<!>Tloko / Omya redux (2016-11-07 14:04:32)
Tloko / Omya redux
Anthologica Universe Atlas / Forums / Department of Creativity / Tloko / Omya redux / <!>Tloko / Omya redux (2016-11-07 14:04:32)

? masako posts: 206
, Conversational Speaker message
Thank you, guys.


A) monumental incorporating logoglyphs

B) monumental syllables only

C) handwritten incorporating logoglyphs

D) handwritten syllables only

sata-kan te nisi ma’ak niya ke kunta naye kam ke tli’uma nyahi tlipiye nalomyoyek
govern-chief of west without reason O army during 3SG O COL-horse whitetie-up-PTS smile-PERM-PST-NEG
The chief governor of the West, without cause (reason), did not allow the army to smile while they tied-up the team of white horses.

I still kinda think the "handwritten" looks better as syllables only. Maybe I'm not seeing the forest for the trees.