The Death of Kang Prii (Long Island)
Anthologica Universe Atlas / Universes / The Allosphere / Oʔon / Cuhbi / Western Cuhbi / Long Island Cuhbi / The Death of Kang Prii (Long Island)

A Long Island Cuhbi version of The Death of Kang Prii, a popular story told on Risha.

Tsá! Sàngrà sɔmàng sàngrà uzɛ tseʔe.
tsálo! sàngmoon-n-OBL sɔ-CLF(flat)-one=ng=TOP sàngmoon-n-OBL u-PASS-zyɛpass_by-PFV tsewalk_between-PFV=it_is_known
Lo! A month passed among the months (once upon a time)

Phay tsùnhàng nyàànà bzɔ̀ okɔ̀ dèòngɔ̀ʔɔ̀.
phaycastrate tsùnhàbureaucrat=ng=TOPnyàtboat-n-OBL bzɔ̀SWITCH o-PASS-kɔ̀come-PFV dɛ̀be_atop-PFV=ɔ̀ngɔ̀=all_the_way=it_is_known.
They sent us a tsunxa in a boat, the whole long distance.

Bɔtòsnò ngɔ́ptsɔ̀ː kàng príí hèè.
bɔtòsname-n-OBL ngɔ́=and=ptsɔ̀have: kàng prííKang Pree hèèthat_is
He had a name: that is to say, Kang Prii.

Tɛdɛ egɔdɔ lò nyehpèʔè, ayààng tɛdɛ phaya sù hɔbɛ̀ɛ̀ sɛ́ɛ́mà.
tɛdɛNEG_MOD_INT egɔdɔblack hand n-3p-i-ACT-ʁdo-h-IPFV.REAL-b-INT=it_is_known, ayɔdoing_so-n-OBL=ng=TOP tɛdɛNEG_MOD_INT phaycastrate-a-OBL.ANIM common ho-CONJ-bɛ̀stand-h-IPFV.REAL be_beside-h-IPFV.REAL=general_truth
He was a very bloodthirsty person, shame on him, as is common amongst the castrates, shame on them

Ta waswɔ̀ hóóʔo
taNEG_MOD waswɔ̀evil_spirit ho-CONJ-ʁdo-h-IPFV.REAL=it_is_known
He summoned evil spirits

Nahàn nyotɔ̀ngruyɔ̀ cùnacùn nyehpíkí
nahàtown-n-OBL nyotɔ̀ngghost-NOM-n-3sg-u-PASS-do-PERF-NMLZ-a-OBL.ANIM cùnacùndisembowelment n-3sg-i-ACT-ʁdo=pík=disgustingly
He murdered the town's priest by disembowelment

Nahàn nyotɔ̀ngruyùng cárçàtɛ̀ɛ̀ tànçàtɛ̀ɛ̀ hɔpàsàʔà
nahàtown-n-OBL nyotɔ̀ngghost-NOM-n-3sg-u-PASS-do-PERF-NMLZ-NOM=ng=TOP cárwise-xà-AUG-tè-COM-a-OBL.ANIM tànold-xà-AUG-tè-COM-a-OBL.ANIM ho-CONJ-pàsbe=it_is_known
although he was very wise and very old

Kàng Prííng bɔ́ɔ́ yeràngà bzɔ̀ syànɡàhozɛ hɔ́gɔ̀n isipíkíʔí qɔ́dɔ̀ hosopíkíʔí
Kàng PrííKang Pree=ng=TOP bɔhday yi=CLASS(flat)=ràngten=ng=TOP bzɔ̀SWITCH syàng=after=ho-CONJ-zyepass-PERF hɔ́gɔ̀nvomit i-ACT-ʁdo-PFV-s-INCH=pík=in_a_disgusting_manner=it_is_known qɔ́dɔ̀diarrhoea ho-CONJ-ʁdo-PFV-s-INCH=pík=in_a_disgusting_manner=it_is_known
after ten days passed Kang Prii began to vomit and pass diarrhoea in the most terrible fashion

Bɔta ngóó nyɛxɔ̀xɔ̀ʔɔ̀
bɔtatdeath ngɔ́=then=ho-CONJ-ʁdo-PFV nyefinish-PFVxɔ̀xɔ̀ =with_difficulty=it_is_known
Then he died in horrible pain

Swésɛn tsónyenyéélò nyányá etsìsaryaʔa
swésɛ́sea-n-OBL tsó=while=ho-CONJ-nyiimmerse~nyi~IPFV-h-IPFV.REAL=lò=by_hand nyányáflames i-ACT-pull-PFV=syarya=suddenly=it_is_known

Sásaang tsacá nyɔ̀tsɔ̀ pɔ̀nhɔnà!
sásásuch-n-OBL=ng=TOP tsa-likes_of-man nyɔ̀=CLASS(foreign men)=tsòall pòn=let_it_be=ho-CONJ-fall-t-PFV.IRR
May the same fall on all such men!