Anthologica Universe Atlas / Universes / Ybrearmèlleon / The Eleutean language / Eleutean proper nouns / Hyebernes Centunt

Hyebernes Centunt, top. The eastern third of the vast region of Hyebernes. It was the northernmost province of the Dhammaratian Empire, an isolated, barely inhabited, and barren land that was of little interest to the Empire and its rulers except for the port of Thýnie, where the ores mined in the Berzyyrant Mountains were transported to the port cities of he Brauleant and the Idives Sea.

etymology: Dhammaratian for "eastern Hyebernes".
related: Berzyyrant, Irm ed Hyebernes, Öggyan Dainunt, Thýnie, Zuirë
tags: land, region, province