<!>dhoklang Scratchpad (NP: Algonquitut?) (2015-07-27 01:12:03)
dhoklang Scratchpad (NP: Algonquitut?)
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? dhok posts: 235
, Alkali Metal, Bemidji, United States
Sound changes for Quomonakian, revamped. Also I'm clearly going to need to redo the map, but never mind that...

Very Early Changes, c.-3000 to c.-2500

Many of these changes can be found in other branches as well.

1.  Initial glide-vowel reduction

The weak vowels /e ɨ/ merge with a preceding glide into the vocalic version of that glide when word-initial. Schematically:

we wɨ -> o / #_
ye yɨ -> i / #_

So, *weyɨ̄ *yente -> owi īte.

2. Loss of *ʔ

The glottal stop *ʔ is lost before a vowel or a glide:

ʔ -> Ø / _V, _R

Examples include *nɨʔo -> niyo and *ʔočīča -> ohceyahca.

3. Merger of *r and *l.

r -> l / _

(However, [r] was probably retained as an allophone of /l/ when the first member of a cluster.)

4. Merger of *θ and *s in clusters.

When it's in a cluster (always as the first member), *θ becomes /s/.

θ -> s / _C

5a. Vowel lowering before coda *h.

Before coda /h/, the vowel /i/ lowers to /e/ (whether short or long), and /ɨ e o/ lower to /a/, again, whether short or long.

i -> e / _h[C#]
ɨ, e, o -> a / _h[C#]

Example: *kʷēh -> kʷē. (This doesn't look like lowering, but there's an intermediate step *kʷā.)

5b. Merger of coda *h and *ʔ.

*h becomes *ʔ when a coda. Even though neither *h nor *ʔ survived in coda position to the extant language, effects on surrounding consonants and vowels make it clear that this (or something similar) must have occured. Examples aren't going to illustrate the point very well, so I'll just move on.

6. Backing of *i.

*i becomes /ɨ/ when preceded by a velar or labiovelar, that is, one of /k kʷ ŋ w/.

Example: *mɨkʷik -> mohkʷoh.

7. Loss of *h.

*h is lost in all positions, everywhere.

h -> Ø / _

Pre-Quomonakian Changes Cont., c.-2500 to c. -2000.

Past this point we start to see differentiation of the Quomonakian branch.

8a. Palatalization of alveolar sibilants.

*s *c change to *š *č when followed by *i.

s -> š / _[i ī]
c -> č / _[i ī]

8b. Debuccalization of *s.

Remaining *s changes to *h in all positions.

s -> h / _

9. Simplification of affricates.

*c changes to *s, while *č becomes *c (except as the initial member of a cluster, where it merges with *š.).

c -> s / _
č -> c / _V
č -> š / _C

10. Loss of *θ

*θ merges with *s before front vowels and *t otherwise:

*θ -> s / _F
*θ -> t / otherwise

11. Initial spirantization of stops.

*p *t *k *kʷ become *ɸ *θ *h *w when word-initial and followed by a short vowel.

p -> ɸ / #_V[+short]
t -> θ / #_V[+short]
k -> h / #_V[+short]
kʷ -> w / #_V[+short]

12. Final vowel shortening.

Long vowels become short when word-final.

V: -> V / _#

Pre-Quomonakian to Proto-Quomonakian, c. -2000 to c. -700

The Quomonakian branch comes into its own. I am considering breaking off a closely-related sister branch (think Baltic to Slavic or Indic to Iranian) somewhere in the middle here.

13. Insertion of /h/ before internal stops.

An epenthetic /h/ is inserted before intervocalic *p *t *k *kʷ, if the preceding vowel is short.

Ø -> h / V[+short]_C[+stop]V

14. Loss of coda *ʔ.

Coda *ʔ, which by now is the only instance of *ʔ, is deleted.

ʔ -> Ø / _

15. Loss of initial *w.

Initial *w becomes *y before front vowels (*i *e) and is otherwise deleted.

w -> y / #_F
w -> Ø / #_B

16a. Shortening of homoorganic vowels.

A long vowel, followed in the next syllable by the same vowel (whether short or long), is shortened. So, *īkʷi -> *ikʷi, and *ōpō -> *opō, but *āpi does not change.

V₁: -> V₁ / _$V₁

16b. Shortening of long vowels between long syllables.

A long vowel, if both the preceding and following syllables contain long vowels, is shortened. This remains a conditioned rule in the language.

V: -> V / V:$_$V:

16c. Shortening of long vowels in cluster situations.

A long vowel is shortened if it's followed by a cluster which is itself followed by a long vowel.

V: -> V / _CCV:

17. Long Vowel Raising

Long vowels, except *ɨ̄ *ō, raise, with *ī breaking:

ā -> ē / _
ē -> ī / _
ī -> ya / #_
ī -> eya / otherwise

18. *š depalatalization in clusters.

When *š is the first member of a cluster, it becomes *s.

š -> s / _C

19. Merger of *ɨ

*ɨ merges into *o after labials, and into *a otherwise.

ɨ ɨ̄ -> o ō / [p m w kʷ ɸ]_
ɨ ɨ̄ -> a ā / otherwise

20. Coda *k spirantization

*k becomes /h/ in coda:

k -> h / _C, _#

21a. Loss of glides before similar vowels

*w is lost intervocalically before the back vowels *a *o, and *y before the front vowels *e *i:

w -> Ø / V_[a ā o ō]
y -> Ø / V_[e ē i ī]

21b. Glide reinsertion

Quomonak doesn't like vowel hiatuses, so new glides pretty much immediately get reinserted into the language:

Ø -> w / B_V
Ø -> y / F_V

22. Nasal deletion (with lengthening) in coda

When a nasal is the first member of a cluster or is word-final, it is deleted, with any preceding vowel lengthened:

Vn -> V: / _[C#]

Proto-Quomonak to Old Quomonak, c. -700 to c. 300

By this point we're dealing with a branch at about the scale of Italic or Celtic, and changes from here on in detail the more recent development of Old Quomonak itself.

23. *h deletion in double clusters

When a coda *h is followed by a syllable with another coda *h, it gets deleted.

h -> Ø / _CVh[C#]

24. Approximation of *ɸ.

*ɸ becomes *w in all positions (it's basically only found initially.)

ɸ -> w / _

25. *ŋ mergers

*ŋ merges with *m or *n depending on the following vowel:

*ŋ -> m / _B
*ŋ -> n / _F

26. *l to N in clusters

*l (probably [r] or [ɾ] phonetically) becomes an assimilatory nasal when the first member of a cluster:

*l -> N / _C

27. *ł dentalization

*ł merges with those instances of /θ/ that have developed, generally from initial spirantization of *t.

ł -> θ / _

28. Coda *t to /k/ change

Coda *t becomes /k/.

t -> k / _C, _#