<!>Speak in Your Conlang Thread (2015-08-29 14:37:00)
Speak in Your Conlang Thread
Anthologica Universe Atlas / Forums / Scriptorium / Speak in Your Conlang Thread / <!>Speak in Your Conlang Thread (2015-08-29 14:37:00)

? Emily ro’qegh’Iwchab
posts: 21
, Layperson message
Фӭрошэ кра кяр эікрамве эітрансэмілдадэн.
['ɸjɛroʃɛ kra car ɛi'kramβe ɛitrɔnsɛ'mildadɛn]
фӭрremove-cess-шэ-past кра1st кярnow эі-the-крамgender-ве-acc эі-the-трансэмілдаTransemilian-дэн-abl
I just finished getting rid of gender in Transemilian.

Цусамшэ эіғнэнцо члорцове сім цэущэ.
['tsusamʃɛ ɛi'ɣnɛntso 'tʃlortsoβɛ sim 'tsɛuʃtʃɛ]
цуbe-сам-incep-шэ-past эі-the-ғнэнword-цо-pl члорlong-цо-pl-ве-acc сімtoo цэу3rd-щэ-caus
It was starting to make words get too long.