Morphophonology (old)
Anthologica Universe Atlas / Universes / The Allosphere / Miar / Morphophonology (old)


The prenasalized consonants are underlyingly plain voiced. Clusters of two prenasalized consonants realize the prenasalization only on the first unit.

The plosive component of a prenasalized consonant is realized as voiceless when immediately preceding a voiceless obstruent or word-finally: ⁿgsálram 'I send it.3' [ˈŋksalram]

The preglottalized consonants merge with the voiceless consonants word-finally, but lengthen a preceding stop: sʷesʷéˀd 'trees' [susʷəːt]

The schwi

/ɨ/ is never realized as [ɨ]. After a labialized consonant, it is realized as [‌u]; otherwise, before a resonant, it causes the resonant to become syllabic; otherwise, it is realized identically to schwa.

The schwa

The schwa is the most common vowel in Miar, but it is not as common as it could be.


Word-final unstressed -əR or word-initial unstressed Rə- become syllabic Ṛ.

Unstressed CəRC > CṚC; however, unstressed CRəC is preserved.


Unstressed ə > u when following a rounded consonant: /sʷəsʷə́ʼd/ [susʷə́:t]

The bimoraic constraint

Stress-bearing words must be at least two syllables; if there's only one vowel, that vowel is lengthened. This may also apply to syllabic resonants, since stress-bearing words may be back-formed from non-stress-bearing words.


- Tightly linked units - compounds, construct state + adjective sequences, and phrasal verbs - lose stress on the second constituent.
- The first syllable with intrinsic stress (including stress added by the floating stress of the construct state marker) takes the stress.
- Default stress assignment: penult if final is /ɨ/ or penult contains a coda cluster (i.e. VCCCV); final otherwise.

Schwi vs. schwa

Schwi and schwa contrast in the following environments:

- After a rounded consonant in a stressed syllable: /Cʷɨ́ Cʷə́/ [Cu Cʷə]
- Between a rounded consonant and a resonant: /CʷɨR CʷəR/ [CuR CR̥]
- In an unstressed syllable, where a cluster would be permissible: /VCɨCV VCəCV/ [VCCV VCəCV]
- In [stress and?] length assignment, where /ɨ/ is extramoraic: /kəpət kəpɨt/ [kə́pət kə́:pət]

Examples of schwi resolution

Take the form /kepɨmɨ/.

First, stress is assigned. The final is /ɨ/, so stress is assigned to the penult: /kepɨ́mɨ/.
Then, word-final schwis are deleted: /kepɨ́m/.
Then, ɨ > e is blocked by the coda resonant (otherwise you'd have *kepém), and it instead turns the resonant syllabic: [kepḿ̥].

Now take the form /tekʷɨmɨ/.

Stress assignment proceeds as usual: |tekʷɨ́mɨ|.
Word-final schwis are deleted: |tekʷɨ́m|.
ɨ > e is blocked as above, but syllabization(?) of the resonant is blocked by the preceding labiovelar: [tekúm].