Anthologica Universe Atlas / Universes / The Pillars of Ist / Barbaric / Nouns


Barbaric has a notable amount of cases. They are:


Locative [LOC]
The location of the noun
Adessive [ADE]
Near/By the noun


Ablative [ABL]
Away from the noun
Allative [ALA]
Towards the noun
Perlative [PER]
Motion through a noun


Agent [AGE]
Active experiencer, causer of the verb, agent
Patient [PAT]
Passive/unvoluntary experiencer, patient, recipient
Instrumental-Commitative [INC]
Using, With, In company of a noun


Benefactive [BEN]
For, for the benefit of, intended for a noun
Possessed [POS]
Noun owned by something


Vocative [VOC]
Used for adressing a noun


Barbaric has a three-gender system, which includes Masculine, Feminine, and Neuter


Barbaric has three forms of plurality in nouns: Singular, Dual, and Plural.
A Singular noun is exactly one of something.
A Dual noun is exactly two of something, though this can be used (albeit more colloquially) to mean up to five.
A Plural noun is more than two of something.
Typically, a singular noun will be unmarked.
A Dual noun will be marked with "-win", though the vowel may vary, and will typically align with the vowel(s) from the root word if it does change.
A Plural noun will be marked with "-uz", with the vowel typically aligning with the vowel of the noun it augments.