Anthologica Universe Atlas / Universes / Lirar / Modern Punic / Modern Punic Dictionary / es

es (2), part. of (particle used in genitive constructions without pronominal suffixes or pronouns)

usage: e.g., "the man's hand": uyǝd es ǝs (the=hand of man), vs. "his hand": yǝdo (hand-3sm.poss)

etymology: fusion and reanalysis of plural construct suffix -e + genitive prefix sǝ(l)-, which prefix is from Proto-Semitic *ʔaṯar- "step, trace > place" > Canaanite "relative pronoun" (cf. Heb. Ɂăšer, še-, Ammonite ʔš; possibly Deir ‘Alla ʔš) + l-
attestation: ʔš "rel. pronoun", <ys, υς, is, es> = *ǝs; šl- "of", <sill-, syll-> = *sǝl-
tags: part