Anthologica Universe Atlas / Universes / The Allosphere / Kaam-Yerte / Kaam / Kaam Dictionary / mɔ̀ɽ

mɔ̀ɽ, Irr. Perfective Passive mɔ̀ɽvà, v. kill (hon.)

usage: High-register respectful variant of dʑùg kill, slaughter.

etymology: Confounding of native *márʊ catch, snare with borrowed mɔ̀r kill (from Jalvaan morā kill).
attestation: In the earliest texts in the meaning catch (an animal). From the Late Jalvaan period on, gradual merging between mɔ̀r and mɔ̀ɽ, eventually resulting in a verb with the shape of the latter and the meaning of the former. Original meaning only preserved dialectally.
related: dʑùg
tags: v