Anthologica Universe Atlas / Universes / Ybrearmèlleon / The Eleutean language / Eleutean proper nouns / Harbathhani

Harbathhani, arq. Dhammarat's old capital, a sacred city on the eastern shore of lake Ereilio. It was a crossroads sitting on a strategic position, where Offecne, Eastern Arrantes, and the small plains and valleys around the Censayner Sea met.

usage: Thus named because it was erected on a partially artificial terraced platform, a harba in Archaic Eleutean, and because it reunited many ceremonial and sacred buildings, including several palaces and the Royal Archives.

etymology: Literally, "sacred monumental platform", form harba "walled platform, monumental terrace" + thhani "sacred, holy".
related: Danteyl Thhani, Ereilio, Tivan Thhani
tags: city, royal, settlement