<!>VEGETAL (2017-06-10 01:30:51)
Anthologica Universe Atlas / Forums / Scriptorium / VEGETAL / <!>VEGETAL (2017-06-10 01:30:51)

? twabs fair maiden
posts: 228
, Conversational Speaker, [ˈaɪwə]
the language is Weyötiss

things to note:

panel 1: The correct word is αρμμο (i.e. αρμ=μο food=1SG). Literal translation "what is becoming of my foond".

panel 2: Correctly spelled φομμτο'ν (i.e. φομμ-το-'ν steak=2SG=PROX). The word ΑΛΑΧ should be ΑΛΑΧΝΟΝ (i.e. α-λαχν-ον without-vegetable-N). Literal translation "your steank here VEGETALLESS you thus ordered sir"

panel 3: To translate the weirdness that the English text gives, I did two things. First, I used κα̨ rather than κκα̨, the latter of which being the normal conjunction for independent words; second, I used the masculine form of the adjectives rather than the feminine (the normal unmarked usage) or the neuter (to agree with φομμ "steak").

panel 4: Normally expressed "αρ ιττα̨ α λοͱα ταν 'αλαχνον'", lit. "is there the saying 'vegetable-less'", but here the verbal noun is replaced with a finite verb in the preterite.