Anthologica Universe Atlas / Universes / Ybrearmèlleon / The Eleutean language / Eleutean proper nouns / Ruvai Barnusa

Ruvai Barnusa, top. The capital city of Eleuthèa, in the central northern Ruvai region.

etymology: The name is a combination of Ruvai, the region where the city stands, and barnusa "marat cemetery". The capital's old and traditional name is Barnusa-en-Ruvai "Barnusa of Ruvai", thus named to differentiate it from other places named Barnusa, or with that noun, a not uncommon placename in Eleuthèa.
related: Dhammarat, Danteyl Centunt, Danteyl Dainunt, Danteyl en Vresse, Danteyl Farhunt, Danteyl Rhosc, Danteyl Rhuvunt, Danteyl Thhani, Eleuthèa, Glavi, Ruvai
tags: city, settlement