Xanínə Grammar
Anthologica Universe Atlas / Universes / Some Stuff / Allan / Xanínə / Xanínə Grammar

Starting State

One thing to note is that Alla has allophonic obstruent voicing and allophonic stress, with the two being tied together (i.e. obstruents at the starts of stressed syllables are never voiced, even if they are intervocalic or after a nasal). (Note that /q/ does not undergo allophonic voicing.)

The starting stress position is the heaviest syllable of the last three syllables in a word, and if there is more than one heaviest syllable of equal syllable weight, the closest syllable to an antepenultimate position. Note that /ə/ has a weight of 0, other short vowels have a weight of 1, and long vowels have a weight of 2, and each consonant after them adds another 1 to the syllable weight. (Note that syllables have the form CV(C) except for final syllables, which are CV(C(C))).

The starting vowel phoneme inventory is:

æ i ə ɒ u æː iː ɒː uː

with the following allophones adjacent to uvular consonants:

ɑ e ɐ ɒ o ɑː eː ɒː oː

and the starting consonant phoneme inventory is:

Pulmonic stops: p t k q ʔ
Ejective stops: tʼ kʼ qʼ
Pulmonic affricates: ts tʃ
Ejective affricates: tsʼ tʃʼ
Fricatives: s ʃ χ h
Nasals: m n
Liquids: r l
Semivowels: ʋ j

Sound Change

æː > eː
æj > eː / _C
ɒː > oː
ɒʋ > oː / _C

eːj > eː / _C
oːʋ > oː / _C

These two sets of changes have the effect of making stress position phonemic, as they affect syllable weight yet the stress position is not affected.

C[+plosive -glottalized +stress] > C[+plosive -glottalized +aspirated +stress]
C[+plosive -glottalized] > C[+plosive -glottalized +aspirated] / #_

C[+glottalized] > C[-glottalized]

This has the effect of making both plosive voicing and plosive aspiration phonemic, as now unaspirated voiceless plosives can be found in the same positions as voiced plosives and unaspirated voiceless plosives can be found in the same positions as aspirated voiceless plosives.

V > V[+long] / _C[+long]
C[+long] > C[-long]

This has the effect of making all obstruent voicing phonemic, as now voiceless and voiced obstruents in general can both be found intervocalically (where previously this applied only to plosives). This also neutralizes the distinction between *i and *iː and between *u and *uː in this position. However, *æ and *æː are still distinguished as æː and eː, as *ɒ and *ɒː are still distinguished as ɒː and oː. This increases the phonemicness of stress, as it merges two different weight syllables to the same weight.

əː > ɑː

h[+stress] > χ[+stress]
h > χ / #_
h > ∅
ɦ > ∅
ʔ > ∅

{æ æː ɒ ɒː}{æ æː} > æː
{æ æː ɒ ɒː}{ɒ ɒː} > ɒː
æi æːi æiː æːiː > eː eː eː eː
ɒu ɒːu ɒuː ɒːuː > oː oː oː oː
{i iː}{i iː} > iː
{u uː}{u uː} > uː
∅ > j / {i iː}_{æ æː eː ɒ ɒː oː u uː}
∅ > ʋ / {u uː}_{æ æː eː i iː ɒ ɒː oː}
∅ > j / {æ æː eː ɒ ɒː oː}_{i iː}
∅ > ʋ / {æ æː eː ɒ ɒː oː}_{u uː}
V > V[+long] / _{ə ɐ}
{ə ɐ} > ∅ / V_

This has the effect of allowing syllables without onsets. This also allows high vowels to be adjacent to uvular consonants.

C[+obstruent] > C[+obstruent +long] / C[+nasal]_
C[+nasal] > C[+nasal +long] / C[+nasal]_
C[+liquid] > C[+liquid +long] / C[+nasal]_
C[+obstruent] > C[+obstruent +long] / _C[+nasal -stress]
C[+liquid] > C[+liquid +long] / _C[+nasal -stress]
C[+plosive] > C[+plosive +long] / C[+plosive]_
C[+nasal] > ∅ / _C[+obstruent]
C[+nasal] > ∅ / _C[+nasal]
C[+nasal] > ∅ / _C[+liquid]
C[+nasal -stress] > ∅ / C[+obstruent]_
C[+nasal -stress] > ∅ / C[+liquid]_
C[+plosive] > ∅ / _C[+plosive]

This has the effect of reintroducing geminates.

æ i ɑ ɒ u > æː iː ɑː ɒː uː / _CV[-long -stress]CV
V[-long -stress] > ∅ / {æː eː iː ɑː ɒː oː uː}C_CV

ɑː > ɒː

i > e
u > o
ə > ɨ
æ > ɐ
ɑ > ɐ
ɒ > ɐ

iːj > iː / _C

Phoneme Inventory

This results in the following consonant inventory:

Stopsp pʰ b ⟨p~pʼ p b⟩t tʰ d ⟨t~tʼ t d⟩k kʰ g ⟨k~kʼ k g⟩q qʰ ⟨q~qʼ q⟩
Affricatests tsʰ dz ⟨c~cʼ c j⟩tʃ tʃʰ dʒ ⟨Č/č~Čʼ/čʼ Č/č J̌/ǰ⟩
Fricativess z ⟨s z⟩ʃ ʒ ⟨Š/š Ž/ž⟩χ ʁ ⟨x Ġ/ġ⟩
Nasalsm ⟨m⟩n ⟨n⟩
Liquidsr l ⟨r l⟩
Semivowelsʋ ⟨v⟩j ⟨y⟩

All obstruents, nasals, and liquids can be short or long.

Note that ⟨C~Cʼ⟩ pairs take ⟨Cʼ⟩ at initially and in the onset of stressed syllables and ⟨C⟩ otherwise.

And the following vowel inventory:

Closeiː ⟨Ī/ī⟩uː ⟨Ū/ū⟩
Near-closeɨ ⟨Ǝ/ə⟩
Mide eː ⟨e Ē/ē⟩o oː ⟨o Ō/ō⟩
Near-openɐ ⟨a⟩
Openæː ⟨Ā/ā⟩ɒː ⟨Â/â⟩

When stressed the vowels are written as:

Closeiː ⟨Í/í⟩uː ⟨Ú/ú⟩
Near-closeɨ ⟨Ǝ̀/ə̀⟩
Mide eː ⟨È/è É/é⟩o oː ⟨Ò/ò Ó/ó⟩
Near-openɐ ⟨À/à⟩
Openæː ⟨Á/á⟩ɒː ⟨Ã/ã⟩

Stress is phonemic.

Other Developments and Features

Other developments are:

The perfective has developed into a past tense, here known as perfect, and the imperfective has developed into a non-past tense, here known as imperfect. However, verbs still default to one or the other, and need affixes to act as the other.

The applicatives are merged into a single applicative , and the distinctions made by the different applicatives are mostly taken over by relational nouns. Also, the applicative no longer distinguishes person, number, or gender.

The dual is merged in with the plural.

Full personal pronouns are used whenever applicable; this is due to the reduction and coalescence of verbal agreement markers and disappearance of oblique verbal agreement markers such that, say, 1st person singular and 2nd person singular ergative arguments are no longer distinguished in most cases.

Possession by a grammatical person as opposed to non-personal genitive relations is expressed with the relative marker xa followed by a personal pronoun in absolutive case, due to xa taking on a dative role (which is conflated with a genitive role) combined with the lack of any other ability to mark personal possession with nouns where possessive determiner prefixes are already being used to express a construct state-like role. Note that the old use of possessive determiner prefixes is retained for relational nouns, which due to their pattern of usage this issue has never existed, and where actual possession is not being expressed.

xa also comes to be used to express actual possession by nouns, due to the same reason as it already had with personal pronouns.

When disambiguating possession from other uses of xa, the relational noun ràyə (obl. sg. ràya, prefixed abs. sg. ˈ(C)Vː+ryə, prefixed obl. sg. ˈ(C)Vː+rya) (note its dative/benefactive uses) is used with it and the possessor.

Adpositions are largely lost, being replaced by applicatives, except in frozen adverbial forms, where they are still used, attached to their objects.

"Possessive" markers (no longer used for marking possession) have become the following forms:

(Note: short / long / before Alla ʔ)

3rd m.ta / (*) / tənyo (ye*) / (*) / yən
3rd f.le (lo**) / (**) / lənxa / (**) / xən

Other "possessive" markers have been lost.

Similarly the definite marker has the following forms: e (o**) / ī (ū**) / ən

* with i-umlaut
** with u-umlaut

The personal pronouns take the following forms:

Abs. sg.Obl. sg.Abs. pl.Obl. pl.
2nd m.mepa
2nd f.mínəpàyepénə
3rd m.amáməãmoãmmə
3rd f.ámeámməãmmeâmòmmə

Due to verbal person markers having become ambiguous due to sound change, full personal pronouns are used with both agents and patients except for "gap" arguments in relative clauses.

Demonstrative determiners lose general use, except for the definite article. Rather, a demonstrative meaning is indicated with xa followed by âmàr (proximal), ənàr (medial), or etàr (distal) which, if the noun has no other determiners, are combined with the definite article.

Verbless relative clauses modifying nouns are now introduced with the relative marker xa, derived from the Proto-Alla relative adjective , and act as if an omitted existential verb were present with an applicative marker. The following noun is in absolutive case. Note that unlike with the original relative adjective, it has developed so that multiple qualifiers marked with separate relative markers can be strung after a noun.

The word order is as follows: vocative - interrogative - certain adverbs - verb - other adverbs - subject - object - oblique arguments. However, if there is a subordinate clause as object, the order is modified, such that oblique arguments come before the object, except for oblique arguments that also include subordinate clauses.

The verbal prefix rə- marks a continued narrative. The first verb before a series of verbs marked with rə- is marked as perfect or imperfect, introducing a narrative and marking whether it is past or non-past tense, respectively; afterwards, each verb marked with rə- is marked as perfect and indicates an order of events.

The perfect is used for, in addition to the past tense, marking time expressions, performatives, and narratives. The imperfect is used for, in addition to the non-past tense, marking habitual, iterative/frequentative, and gnomic aspects.

The perfect is used for, in subordinate clauses and relative clauses, times prior to the time established by the main clause, while the imperfect is used for, in subordinate clauses, marking times at or after the time established by the main clause.

The Alla optative becomes a jussive or cohortative mood, distinguished solely by the person/number of the subject/agent. However, its negation is used for the prohibitive (as opposed to negating the imperative).

Past imperfective meanings are expressed by kəvèt (stem kav, default perfect) in the perfect combined with an abstract verbal noun in the imperfect (in the absolutive), which agrees with the actual object (in the oblique).

Pluperfect perfective meanings are expressed by kəvèt in the perfect combined with an abstract verbal noun in the perfect (in the absolutive), which agrees with he actual object (in the oblique).

Pluperfect imperfective meanings are expressed by kəvèt in the perfect combined with kəvèt in the perfect (in the absolutive), marked for a f. sg. object, combined with an abstract verbal noun in the imperfect (in the oblique), which agrees with the actual object (in the oblique).

Present retrospective perfective meanings are expressed by kəvèt in the imperfect combined with an abstract verbal noun in the perfect (in the absolutive), which agrees with the actual object (in the oblique).

Present retrospective imperfective meanings are expressed by kəvèt in the imperfect combined with kəvèt in the perfect (in the absolutive), marked for a f. sg. object, combined with an abstract verbal noun in the imperfect (in the oblique), which agrees with the actual object (in the oblique).

Modals are expressed by a modal verb such as cətèt (stem cat, default imperfect) being used, in most cases impersonally, with the "main" verb in subjunctive mood in a subordinate clause as an absolutive argument. This is not a new aspect of Xanínə, but rather a general feature of both Xanínə and Alla.

Clauses with a 1st sg. agent or, for intransitive verbs (but not ambitransitive verbs used as intransitive), subject, evidentials may be omitted. Otherwise all indicative main verbs take evidentials except when interrogative.

Dative and benefactive arguments are generally marked just as applicative arguments without any relational noun. If disambiguation is needed or emphasis is desired, then the relational noun ràyə is used with them.

Instrumental arguments are generally marked just as applicative arguments without any relational noun. If disambiguation is needed or emphasis is desired, then the relational noun ópə (obl. sg. ópa, prefixed abs. sg. (C)+ənópə, prefixed obl. sg. (C)+ənópa) is used to used with them.

General ablative meanings and meanings equivalent to because of. due to, with or without a subordinate clause, are expressed with the relational noun mèžə (obl. sg. mèža, prefixed abs. sg. ˈ(C)Vː+mžə, prefixed obl. sg. ˈ(C)Vː+mža).

General allative meanings are expressed with the relational noun xélə (obl. sg. xéla, prefixed abs. sg. (C)V+xélə, prefixed obl. sg. (C)V+xéla).

General locative meanings are expressed with the relational noun làya (obl. sg. lómə, prefixed abs. sg. ˈ(C)Vː+lya, prefixed obl. sg. (C)V+lómə).

Inessive meanings are expressed with the relational noun qãne (obl. sg. qãnnə, prefixed abs. sg. (C)V+qãne, prefixed obl. sg. (C)V+qãnnə).

Adessive meanings are expressed with the relational noun xarél (obl. sg. xarélə, prefixed abs. sg. (C)V+xrél, prefixed obl. sg. (C)V+xrélə).

These can be combined to produce specific ablative, specific allative, elative, and illative meanings.

Temporal meanings equivalent to when, with or without a subordinate clause, are expressed with the relational noun tʼēk (obl. sg. tʼégə, prefixed abs. sg. (C)V+tʼék, prefixed obl. sg. (C)V+tʼégə).

Temporal meanings equivalent to after, with or without a subordinate clause, are expressed with combining the relational noun mèžə with the relational noun tʼēk.

Temporal meanings equivalent to before or until, with or without a subordinate clause, are expressed with combining the relational noun xélə with the relational noun tʼēk.

Temporal meanings equivalent to while or during, with or without a subordinate clause, are expressed with combining the relational noun qãne with the relational noun tʼēk.

Conditional meanings equivalent to if are expressed with the relational noun qàrə (obl. sg. qàra, prefixed abs. sg. ˈ(C)Vː+qrə, prefixed obl. sg. ˈ(C)Vː+qra) expressing the protasis and the main clause expressing the apodosis.

Stem Classes

Nominal Classes



sg./coll.pl.sgt. sg.sgt. pl.
m./f.-inabs. ˈC1V1C2
obl. ˈC1V1C2və
abs. C1əˈC2o
obl. C1əˈC2omə
abs. C1əˈC2ēt
obl. C1əˈC2ēdə
abs. C1əˈC2ado
obl. C1əˈC2ādmə
f.+inabs. ˈC1V1C2ve
obl. ˈC1V1C2
abs. C1əˈC2ome
obl. C1əˈC2ommə
abs. C1əˈC2ēde
obl. C1əˈC2ēttə
abs. C1əˈC2ādme
obl. C1âC2vnˈtommə


sg./coll.pl.sgt. sg.sgt. pl.
m./f.-inabs. ˈ(C)V+C1vV1C2
obl. ˈ(C)Vː+C1vnC2vnə
abs. ˈ(C)V+C1C2o
obl. ˈ(C)V+C1C2omə
abs. (C)V+C1ˈC2ēt
obl. (C)V+C1ˈC2ēdə
abs. ˈ(C)V+C1C2ado
obl. (C)V+C1ˈC2ādmə
f.+inabs. ˈ(C)Vː+C1vnC2nve
obl. (C)V+ˈC1V1C2
abs. ˈ(C)V+C1C2ome
obl. ˈ(C)V+C1C2ommə
abs. ˈ(C)V+C1C2ēde
obl. (C)V+C1ˈC2ēttə
abs. (C)V+C1ˈC2ādme
obl. (C)V+C1C2aˈtommə



sg./coll.pl.sgt. sg.sgt. pl.
m./f.-inabs. ˈC1V1ːC2
obl. ˈC1V1ːC2və
abs. ˈC1V1C2vo
obl. ˈC1V1ːC2vn
abs. C1V1ˈC2ēt
obl. C1V1ˈC2ēdə
abs. ˈC1V1ːC2vndo
obl. C1V1ˈC2ādmə
f.+inabs. ˈC1V1ːC2ve
obl. ˈC1V1ːC2
abs. ˈC1V1ːC2vme
obl. C1V1ˈC2ommə
abs. C1V1ˈC2ēde
obl. C1V1ˈC2ēttə
abs. C1V1ˈC2ādme
obl. C1V1ːC2vnˈtommə


sg./coll.pl.sgt. sg.sgt. pl.
m./f.-inabs. (C)V+ˈC1V1ːC2
obl. (C)V+ˈC1V1ːC2və
abs. ˈ(C)Vː+C1vnC2vno
obl. (C)V+ˈC1V1ːC2n
abs. (C)Vː+C1vnˈC2nēt
obl. (C)Vː+C1vnˈC2nēdə
abs. (C)V+ˈC1V1ːC2vndo
obl. (C)Vː+C1vnˈC2nādmə
f.+inabs. (C)V+ˈC1V1ːC2e
obl. (C)V+ˈC1V1ːC2
abs. (C)V+ˈC1V1ːC2vnme
obl. (C)Vː+C1vnˈC2nommə
abs. (C)Vː+C1vnˈC2nēde
obl. (C)Vː+C1vnˈC2nēttə
abs. (C)Vː+C1vnˈC2nādme
obl. (C)Vː+C1vnC2vnaˈtommə



sg./coll.pl.sgt. sg.sgt. pl.
m./f.-inabs. ˈC1V1C2
obl. ˈC1V1ːC2ə
abs. ˈC1âC2o
obl. ˈC1âC2omə
abs. C1âˈC2ēt
obl. C1âˈC2ēdə
abs. ˈC1âC2ndo
obl. C1âˈC2ādmə
f.+inabs. ˈC1V1ːC2e
obl. ˈC1V1ːC2
abs. ˈC1âC2ome
obl. C1âˈC2ommə
abs. C1âˈC2ēde
obl. C1âˈC2ēttə
abs. C1âˈC2ādme
obl. C1âC2nˈtommə


sg./coll.pl.sgt. sg.sgt. pl.
m./f.-inabs. ˈ(C)V+C1vV1C2
obl. ˈ(C)V+C1vV1ːC2ə
abs. ˈ(C)V+C1vâC2o
obl. (C)V+ˈC1âC2omə
abs. (C)V+C1vâˈC2ēt
obl. (C)V+C1vâˈC2ēdə
abs. (C)V+ˈC1âC2ndo
obl. (C)V+C1vâˈC2ādmə
f.+inabs. ˈ(C)V+C1vV1ːC2e
obl. (C)V+ˈC1V1ːC2
abs. (C)V+ˈC1âC2ome
obl. (C)V+C1vâˈC2ommə
abs. (C)V+C1vâˈC2ēde
obl. (C)V+C1vâˈC2ēttə
abs. (C)V+C1vâˈC2ādme
obl. (C)V+C1vâC2nˈtommə



sg./coll.pl.sgt. sg.sgt. pl.
m./f.-inabs. ˈC1V1ːC2
obl. ˈC1V1ːC2ə
abs. ˈC1V1aːC2o
obl. ˈC1V1aːC2omə
abs. C1V1aːˈC2ēt
obl. C1V1aːˈC2ēdə
abs. ˈC1V1aːC2ndo
obl. C1V1aːˈC2ādmə
f.+inabs. ˈC1V1ːC2e
obl. ˈC1V1ːC2
abs. ˈC1V1aːC2ome
obl. ˈC1V1aːC2ommə
abs. C1V1aːˈC2ēde
obl. C1V1aːˈC2ēttə
abs. C1V1aːˈC2ādme
obl. C1V1aːC2nˈtommə


sg./coll.pl.sgt. sg.sgt. pl.
m./f.-inabs. ˈ(C)V+C1vV1ːC2
obl. ˈ(C)V+C1vV1ːC2ə
abs. ˈ(C)V+C1vV1aːC2o
obl. (C)V+ˈC1V1aːC2omə
abs. (C)V+C1vV1aːˈC2ēt
obl. (C)V+C1vV1aːˈC2ēdə
abs. (C)V+ˈC1V1aːC2ndo
obl. (C)V+C1vV1aˈC2ādmə
f.+inabs. ˈ(C)V+C1vV1ːC2e
obl. (C)V+ˈC1V1ːC2
abs. (C)V+ˈC1V1aːC2ome
obl. (C)V+C1vV1aːˈC2ommə
abs. (C)V+ˈC1V1aːC2ēde
obl. (C)V+C1vV1aːˈC2ēttə
abs. (C)V+C1vV1aːˈC2ādme
obl. (C)V+C1vV1aːC2nˈtommə



sg./coll.pl.sgt. sg.sgt. pl.
m./f.-inabs. ˈC1V1C2C3
obl. ˈC1V1C2C3ə
abs. ˈC1əC2C3o
obl. ˈC1əC2C3omə
abs. C1əC2ˈC3ēt
obl. C1əC2ˈC3ēdə
abs. ˈC1əC2C3ado
obl. C1əC2ˈC3ādmə
f.+inabs. ˈC1V1C2C3e
obl. ˈC1V1C2C3ənə
abs. ˈC1əC2C3ome
obl. C1əC2ˈC3ommə
abs. C1əC2ˈC3ēde
obl. C1əC2ˈC3ēttə
abs. C1əC2ˈC3ādme
obl. C1əC2C3aˈtommə


sg./coll.pl.sgt. sg.sgt. pl.
m./f.-inabs. (C)V+ˈC1V1C2C3
obl. (C)V+ˈC1V1C2C3ə
abs. ˈ(C)V+C1vəC2C3o
obl. (C)V+ˈC1əC2C3omə
obl. (C)V+C1vəC2ˈC3ēdə
abs. (C)V+ˈC1əC2C3ado
obl. (C)V+C1vəC2ˈC3ādmə
f.+inabs. (C)V+ˈC1V1C2C3e
obl. (C)V+ˈC1V1C2C3ənə
abs. (C)V+ˈC1əC2C3ome
obl. (C)V+C1vəC2ˈC3ommə
abs. (C)V+C1vəC2ˈC3ēde
obl. (C)V+C1vəC2ˈC3ēttə
abs. (C)V+C1vəC2ˈC3ādme
obl. (C)V+C1vəC2C3aˈtommə



sg./coll.pl.sgt. sg.sgt. pl.
m./f.-inabs. ˈC1V1ːC2C3
obl. ˈC1V1ːC2C3ə
abs. ˈC1V1C2C3o
obl. ˈC1V1C2C3omə
abs. C1V1C2ˈC3ēt
obl. ˈC1V1C2C3ēdə
abs. ˈC1V1C2C3ado
obl. C1V1C2ˈC3ādmə
f.+inabs. ˈC1V1ːC2C3e
obl. ˈC1V1ːC2C3ənə
abs. ˈC1V1C2C3ome
obl. ˈC1V1C2C3ommə
abs. ˈC1V1C2C3ēde
obl. C1V1C2ˈC3ēttə
abs. C1V1C2ˈC3ādme
obl. C1V1C2C3aˈtommə


sg./coll.pl.sgt. sg.sgt. pl.
m./f.-inabs. (C)V+ˈC1V1ːC2C3
obl. (C)V+ˈC1V1ːC2C3ə
abs. (C)V+ˈC1V1C2C3o
obl. (C)V+ˈC1V1C2C3omə
abs. ˈ(C)V+C1vV1C2ˈC3ēt
obl. (C)V+ˈC1V1C2C3ēdə
abs. (C)V+ˈC1V1C2C3ado
obl. (C)V+C1vV1C2ˈC3ādmə
f.+inabs. (C)V+ˈC1V1ːC2C3e
obl. (C)V+ˈC1V1ːC2C3ənə
abs. (C)V+ˈC1V1C2C3ome
obl. (C)V+ˈC1V1C2C3ommə
abs. (C)V+ˈC1V1C2C3ēde
obl. (C)V+C1vV1C2ˈC3ēttə
abs. (C)V+C1vV1C2ˈC3ādme
obl. (C)V+C1vV1C2C3aˈtommə



sg./coll.pl.sgt. sg.sgt. pl.
m.f.-inabs. ˈC1V1C2
obl. ˈC1V1C2və
abs. ˈC1V1C2vo
obl. ˈC1V1ːC2vn
abs. C1V1ˈC2ēt
obl. C1V1ˈC2ēda
abs. ˈC1V1ːC2vndo
obl. C1V1ˈC2ādmə
f.+inabs. ˈC1V1C2ve
obl. ˈC1V1C2
abs. ˈC1V1ːC2vnme
obl. C1V1ˈC2ommə
abs. C1V1ˈC2ēde
obl. C1V1ˈC2ēttə
abs. C1V1ˈC2ādme
obl. C1V1ːC2vnˈtommə


sg./coll.pl.sgt. sg.sgt. pl.
m.f.-inabs. (C)V+ˈC1V1C2
obl. ˈ(C)Vː+C1vC2və
abs. ˈ(C)Vː+C1vC2vo
obl. ˈ(C)V+C1V1ːC2vn
abs. (C)Vː+C1vˈC2ēt
obl. (C)Vː+C1vˈC2ēda
abs. (C)V+ˈC1V1ːC2vndo
obl. (C)Vː+C1vˈC2ādmə
f.+inabs. ˈ(C)Vː+C1vC2ve
obl. (C)V+ˈC1V1C2
abs. (C)V+ˈC1V1ːC2vnme
obl. (C)Vː+C1vˈC2ommə
abs. (C)Vː+C1vˈC2ēde
obl. (C)Vː+C1vˈC2ēttə
abs. (C)Vː+C1vˈC2ādme
obl. (C)V+C1vV1ːC2vnˈtommə



sg./coll.pl.sgt. sg.sgt. pl.
m.f.-inabs. ˈC1V1ːC2
obl. ˈC1V1ːC2və
abs. ˈC1V1ːC2vo
obl. ˈC1V1ːC2vn
abs. C1V1ːˈC2ēt
obl. ˈC1V1ːC2vēda
abs. ˈC1V1ːC2vndo
obl. C1V1ːˈC2ādmə
f.+inabs. ˈC1V1ːC2ve
obl. ˈC1V1ːC2
abs. ˈC1V1ːC2vnme
obl. ˈC1V1ːC2vommə
abs. ˈC1V1ːC2vēde
obl. C1V1ːˈC2ēttə
abs. C1V1ːˈC2ādme
obl. C1V1ːC2vnˈtommə


sg./coll.pl.sgt. sg.sgt. pl.
m.f.-inabs. (C)V+ˈC1V1ːC2
obl. (C)V+ˈC1V1ːC2və
abs. (C)V+ˈC1V1ːC2vo
obl. (C)V+ˈC1V1ːC2vn
abs. (C)V+C1vV1ːˈC2ēt
obl. (C)V+ˈC1V1ːC2vēda
abs. (C)V+ˈC1V1ːC2vndo
obl. (C)V+C1vV1ːˈC2ādmə
f.+inabs. (C)V+ˈC1V1ːC2ve
obl. (C)V+ˈC1V1ːC2
abs. (C)V+ˈC1V1ːC2vnme
obl. (C)V+ˈC1V1ːC2vommə
abs. (C)V+ˈC1V1ːC2vēde
obl. (C)V+C1vV1ːˈC2ēttə
abs. C(V)+C1vV1ːˈC2ādme
obl. (C)V+C1vV1ːC2vnˈtommə



sg./coll.pl.sgt. sg.sgt. pl.
m./f.-inabs. ˈC1V1C2və
obl. ˈC1V1C2va
abs. C1əˈC2V2vo~C1əˈC2ū
obl. C1əˈC2V2ːmə
abs. C1əˈC2ēt
obl. C1əˈC2ēdə
abs. C1əˈC2ēdo
obl. C1əˈC2ēdmə
f.+inabs. C1V1ˈC2ī
obl. ˈC1V1ːC2vn
abs. C1əˈC2V2ːme
obl. C1əˈC2V2ːmmə
abs. C1əˈC2ēde
obl. C1əˈC2ēttə
abs. C1əˈC2ēdme
obl. C1əˈC2ēdommə


sg./coll.pl.sgt. sg.sgt. pl.
m./f.-inabs. ˈ(C)Vː+C1vC2və
obl. ˈ(C)Vː+C1vC2va
abs. ˈ(C)V+C1C2V2vo~ˈ(C)V+C1C2ū
obl. ˈ(C)V+C1C2V2ːmə
abs. (C)V+C1ˈC2ēt
obl. ˈ(C)V+C1C2ēdə
abs. ˈ(C)V+C1C2ēdo
obl. (C)V+C1ˈC2ēdmə
f.+inabs. (C)Vː+C1vˈC2ī
obl. (C)V+ˈC1V1ːC2vn
abs. (C)V+C1ˈC2V2ːme
obl. (C)V+C1ˈC2V2ːmmə
abs. ˈ(C)V+C1C2ēde
obl. (C)V+C1ˈC2ēttə
abs. (C)V+C1ˈC2ēdme
obl. (C)V+C1ˈC2ēdommə



sg./coll.pl.sgt. sg.sgt. pl.
m./f.-inabs. ˈC1V1ːC2və
obl. ˈC1V1ːC2va
abs. ˈC1V1C2vV2vo~C1V1ˈC2ū
obl. C1V1ˈC2V2ːmə
abs. C1V1ˈC2ēt
obl. C1V1ˈC2ēdə
abs. C1V1ˈC2ēdo
obl. C1V1ˈC2ēdmə
f.+inabs. ˈC1V1ːC2vī
obl. ˈC1V1ːC2vn
abs. C1V1ˈC2V2ːme
obl. C1V1ˈC2V2ːmmə
abs. C1V1ˈC2ēde
obl. C1V1ˈC2ēttə
abs. C1V1ˈC2ēdme
obl. C1V1ˈC2ēdommə


sg./coll.pl.sgt. sg.sgt. pl.
m./f.-inabs. (C)V+ˈC1V1ːC2və
obl. (C)V+ˈC1V1ːC2va
abs. (C)V+ˈC1V1C2V2vo~(C)Vː+C1vnˈC2nū
obl. (C)Vː+C1vnˈC2nV2ːmə
abs. (C)Vː+C1vnˈC2nēt
obl. (C)Vː+C1vnˈC2nēdə
abs. (C)Vː+C1vnˈC2nēdo
obl. (C)Vː+C1vnˈC2nēdmə
f.+inabs. (C)V+ˈC1V1ːC2vī
obl. (C)V+ˈC1V1ːC2vn
abs. (C)Vː+C1vnˈC2nV2ːme
obl. (C)Vː+C1vnˈC2nV2ːmmə
abs. (C)Vː+C1vnˈC2nēde
obl. (C)Vː+C1vnˈC2nēttə
abs. (C)Vː+C1vnˈC2nēdme
obl. (C)Vː+C1vnˈC2nēdommə



sg./coll.pl.sgt. sg.sgt. pl.
m./f.-inabs. ˈC1V1ːC2ə
obl. ˈC1V1ːC2a
abs. ˈC1âC2V2vo~C1âˈC2ū
obl. C1âˈC2V2ːmə
abs. C1âˈC2ēt
obl. C1âˈC2ēdə
abs. C1âˈC2ēdo
obl. C1âˈC2ēdmə
f.+inabs. ˈC1V1ːC2ī
obl. ˈC1V1ːC2n
abs. C1âˈC2V2ːme
obl. C1âˈC2V2ːmmə
abs. C1âˈC2ēde
obl. C1âˈC2ēttə
abs. C1âˈC2ēdme
obl. C1âˈC2ēdommə


sg./coll.pl.sgt. sg.sgt. pl.
m./f.-inabs. (C)V+ˈC1V1ːC2ə
obl. (C)V+ˈC1V1ːC2a
abs. (C)V+ˈC1âC2V2vo~(C)V+C1vâˈC2ū
obl. (C)V+C1vâˈC2V2ːmə
abs. (C)V+C1vâˈC2ēt
obl. (C)V+C1vâˈC2ēdə
abs. (C)V+C1vâˈC2ēdo
obl. (C)V+C1vâˈC2ēdmə
f.+inabs. (C)V+ˈC1V1ːC2ī
obl. (C)V+ˈC1V1ːC2n
abs. (C)V+C1vâˈC2V2ːme
obl. (C)V+C1vâˈC2V2ːmmə
abs. (C)V+C1vâˈC2ēde
obl. (C)V+C1vâˈC2ēttə
abs. (C)V+C1vâˈC2ēdme
obl. (C)V+C1vâˈC2ēdommə



sg./coll.pl.sgt. sg.sgt. pl.
m./f.-inabs. ˈC1V1ːC2ə
obl. ˈC1V1ːC2a
abs. ˈC1V1aːC2V2vo~ˈC1V1aːC2ū
obl. ˈC1V1aːC2V2ːmə
abs. C1V1aːˈC2ēt
obl. ˈC1V1aːC2ēdə
abs. ˈC1V1aːC2ēdo
obl. C1V1aːˈC2ēdmə
f.+inabs. ˈC1V1ːC2ī
obl. ˈC1V1ːC2n
abs. ˈC1V1aːC2V2ːme
obl. C1V1aːˈC2V2ːmmə
abs. ˈC1V1aːC2ēde
obl. C1V1aːˈC2ēttə
abs. C1V1aːˈC2ēdme
obl. C1V1aːˈC2ēdommə


sg./coll.pl.sgt. sg.sgt. pl.
m./f.-inabs. (C)V+ˈC1V1ːC2ə
obl. (C)V+ˈC1V1ːC2a
abs. (C)V+ˈC1V1aːC2V2vo~(C)V+ˈC1V1aːC2ū
obl. (C)V+ˈC1V1aːC2V2ːmə
abs. (C)V+C1vV1aːˈC2ēt
obl. (C)V+ˈC1V1aːC2ēdə
abs. (C)V+ˈC1V1aːC2ēdo
obl. (C)V+C1vV1aːˈC2ēdmə
f.+inabs. (C)V+ˈC1V1ːC2ī
obl. (C)V+ˈC1V1ːC2n
abs. (C)V+ˈC1vV1aːC2V2ːme
obl. (C)V+C1vV1aːˈC2V2ːmmə
abs. (C)V+ˈC1V1aːC2ēde
obl. (C)V+C1vV1aːˈC2ēttə
abs. (C)V+C1vV1aːˈC2ēdme
obl. (C)V+C1vV1aːˈC2ēdommə



sg./coll.pl.sgt. sg.sgt. pl.
m./f.-inabs. ˈC1V1C2C3ə
obl. ˈC1V1C2C3a
abs. ˈC1əC2C3V2vo~C1əC2ˈC3ū
obl. C1əC2ˈC3V2ːmə
abs. C1əC2ˈC3ēt
obl. C1əC2ˈC3ēdə
abs. C1əC2ˈC3ēdo
obl. C1əC2ˈC3ēdmə
f.+inabs. ˈC1V1C2C3ī
obl. ˈC1V1C2C3anə
abs. C1əC2ˈC3V2ːme
obl. C1əC2ˈC3V2ːmmə
abs. C1əC2ˈC3ēde
obl. C1əC2ˈC3ēttə
abs. C1əC2ˈC3ēdme
obl. C1əC2ˈC3ēdommə


sg./coll.pl.sgt. sg.sgt. pl.
m./f.-inabs. (C)V+ˈC1V1C2C3ə
obl. (C)V+ˈC1V1C2C3a
abs. (C)V+ˈC1əC2C3V2vo~(C)V+C1vəC2ˈC3ū
obl. (C)V+C1vəC2ˈC3V2ːmə
obl. (C)V+C1vəC2ˈC3ēdə
abs. (C)V+C1vəC2ˈC3ēdo
obl. (C)V+C1vəC2ˈC3ēdmə
f.+inabs. (C)V+ˈC1V1C2C3ī
obl. (C)V+ˈC1V1C2C3anə
abs. (C)V+C1vəC2ˈC3V2ːme
obl. (C)V+C1vəC2ˈC3V2ːmmə
abs. (C)V+C1vəC2ˈC3ēde
obl. (C)V+C1vəC2ˈC3ēttə
abs. (C)V+C1vəC2ˈC3ēdme
obl. (C)V+C1vəC2ˈC3ēdommə



sg./coll.pl.sgt. sg.sgt. pl.
m./f.-inabs. ˈC1V1ːC2C3ə
obl. ˈC1V1ːC2C3a
abs. ˈC1V1C2C3V2vo~ˈC1V1C2C3ū
obl. ˈC1V1C2C3V2ːmə
abs. C1V1C2ˈC3ēt
obl. C1V1C2ˈC3ēdə
abs. ˈC1V1C2C3ēdo
obl. C1V1C2ˈC3ēdmə
f.+inabs. ˈC1V1ːC2C3ī
obl. ˈC1V1ːC2C3anə
abs. ˈC1V1C2C3V2ːme
obl. C1V1C2ˈC3V2ːmmə
abs. ˈC1V1C2C3ēde
obl. C1V1C2ˈC3ēttə
abs. C1V1C2ˈC3ēdme
obl. C1V1C2ˈC3ēdommə


sg./coll.pl.sgt. sg.sgt. pl.
m./f.-inabs. (C)V+ˈC1V1ːC2C3ə
obl. (C)V+ˈC1V1ːC2C3a
abs. (C)V+ˈC1V1C2C3V2vo~(C)V+ˈC1V1C2C3ū
obl. (C)V+ˈC1V1C2C3V2ːmə
obl. (C)V+ˈC1V1C2C3ēdə
abs. (C)V+ˈC1V1C2C3ēdo
obl. (C)V+C1vV1C2ˈC3ēdmə
f.+inabs. (C)V+ˈC1V1ːC2C3ī
obl. (C)V+ˈC1V1ːC2C3anə
abs. (C)V+ˈC1V1C2C3V2ːme
obl. (C)V+C1vV1C2ˈC3V2ːmmə
abs. (C)V+ˈC1V1C2C3ēde
obl. (C)V+C1vV1C2ˈC3ēttə
abs. (C)V+C1vV1C2ˈC3ēdme
obl. (C)V+C1vV1C2ˈC3ēdommə



sg./coll.pl.sgt. sg.sgt. pl.
m./f.-inabs. ˈC1V1C2və
obl. ˈC1V1C2va
abs. ˈC1V1C2vV2vo~C1V1ˈC2ū
obl. C1V1ˈC2V2ːmə
abs. C1V1ˈC2ēt
obl. C1V1ˈC2ēdə
abs. C1V1ˈC2ēdo
obl. C1V1ˈC2ēdmə
f.+inabs. C1V1ˈC2ī
obl. ˈC1V1ːC2vn
abs. C1V1ˈC2V2ːme
obl. C1V1ˈC2V2ːmmə
abs. C1V1ˈC2ēde
obl. C1V1ˈC2ēttə
abs. C1V1ˈC2ēdme
obl. C1V1ˈC2ēdommə


sg./coll.pl.sgt. sg.sgt. pl.
m./f.-inabs. ˈ(C)Vː+C1vnC2vnə
obl. ˈ(C)Vː+C1vnC2vna
abs. (C)V+ˈC1V1C2V2vo~(C)Vː+C1vnˈC2nū
obl. (C)Vː+C1vnˈC2nV2ːmə
abs. (C)Vː+C1vnˈC2nēt
obl. (C)Vː+C1vnˈC2nēdə
abs. (C)Vː+C1vnˈC2nēdo
obl. (C)Vː+C1vnˈC2nēdmə
f.+inabs. (C)Vː+C1vnˈC2nī
obl. (C)V+ˈC1V1ːC2vn
abs. (C)Vː+C1vnˈC2nV2ːme
obl. (C)Vː+C1vnˈC2nV2ːmmə
abs. (C)Vː+C1vnˈC2nēde
obl. (C)Vː+C1vnˈC2nēttə
abs. (C)Vː+C1vnˈC2nēdme
obl. (C)Vː+C1vnˈC2nēdommə



sg./coll.pl.sgt. sg.sgt. pl.
m./f.-inabs. ˈC1V1ːC2və
obl. ˈC1V1ːC2va
abs. ˈC1V1ːC2vV2vo~ˈC1V1ːC2vū
obl. ˈC1V1ːC2vV2ːmə
abs. C1V1ːˈC2ēt
obl. ˈC1V1ːC2vēdə
abs. ˈC1V1ːC2vēdo
obl. C1V1ːˈC2ēdmə
f.+inabs. ˈC1V1ːC2vī
obl. ˈC1V1ːC2vn
abs. ˈC1V1ːC2vV2ːme
obl. C1V1ːˈC2V2ːmmə
abs. ˈC1V1ːC2vēde
obl. C1V1ːˈC2ēttə
abs. C1V1ːˈC2ēdme
obl. C1V1ːˈC2ēdommə


sg./coll.pl.sgt. sg.sgt. pl.
m./f.-inabs. (C)V+ˈC1V1ːC2və
obl. (C)V+ˈC1V1ːC2va
abs. (C)V+ˈC1V1ːC2vV2vo~(C)V+ˈC1V1ːC2vū
obl. (C)V+ˈC1V1ːC2vV2ːmə
abs. (C)V+C1V1ːˈC2ēt
obl. (C)V+ˈC1V1ːC2vēdə
abs. (C)V+ˈC1V1ːC2vēdo
obl. (C)V+C1V1ːˈC2ēdmə
f.+inabs. (C)V+ˈC1V1ːC2vī
obl. (C)V+ˈC1V1ːC2vn
abs. (C)V+ˈC1V1ːC2vV2ːme
obl. (C)V+C1V1ːˈC2V2ːmmə
abs. (C)V+ˈC1V1ːC2vēde
obl. (C)V+C1V1ːˈC2ēttə
abs. (C)V+C1V1ːˈC2ēdme
obl. (C)V+C1V1ːˈC2ēdommə



sg./coll.pl.sgt. sg.sgt. pl.
m./f.-inabs. ˈC1V1C2vəC3
obl. ˈC1V1C2C3ə
abs. C1əˈC2V2C3vo
obl. C1əˈC2V2C3
abs. C1əC2ˈC3ēt
obl. C1əC2ˈC3ēdə
abs. C1əC2ˈC3ado
obl. C1əC2ˈC3ādmə
f.+inabs. ˈC1V1C2C3e
obl. ˈC1V1C2C3ənə
abs. C1əˈC2V2C3me
obl. C1əˈC2V2C3mənə
abs. C1əC2ˈC3ēde
obl. C1əC2ˈC3ēttə
abs. C1əC2ˈC3ādme
obl. C1əC2C3aˈtommə


sg./coll.pl.sgt. sg.sgt. pl.
m./f.-inabs. ˈ(C)Vː+C1vnC2vnəC3
obl. (C)V+ˈC1V1C2C3ə
abs. ˈ(C)V+C1C2V2C3vo
obl. (C)V+C1ˈC2V2C3
abs. (C)V+C1vəC2ˈC3ēt
obl. (C)V+C1vəC2ˈC3ēdə
abs. (C)V+C1vəC2ˈC3ado
obl. (C)V+C1vəC2ˈC3ādmə
f.+inabs. (C)V+ˈC1V1C2C3e
obl. (C)V+ˈC1V1C2C3ənə
abs. (C)V+C1ˈC2V2C3me
obl. (C)V+C1ˈC2V2C3mənə
abs. (C)V+C1vəC2ˈC3ēde
obl. (C)V+C1vəC2ˈC3ēttə
abs. (C)V+C1vəC2ˈC3ādme
obl. (C)V+C1vəC2C3aˈtommə



sg./coll.pl.sgt. sg.sgt. pl.
m./f.-inabs. ˈC1V1ːC2vəC3
obl. ˈC1V1ːC2C3ə
abs. ˈC1V1aːC2vnC3vno
obl. C1V1ˈC2V2C3
abs. C1V1C2ˈC3ēt
obl. ˈC1V1C2C3ēdə
abs. ˈC1V1C2C3ado
obl. C1V1C2ˈC3ādmə
f.+inabs. ˈC1V1ːC2C3e
obl. ˈC1V1ːC2C3ənə
abs. C1V1ˈC2V2C3me
obl. C1V1ˈC2V2C3mənə
abs. ˈC1V1C2C3ēde
obl. C1V1C2ˈC3ēttə
abs. C1V1C2ˈC3ādme
obl. C1V1C2C3aˈtommə


sg./coll.pl.sgt. sg.sgt. pl.
m./f.-inabs. (C)V+ˈC1V1ːC2vəC3
obl. (C)V+ˈC1V1ːC2C3ə
abs. (C)V+ˈC1V1aːC2vnC3vno
obl. (C)Vː+C1vnˈC2nV2C3
abs. (C)V+C1vV1C2ˈC3ēt
obl. (C)V+ˈC1V1C2C3ēdə
abs. (C)V+ˈC1V1C2C3ado
obl. (C)V+C1vV1C2ˈC3ādmə
f.+inabs. (C)V+ˈC1V1ːC2C3e
obl. (C)V+ˈC1V1ːC2C3ənə
abs. (C)Vː+C1vnˈC2nV2C3me
obl. (C)Vː+C1vnˈC2nV2C3mənə
abs. (C)V+ˈC1V1C2C3ēde
obl. (C)V+C1vV1C2ˈC3ēttə
abs. (C)V+C1vV1C2ˈC3ādme
obl. (C)V+C1vV1C2C3aˈtommə



sg./coll.pl.sgt. sg.sgt. pl.
m./f.-inabs. ˈC1V1ːC2əC3
obl. ˈC1V1ːC2nC3vnə
abs. ˈC1âC2nC3vno
obl. C1âˈC2V2C3
abs. C1âC2nˈC3nēt
obl. C1âC2nˈC3nēdə
abs. ˈC1âC2nC3nado
obl. C1âC2nˈC3nādmə
f.+inabs. ˈC1V1ːC2nC3vne
obl. ˈC1V1ːC2əC3
abs. C1âˈC2V2C3me
obl. C1âˈC2V2C3mənə
abs. C1âC2nˈC3nēde
obl. C1âC2nˈC3nēttə
abs. C1âC2nˈC3nādme
obl. C1âC2nC3vnaˈtommə


sg./coll.pl.sgt. sg.sgt. pl.
m./f.-inabs. (C)V+ˈC1V1ːC2əC3
obl. (C)V+ˈC1V1ːC2nC3vnə
abs. (C)V+ˈC1âC2nC3vno
obl. (C)V+C1vâˈC2V2C3
abs. (C)V+C1vâC2nˈC3nēt
obl. (C)V+C1vâC2nˈC3nēdə
abs. (C)V+ˈC1vâC2nC3nado
obl. (C)V+C1vâC2nˈC3nādmə
f.+inabs. (C)V+ˈC1V1ːC2nC3vne
obl. (C)V+ˈC1V1ːC2əC3
abs. (C)V+C1vâˈC2V2C3me
obl. (C)V+C1vâˈC2V2C3mənə
abs. (C)V+C1vâC2nˈC3nēde
obl. (C)V+C1vâC2nˈC3nēttə
abs. (C)V+C1vâC2nˈC3nādme
obl. (C)V+C1vâC2nC3vnaˈtommə



sg./coll.pl.sgt. sg.sgt. pl.
m./f.-inabs. ˈC1V1ːC2əC3
obl. ˈC1V1ːC2nC3vnə
abs. ˈC1V1aːC2nC3vno
obl. ˈC1V1aːC2V2C3
abs. C1V1aːC2nˈC3nēt
obl. C1V1aːC2nˈC3nēdə
abs. ˈC1V1aːC2nC3nado
obl. C1V1aːC2nˈC3nādmə
f.+inabs. ˈC1V1ːC2nC3vne
obl. ˈC1V1ːC2əC3
abs. ˈC1V1aːC2V2C3me
obl. C1V1aːˈC2V2C3mənə
abs. C1V1aːC2nˈC3nēde
obl. C1V1aːC2nˈC3nēttə
abs. C1V1aːC2nˈC3nādme
obl. C1V1aːC2nC3vnaˈtommə


sg./coll.pl.sgt. sg.sgt. pl.
m./f.-inabs. (C)V+ˈC1V1ːC2əC3
obl. (C)V+ˈC1V1ːC2nC3vnə
abs. (C)V+ˈC1V1aːC2nC3vno
obl. (C)V+ˈC1V1aːC2V2C3
abs. (C)V+C1vV1aːC2nˈC3nēt
obl. (C)V+C1vV1aːC2nˈC3nēdə
abs. (C)V+ˈC1V1aːC2nC3nado
obl. (C)V+C1vV1aːC2nˈC3nādmə
f.+inabs. (C)V+ˈC1V1ːC2nC3vne
obl. (C)V+ˈC1V1ːC2əC3
abs. (C)V+ˈC1V1aːC2V2C3me
obl. (C)V+C1vV1aːˈC2V2C3mənə
abs. (C)V+C1vV1aːC2nˈC3nēde
obl. (C)V+C1vV1aːC2nˈC3nēttə
abs. (C)V+C1vV1aːC2nˈC3nādme
obl. (C)V+C1vV1aːC2nC3vnaˈtommə



sg./coll.pl.sgt. sg.sgt. pl.
m./f.-inabs. ˈC1V1C2C3əC4
obl. ˈC1V1C2C3əC4və
abs. ˈC1əC2C3V2C4vo
obl. C1əC2ˈC3V2C4
abs. C1əC2C3əˈC4ēt
obl. C1əC2C3əˈC4ēdə
abs. C1əC2C3əˈC4ado
obl. C1əC2C3əˈC4ādmə
f.+inabs. ˈC1V1C2C3əC4ve
obl. ˈC1V1C2C3əC4
abs. C1əC2ˈC3V2C4me
obl. C1əC2ˈC3V2C4mənə
abs. C1əC2C3əˈC4ēde
obl. C1əC2C3əˈC4ēttə
abs. C1əC2C3əˈC4ādme
obl. C1əC2C3âC4vnˈtommə


sg./coll.pl.sgt. sg.sgt. pl.
m./f.-inabs. (C)V+ˈC1V1C2C3əC4
obl. (C)V+ˈC1V1C2C3əC4və
abs. (C)V+ˈC1əC2C3V2C4vo
obl. (C)V+C1vəC2ˈC3V2C4
abs. (C)V+C1vəC2C3əˈC4ēt
obl. (C)V+C1vəC2C3əˈC4ēdə
abs. (C)V+C1vəC2C3əˈC4ado
obl. (C)V+C1vəC2C3əˈC4ādmə
f.+inabs. (C)V+ˈC1V1C2C3əC4ve
obl. (C)V+ˈC1V1C2C3əC4
abs. (C)V+C1vəC2ˈC3V2C4me
obl. (C)V+C1vəC2ˈC3V2C4mənə
abs. (C)V+C1vəC2C3əˈC4ēde
obl. (C)V+C1vəC2C3əˈC4ēttə
abs. (C)V+C1vəC2C3əˈC4ādme
obl. (C)V+C1vəC2C3âC4vnˈtommə



sg./coll.pl.sgt. sg.sgt. pl.
m./f.-inabs. ˈC1V1ːC2C3əC4
obl. ˈC1V1ːC2C3əC4və
abs. ˈC1V1C2C3V2C4vo
obl. ˈC1V1C2C3V2C4
abs. C1V1C2C3əˈC4ēt
obl. C1V1C2C3əˈC4ēdə
abs. C1V1C2C3əˈC4ado
obl. C1V1C2C3əˈC4ādmə
f.+inabs. ˈC1V1ːC2C3əC4ve
obl. ˈC1V1ːC2C3əC4
abs. ˈC1V1C2C3V2C4me
obl. C1V1C2ˈC3V2C4mənə
abs. C1V1C2C3əˈC4ēde
obl. C1V1C2C3əˈC4ēttə
abs. C1V1C2C3əˈC4ādme
obl. C1V1C2C3âC4vnˈtommə


sg./coll.pl.sgt. sg.sgt. pl.
m./f.-inabs. (C)V+ˈC1V1ːC2C3əC4
obl. (C)V+ˈC1V1ːC2C3əC4və
abs. (C)V+ˈC1V1C2C3V2C4vo
obl. (C)V+ˈC1V1C2C3V2C4
abs. (C)V+C1vV1C2C3əˈC4ēt
obl. (C)V+C1vV1C2C3əˈC4ēdə
abs. (C)V+C1vV1C2C3əˈC4ado
obl. (C)V+C1vV1C2C3əˈC4ādmə
f.+inabs. (C)V+ˈC1V1ːC2C3əC4ve
obl. (C)V+ˈC1V1ːC2C3əC4
abs. (C)V+ˈC1V1C2C3V2C4me
obl. (C)V+C1vV1C2ˈC3V2C4mənə
abs. (C)V+C1vV1C2C3əˈC4ēde
obl. (C)V+C1vV1C2C3əˈC4ēttə
abs. (C)V+C1vV1C2C3əˈC4ādme
obl. (C)V+C1vV1C2C3âC4vnˈtommə