Anthologica Universe Atlas / Universes / Karch's universe / Western / Gwlein / Notes

- verbs have a quite complex voice system (Austronesian?), this system, however, isn't distinguished in equative clauses
Honza ndɔ6 gblo7ma1
Honza COP hungry
"Honza is hungry" (this sentence is teoretically sound, but dispreferred)

gblo7ma3 ndo6 Honza nə2
hungry.NMLZ COP Honza LOC
"Honza is hungry" (lit. "Hunger is at Honza")

ɣlą3ba3 ndɔ6 gwa2 ndo3ma3
loud.NMLZ COP PROX music
"This music is loud"


mbə5 hɛ6 nə7zwǫ6 ŋlą7
1SG NOM spinach eat.AV

nə7zwǫ6 hɛ6 mbə5 ŋlą3
spinach NOM 1sg eat.PV
"I eat spinach."

mɪ1mblɔ2 hɛ6 za7gbɔ3 hlą7ba4
wind NOM leaf.PL blow-FV
"The wind blew off the leaves."


mɪ1mblɔ2 hɛ6 za7gbɔ3 hlą7
wind NOM leaf.PL blow.AV
"The wind blew the leaves around."