Anthologica Universe Atlas / Universes / Tarra / Indo-European / Tautic languages / Tautisca / Tautisca Dictionary / state

The following dictionary entries are tagged state:

aistuta n. thirst
anusten v. inhabit
astíti n. presence, attendance.
bíten v. live
bíti n. life
ennun v. to be.
enuntus adj. included; occupied; busy; absorbed, engrossed
faiman v. to be afraid of
faimun n. fear
fudeten v. to be awake
fustus adj. awake
golteten v. to be cold
helleten v. to be green
holteten v. to be yellow
laufiten v. love.
lecheten v. to lie (on the ground etc.)
lipeten v. to stay, remain
maitamun n. change.
móten v. (trans.) to trouble, bother, (intr.) to struggle, bother oneself
nénun v. to not be, to be not (negated forms of ennun)
parrichtus adj. ready, finished
pítu n. peace, quiet
sedeten v. sit.
solbeten v. hold, keep.
stíten v. stand.
summin n. dream.
summus n. sleep, dream.
supeten v. sleep, dream.
sus adj. being, present.
taceten v. be silent.
taceti n. silence.
tunneten v. stretch, extend (intransitive).