Purpose causes
tsi scratchpad
Anthologica Universe Atlas / Forums / Department of Creativity / tsi scratchpad / Purpose causes

? Yng posts: 15
, Foreigner message
Purpose causes
As well as the converb construction mentioned above, which expresses 'closely bound' purpose and implies the same subject, Tsi also has two more general constructions for expressing purpose. The more standard one is the fairly conventional use of içç, with or without the postposition ro.

(1) ka maŋ dzo ksù-x içç (ro)
man hit give shut_up-SUB NOM (for)
I hit the man so he'd shut up

The second construction uses the more colloquial optative subordinator :

(2) to-ddòòbh dži mdòt k!a-k!a ççe-ç fò
DIR-copse come wood chop ANIM-SUB NOM
She came to the copse to chop wood

(3) to-ddòòbh mpa-dži mdòt k!a-k!a ççe-ç fò
DIR-copse CAUS-come wood chop ANIM-SUB NOM
He sent her to the copse to chop wood

(4) ka maŋ dzo ksù-x fò
man hit give shut_up-SUB NOM
I hit the man so he'd shut up