Sea to the east.

The closest continent is that of Lydissa. The southern most country of Lydissa is Centaurnia and is the closest country to the east. Northwest of Korto'drely'ch is the continent Lato'um with its southern most country Erotalus being the closest to the northwest. Directly north of Korto'drely'ch are the small islands of Cymmaron Isles with the closest island being Roa'in.

They are born in dragon form called Uhdrel and when they are about 30 years old, (teenagers for Ruhdreliax), they begin shifting between the humanoid form known as Ruhdrel and Uhdrel. By 33, this stabilizes and they can control when they shift from one form to the other.

Uhdrel remain with their mother on Korto'drely'ch until they reach adulthood at 33. At that point, they are permitted to live among the other races.

The Ruhdrelian is a culture based on honor. My primary source culture is Japanese and German is my source language to some extent. It is a simple language with very few words because the Ruhdreliax don't believe in wasting speech.  They speak only as needed.

In the Ruhdrel form, they can't breathe fire, but in the Uhdrel form they can.  This is why they don't live among the other races until they come of age.

Many Ruhdreliax work in transportation services, carrying closed boxes with windows for people or closed windowless boxes of cargo from country to country or continent to continent. They do not provide transportation for short trips, as they believe them to be a waste of energy, since other forms of transportation exist that are more efficient. They have specially built harnesses which they wear across their shoulders in the Uhdrel form which allows the box to follow behind at a safe distance.

Some Ruhdreliax are farmers who raise various types of livestock. Only the Uhdrel in transportation services and on Korto'drely'ch eat in the Uhdrel form. The remainder of the Ruhdrel eat the equivalent portions of the other races. The Ruhdreliax farmers will sell food they raise to other races, but their first fruits always go to the Uhdrel.

Some Ruhdreliax are techno wizards, because of their natural fire element, they understand energy more than most races. They live very long lives, the oldest Ruhdrel lived to be 7,589 years old. With their many years, they become very clever and use their time to make the world a better place.

Technology that they share is perfected prior to selling it or introducing it to the other races. Their technology is often mistaken for magic.

Not all Ruhdreliax are good but for the most part, they are a peaceful race.