Atti phonology
Anthologica Universe Atlas / Universes / Karch's scrap pile / Wayiptsan / Atti / Atti phonology


Atti has a rather small consonant inventory:

/p t ʦ~ʧ k/ <p t c~t k>
/m n/ <m n>
/θ s~ʃ ħ/ <θ s h>
(/w j/) <w y>

The alveolar sibilants surface as alveolopalatals before front unrounded vowels.


Atti has seven vowels, which are /i ɨ u e ø o a/ (here romanized as <i ị u e õ o a>). The high vowels are a bit restricted in their distribution as they can't occur before /ħ/, changing to mid vowels.


The most interesting part of Atti's phonology is the tonal system, though.
On the surface level there are two tones, high (here romanized with high tone brackets) and low. On the phonemic level, we also recognize these two tones, but these can also appear as floating tones, (pushing the tones of the suffixed morpheme(s) rightwards). When at the end of words, floating tones lengthen the last vowel of the word and manifest on this extension.