Verbal morphology
Anthologica Universe Atlas / Universes / The Allosphere / Vengic / Hluic / Hlu / Verbal morphology




Perhaps due to the influence of Hathic languages, Hlu has developed a tense system; unusually, two of the tense markers also inflect for peNonrson.

PastImmediate future
3a- (sg.) / oe- (pl.)lya-

Non-immediate future is rare, especially in Bor, where it's fossilized to a few verbs. It is formed with infixed <y>.

There are probably pragmatic differences in the tense system between Gejaehl and Bor, but these remain to be elaborated.


Egophoricity is expressed fused with aspect. The stative is probably not a true aspect, since it doesn't appear in the Wackernagel aspect slot. (But then what does it do? Derive state verbs from state-change verbs? Can it also form a habitual?)

Stative: ddak(h)-

Imperfective: xwi / 0
Perfective: tu / ??

(tu < *otaɣẽ, xwi < ?? - from "mildly irregular first-person-marked forms of the aspectual copulas")


Two third-person markers, I forget what this is called
1:  hmae(q)-
2: hnyi- (Gejaehl) / hmri- (Bor)
3: hma-
3(2): hmao-gu-


Causative: bo-


Jussive: -sao / -sa
Conditional: -khi
Hortative: -hae
Subjunctive takes zero-marking, which can be confusing as person marking is optional


1 -(l)aeq, 2 n-u, 3 -(l)a

Person markers can't coexist with the egophoricity-marking particles tu and xwi, which also mark aspect (imperfective and perfective, respectively); this means that the 1SG only appears in questions and involuntary actions.

In Gejaehl, the 1 and 3 are always -laeq and -la following a vowel; in Bor, -l- only appears following an Old Hlu non-high vowel, and high vowels coalesce to form -yeq or -ya (-weq or -wa following /u/). Since *e *i merge in Bor, it's synchronically unpredictable whether a verb ending in /i/ will conjugate in -i-la or -ya.

There is also a reflexive marker -yi:

qathen khoeyDEF.COLL doenyman.COLL oe-woeny-yiPST-say-REFL
Then the men said to each other...


Marked with various devices, some of which are from the Proto-Vengic plural subject marker -i. Alternations: (C = any consonant; J = any palatal)
-aC > -oeC
-VK > -VJ; but -iK > -oeJ or -ueJ
-V# > -Vy; but -iK > -oeJ or -ueJ

Some verbs also have irregular pluractional markers, and there are a few old unproductive affixes also used to mark this.

The productive formation is with -sae yuey, i.e. an infinitive + the pluractional form of yi 'do':

yagoewparty tuEGO.PFV phuehlcues-saesmoke_meat-INF hmaeq-oe-yueyBEN.1-PFV-do.PLUR
our party prepared jerky (where phuehlcues is an Amqolic loan and thus doesn't have a native pluractional)