Phonetic Changes
Anthologica Universe Atlas / Universes / Janochia / Tąrapeg / Phonetics / Phonetic Changes

>Single Consonants<
"W" is changed to "H" when it is followed by "ų". This applies both to written and spoken.
"R" is pronounced like "ɹ" when it is followed by "ų".
"Y" is a glottal stop when it is followed by another consonant.
"Q" in the middle of a word is pronounced like "k" instead of "q".

>Consonant Pairs<
A consonant pair is two of the same consonant back to back.
If the pair of consonants are stops (p, b, t, d, k, g, q), then the first one becomes an unreleased stop while the second one is pronounced.
If the pair is two h's, the first is a glottal stop. The second is pronounced.
If the pair is two r's, the first is pronounced "ɾ" while the second is pronounced "ɹ".
If the pair is two l's, the first is pronounced while the second is a glottal stop.

>Vowel Pairs<
A vowel pair is two of the same vowel back to back.
It is one vowel sound lengthened.
If implemented, Ǫǫ can't make a vowel pair.