1. Corpus
Anthologica Universe Atlas / Universes / Emily / Feelyat / 1. Corpus

The language in question has no known name, and is known from a single television broadcast that comprises its entire corpus. A copy of the broadcast may be viewed here, and a phonemic transcription appears below with tentative translations. (An earlier attempt at a transcription has been posted online for many years, but it is highly flawed—for example, transcribing "Antwerp, Belgium" as "Antherpedion"—and the transcript here is, to the best of our knowledge, the first serious attempt at a phonemic transcription.)
#SpeakerUtteranceTentative translation
1ANNOUNCER:ei! ɛs gəˈdurə ˈilda ˈfiljat?Hey! Who's ready for Feelyat! (or similar slogan)
2AUDIENCE:[?? vɔs?] du ˈfiljat!(second part of slogan; first word could be hɔs, ɔs, or possibly wʌts; if the latter, this would likely mean "What do you Feelyat?")
4ANNOUNCER:i ˈvala di ˈhostu, ˈvalda ˈgrɛbnɛs!And here's the host, Valda Grebnes!
5HOST:ˈprivu! ˈprivu! ˈprivu.Thank you! Thank you! Thank you.
6HOST:ˈunas dəlˈvitəl gɚ ˈʃakə ˈfilijat, ˈkrejo pɚ ʊnˈdʒɪtsalou, ˈvænjə smɪts!(exact meaning unclear, but clearly introducing the hostess, Vænjə Smits; second word might be vəlˈvitəl)
7HOSTESS:aˈlou, ˈvalda!Hello, Valda!
8HOST:aˈlou, ˈvænjə.Hello, Vænjə.
9HOST:torks də flɚ?(unclear)
10HOSTESS:jɔ jɔ!Yes, yes!
11HOSTESS:hat ˈvalda, sou ɛs dɚ ˈnɛdɚlændɚ fʊt ˈkwajɚ!But Valda, so is the Dutch Foot Choir!
12HOST:di ˈnɛdɚlændɚ fʊt ˈkwajɚ!The Dutch Foot Choir!
13HOST:ni lats ˈfilijat!Now let's Feelyat!
14HOST:suva, kan ˈsaga val ˈda.u kanˈtɛstas?Suva, can you introduce the contestants?
15ANNOUNCER:ˈkrevu, valda!Of course, Valda!
16ANNOUNCER:jir, di tʃampiˈɔn van ˈantvɚp ˈbeldʒʊm, hans ˈbodɪs!Here (is) the champion, from Antwerp, Belgium, Hans Bodis! (final consonant in last name unclear)
17ANNOUNCER:ʊn ˈdate prɛmiˈɛr tʃaˈlɛndʒɛr, ˈoutən ˈhanaboum ə ˈʃvedən, gəˈhɛljo ˈbonɪk, ˈrɪki srajʊnˈkɔvsɛn!And his first challenger, out of Hannebom(?), Sweden, (unclear) Ricky Sraiunkovsen!
18ANNOUNCER:ɔn dɛr sɛˈkundɚ tʃaˈlɛndʒɛr vɔn tɔˈrɔnto ˈkænəda, daˈrɪl ˈvasdɪk! And the second challenger, from Toronto, Canada, Darill Vasdik!
19ANNOUNCER:ʊntan, daˈrɪl! ha ha ha ha!Welcome, Darill! Ha ha ha ha!
20HOST:hans, hɔrz də ˈmanzi ˈfilijat?Hans, are you excited for Feelyat? (or are you ready for Feelyat or something similar)
21OLD MAN:nei.No.
22HOST:hɔrz də ˈmanzi ˈfilijat?Are you excited for Feelyat?
23OLD MAN:nei.No.
24HOST:ˈfilijat. hɔrz də ˈmanzi?Feelyat. Are you excited?
25OLD MAN:ˈfiljat!Feelyat!
26HOST:ni lats ˈfilijat!Now let's (play) Feelyat!
27HOST:ˈsuva, wat ɪn dai ˈabdʒɛkt?Suva, what is the (or "his") object?
28ANNOUNCER:dai ˈabdʒɛkt ɪz in ˈpainæpəl.The (or "His") object is a pineapple.
29HOST:ʃː! trein seˈgand mɪt di ˈnɛdɚlændɚ fʊt ˈkwajɚ!Sh! Twenty seconds with the Dutch Foot Choir!
30OLD MAN:ɪʃt ain prak? nei. ˈdɛrti faʃ? nei. ɪʃt ain ˈhɛʃta? ɛ! ˈhɛʃta? nei, nei, nei, nei, nei, nei, nei. ˈhɛʃta biʃ—Is it a (unclear)? No. Is it a (unclear)? Hmm! (unclear)? No, no, no, no, no, no, no. (unclear)
32NEWS ANCHOR:ni ˈmɔntuʃ trəˈdʒuki.(something on the order of We interrupt this broadcast or Breaking news; first word is likely "Now")
33NEWS ANCHOR:dɪˈzastʊr zʊn rain.Disaster on the Rhine.
34Text:Disastür zün RhineDisaster on the Rhine.
35NEWS ANCHOR:ˈviʃən ut ˈælən ˈata ˈkrambəltɔk, ˈvradə ut ˈtɔpɔt, blak ˈtunə ˈɛbuʃ frɛm.(unclear)
36NEWS ANCHOR:rəˈpitən: ˈviʃən ut ˈælən ˈata ˈkrambəltɔk, ˈvradə ut ˈtɔpɔt, blak ˈtunə ˈɛbuʃ frɛm.Repeat: (unclear)
37NEWS ANCHOR:ni ˈpunək poi ˈfiljat!Now back to Feelyat!
38HOST:ˈrɪki, wʌts du ˈfili?Ricky, what do you feel?
39SMALL BOY:ˈɛsən ist ain pip?Is it a (unclear, possibly "pipe" or "flute")
40HOST:nei, ain ˈklakən.No, a clock.
43HOST:dəˈrɪl ˈvasdɪk, wʌts du ˈfili?Darill Vasdik, what do you feel?
44WINNER:ˈarsən dust ain mit?Is this a meat?
45HOST:ˈablia! ˈablia, ˈablia.Wait! Wait, wait. or: Quiet! Quiet, quiet.
46HOST:un spəˈsɪfɪka, wʊt ˈkundɚ mit?Specifically, what kind of meat?
47WINNER:ˈɛsən ɪs ˈbiftɪk?Is it (a) steak?
49HOST: (inaudible over audience, but whatever it is he says it twice)(unclear, probably general congratulations)
50HOST:ˈsuva, jənəlˈtuzən dʊlˈdaʃ daˈrɪl?Suva, what has Darill won?
51ANNOUNCER:daˈrɪl vos ˈpasɛn in viɛtnaˈmiz pɔt ˈbɛli pɪg!Darill has won (or Darill will be taking home, etc.) a Vietnamese pot-bellied pig!
52HOST:ˈɪldiəmeo ˈfojalo ˈplatɪk ˈfilijat.(unclear except for Feelyat)
53HOST:ˈpai pai! ˈpai pai! ˈpai pai.Bye bye! Bye bye! Bye bye.

There is some dispute over some of these transcriptions (the most ambiguous of which are noted above). The word transcribed /ˈprivu/5 may in fact be /ˈkrivu/ or /ˈtrivu/; one researcher has suggested /ˈtre(j)bu/ and connected it with French très bon or très bien, and the connection with /ˈkrevu/15 is tempting as well, but the stressed vowel in #5 seems to be a clear /i/, and in #15 /e/.