Anthologica Universe Atlas / Universes / Twiside / Species In Twiside / Furless



The furless, as their name suggest, are completely devoid of fur. They don't exhibit wide variety of shape and size like beastfolk. It is thought that this was due to some eugenic program in their past. All in all, the furless have long rabbit-like ear and a dog-like muzzle. Furless female tend to be much larger than the male.

Age span

Furless live longer than their Brightside counterpart, the beastfolk. On average, furless lives 100 years old.


Biologically, furless reproduction system should be familiar to Terran whose female bear the young. There are some rather bizarre difference to terran humans however. Furless female only ovulates every several years, and during the time they are not "in heat" they have no sexual desire at all. Furless female give birth through their narrow clitoris and as a result most furless firstborn didn't survive the delivery process.

Due to their female frigidity. Furless males engage in homosexual relations with each other. A lot of furless males have become unattracted to females and they have to ingest aphrodisiacs during the mating season.



One of the defining feature of the furless is their tatoo. It's basically their ID. Briefly, the tatoo contains among many other informations:
Birthdate and location
Given Name (name given by one's mother)
Taken Name (name taken by one own self after they passed coming of age)
Position in a clan

To lightsiders, furless tatoo looks almost invisible if not for the scar left by the procedure.


The smallest governance unit in Furless society is a family. Furless families are headed by a matriarch who have several husbands. Almost all furless tribe practiced gender segregation. Furless males stays in a separate compound from the females and they are usually not allowed to venture outside their village or town without being accompanied by a female.