Rag Doll
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Rag Doll
last seen: 3 years ago
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AboutWhat got me into world design: 80's and 90's cartoons, movies, TV shows, books, Rainbow Brite Golden Book, Beauty by Sheri S. Tepper, mythology, fairy tales, folk tales, Alice in Wonderland.
What kind of books I read: usually fashion, costume history, fashion history, reference books, history, Noam Chomsky, decluttering and organizing, business, jewellery making, meditation, wellbeing, crystals, Neil Degrasse Tyson, Brian Cox, Egypt, Japan, languages, yoga, aromatherapy, gardening, sustainable, vegan, eco, architecture, interiors, India, art, pop surrealism, philosophy, science, classics, recipes, how to, DIY, herbs, tea, beauty, longevity, world building, music theory, dictionaries, Shakespeare, Silk roads, Ottoman empire, fantasy, divination, Buddhism, Bagavad Gita, plastic free, waste free/zero waste, magazines, psychology, animal totems etc and resources for home schooling.
What I studied in school: I went to college for fashion, apparel, design, construction, pattern making, cutting, illustration, drawing, trade sketching, fabrics. In high school I wanted to drop out and be a fashion designer and be in a rock band. I would have liked to study philosophy, metaphysics, theology, theosophy, anthropology, mythology, linguistics, film making, writing, costume, Egyptology, archaeology, etc