Dictionary of Miar
Anthologica Universe Atlas / Universes / The Allosphere / Miar / Dictionary of Miar

Word of the Day: bˀeḫ̂
p. below, under
baŋ n1. king.
baŋ-aʔ n4. kingdom, state.
baŋd̂ n3. kingship.
búnən n2. fish
bˀeḫ̂ p. below, under
ćeŋ- r. heaven, sky
ćeŋ-r- n1. heaven
ćʰem- r. land, country, village
ćʰem-eʔ- n4. village, land, state, province
d̂a:r n1. inner moon
der-y- n3. earth
gez- vt. to lick
gˀel- vi. go
gˀes- vt. hate, detest
ĝˀreh- r. heap, lump, pile, total
ĝˀr̥hyakʰ adj. all, total, each
ḥep- vi. fall
jeŋ- vt. to beget
jˀə:m r. two
k̂em- r. ??
kep- vt. ??
k̂er- vt. create, make
kʰan- n1. man (vir)
kʷawr r. three
lew- adj. one
lúsen n2. cow.
mé:k n1. wife, woman.
ŋat r. one
ŋatʰé p. after
pʰeḥl- r. sea
plewt- vi. to run
pˀer-t- n1. man (homo)
sá:pɨn n2. mouse
sḕl-was- n. son
tew- vi. be; copula
tʰé:wd n1. outer moon
wá:y n1. sun
yeb- vt. to have sex with
zéken n2. spider
ẑex- r. night
ˀĝet- vi. to shine

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