Dictionary Entry
Site Infrastructure / Dictionary Entry

[show modes: view edit delete]

[begin mode tag_query][$_id]:.[replace(replace(getv("categories"), __cr, ""), __lf, ".")].
[end mode tag_query]

[begin mode part][getv("part")][end mode part]

[begin mode update_tag][
	var olds = $_args[0];
	var news = $_args[1];
	var cats = split(replace(getv("categories"), __cr, ""), __lf);
	cats = (each(cats) ?(c) iif(c == olds, news, c));
	cats = concat(cats, __lf);
	putv("categories", cats);
][end mode update_tag]

[begin mode title][
	var word = _title;
	if(strpos(_title, "<!>") != "-1")
		word = substr(_title, 0, strpos(_title, "<!>"));

	var part = getv("part");

	if(((part == "pre") || (part == "prefix")) && substr(word, -1, 1) != "-") word &= "–";

	if(((part == "suf") || (part == "suffix")) && substr(word, 0, 1) != "-") word = "–" & word;

	// word;

	var t = "";

	if(strpos(_title, "<!>") >= 0)
		t = " (" & substr(_title, strpos(_title, "<!>") + 3) & ")";

	// info_display({<b><a href="/?id=[_id]">[word]</a></b>[t]});

	{<b><a href="/?id=[_id]">[word]</a></b>[t]};
][end mode title]

[begin mode compare]
	var $t = iif(strpos($_title, "<!>") != "-1",
		substr($_title, 0, strpos($_title, "<!>")),

	var $l = editdistance($t, $_args[0]);
	if($l == 0) {
		<li><a href="/?id=[$_id]"><u><b title="distance: [$l]">[info_display($t)]</b></u></a></li>
	} else if($l < $_args[1]) {
		<li><a href="/?id=[$_id]"><span title="distance: [$l]">[info_display($t)]</span></a></li>
[end mode compare]

[begin mode dist][
	var $t = iif(strpos($_title, "<!>") > -1,
		substr($_title, 0, strpos($_title, "<!>")),

	var $l = editdistance($t, $_args[0]);
	if($l > 0) {[$l]:[$_id]:[$t]:[$_args[0]]
][end mode dist]

[begin mode fulldesc][
	var $d = replace(getv("definition"), "<!!>", "<!>");
	_wiki_format($d, "inline");
][end mode fulldesc]

[begin mode desc][
	var $d = replace(getv("definition"), "<!!>", "<!>");
	var $pos = strpos($d, ". ");
	if(substr($d, "-1", 1) == __lf) $d = substr($d, 0, "-1");
	if(substr($d, "-1", 1) == __cr) $d = substr($d, 0, "-1");
	if($pos > 0) {[
		if(substr($d, $pos + 1, 1) == ")") $pos = $pos + 1;
		_wiki_format(substr($d, 0, 1 + $pos), "inline");
	]} else _wiki_format($d, "inline");
][end mode desc]

[begin mode tag_abbr]
[end mode tag_abbr]

[begin mode autorepair][
if(strpos($_body, "</") >= 0) {<p><b>Warning: HTML still present in <a href="/?id=[$_id]">[info_display($_title)]</a>.</b></p>};
][end mode autorepair]

[begin mode validate][
var info = {[
var $st = substr($_title, "-1");
var cats = split(replace(getv("categories"), __cr, ""), __lf);
var part = getv("part");

if(part == "n") {[
	if($st == "a") $st = "u";
	if($st == "o") $st = "u";
	if($st == "e") $st = "u";
	if($st != "u") {
		<li>is not formed like a noun

if(part == "v") {[
	if($st == "a") $st = "u";
	if($st == "o") $st = "u";
	if($st == "e") $st = "u";
	if($st == "u") {
		<li>is formed as a noun but has been categorized as a verb

	if((find(cats, "transitive") + find(cats, "intransitive") + find(cats, "copula")) == -3) {
		<li>is a verb but not tagged transitive, intransitive, or copula


if(info != "") {
	<p><b><a href="/?id=[_id]&mode=edit" target="_blank">[_title]</a></b></p>
][end mode validate]

[begin mode export][
edit_display(replace(replace(getv("categories"), __lf, ","), __cr, ""));
replace(edit_display(getv("definition")), __lf, "\n");
replace(edit_display(getv("usage")), __lf, "\n");
replace(edit_display(getv("etymology")), __lf, "\n");
replace(edit_display(getv("attestation")), __lf, "\n");
edit_display(replace(replace(getv("related"), __lf, ","), __cr, ""));
replace(edit_display(getv("pronunciation")), __lf, "\n");
replace(edit_display(getv("inflection")), __lf, "\n");
[end mode export]

[begin mode entry_abbr]

	[var pro = getv("pro"); if(pro != "") pro & ","]
	var $d = replace(getv("definition"), "<!!>", "<!>");
	var $pos = strpos($d, ". ");
	if(substr($d, "-1", 1) == __lf) $d = substr($d, 0, "-1");
	if(substr($d, "-1", 1) == __cr) $d = substr($d, 0, "-1");
	iif($pos >= 0)
		_wiki_format(substr($d, 0, 1 + $pos), "inline")
		_wiki_format($d, "inline");
[end mode entry_abbr]

[begin mode link][

	var hl = (strpos($_title, "<!>") > "-1");
	var $t = "";

		$t = substr($_title, 0, strpos($_title, "<!>"))
		$t = $_title;

	<a href="/?id=[_id]">[info_display($t)]</a>[
		{ <b>([ substr($_title, strpos($_title, "<!>") + 3) ])</b>};

][end mode link]

[begin mode abbr][
	var word = iif(strpos($_title, "<!>") > "-1",
		substr($_title, 0, strpos($_title, "<!>")),

	word = _title;
	if(strpos(_title, "<!>") != "-1")
		word = substr(_title, 0, strpos(_title, "<!>"));

	var part = getv("part");

	if(((part == "pre") || (part == "prefix")) && substr(word, -1, 1) != "-") word &= "–";

	if(((part == "suf") || (part == "suffix")) && substr(word, 0, 1) != "-") word = "–" & word;

	"[style:font-weight: bold; font-size: 100%][/?id=" & $_id & "|" & info_display(word) & "][/style]";

	if(strpos($_title, "<!>") > "-1") " (" & substr($_title, strpos($_title, "<!>") + 3) & ")";

	var pro = getv("pro");
	if(pro != "") ", " & pro;
	" [i]" & getv("part") & "[/i]. ";

	var $d = replace(getv("definition"), "<!!>", "<!>");
	var $pos = strpos($d, ". ");
	if(substr($d, "-1", 1) == __lf) $d = substr($d, 0, "-1");
	if(substr($d, "-1", 1) == __cr) $d = substr($d, 0, "-1");
	if($pos > 0) {[
		if(substr($d, $pos + 1, 1) == ")") $pos = $pos + 1;
		substr($d, 0, 1 + $pos);
	]} else $d;
[end mode abbr]

[begin mode view]
if(_group != 0) {[
	var gpid = get_group_profile_id(_group);
	if(gpid != 0) page("css", gpid);
<div style="margin-left: 20px">
	var $unwrap = function {[
		replace(_args[0], "<!!>", "<!>");

	var word = _title;
	if(strpos(_title, "<!>") != "-1")
		word = substr(_title, 0, strpos(_title, "<!>"));

	var part = getv("part");

	if(((part == "pre") || (part == "prefix")) && substr(word, -1, 1) != "-") word &= "–";

	if(((part == "suf") || (part == "suffix")) && substr(word, 0, 1) != "-") word = "–" & word;

	word = info_display(word);
	var suffix = "";

	if(strpos($_title, "<!>") > "-1")
		suffix = " (" & substr($_title, strpos($_title, "<!>") + 3) & ")";

	override_title(word, $_subtitle);

	$dd = unwrap(getv("definition"));
	if(substr($dd, "-1", 1) == __lf) $dd = substr($dd, 0, "-1");
	if(substr($dd, "-1", 1) == __cr) $dd = substr($dd, 0, "-1");

	var $u = unwrap(getv("usage"));
	var $e = unwrap(getv("etymology"));
	var $a = unwrap(getv("attestation"));
	var $pro = getv("pronunciation");
	var $inf = unwrap(getv("inflection"));

	if($inf == "") $inf = search("include", "parent", _parent, "template", title2id("Inflection Scheme"), list(_id));

<p style="text-indent: -20px;">[
	if(_args.0 == "link") "<a href=\"/?id=" & _id & "\">";
	"<b>" & word & "</b>";
	if(_args.0 == "link") "</a>";
	", ";
	if($pro != "") pro & ", ";
	"<i>" & getv("part") & "</i>.";
	_wiki_format($dd, "inline");
if($u) {<p><span style="font-variant: small-caps">usage:</span> [_wiki_format($u, "inline")]</p>};
if($e) {<span style="font-variant: small-caps">etymology:</span> [_wiki_format($e, "inline")]<br>};
if($a) {<span style="font-variant: small-caps">attestation:</span> [_wiki_format($a, "inline")]<br>};
// <span style="font-variant: small-caps">inflection:</span> 
if($inf) {[_wiki_format($inf, "inline")]<br>};

if($_args[0] != "nocats") {[
var $c = getv("categories");
var $r = unwrap(getv("related"));

if($r) {<span style="font-variant: small-caps">related:</span> [
	var $foo = foreach($r) {[
		$_data = replace($_data, __cr, "");
		$_data = if(substr($_data, 0, 1) == "#") {[
			var id = int(substr($_data, 1));
			if(id > 0)
				{<a href="/?id=[id]">[get_title(id)]</a> ([get_title(get_parent(id))])}
		]} else {[
			var id = search("id", "parent", _parent, "title", $_data);
			if(id != "") {[
				var nice_title = get_title(id);
				var sep_pos = strpos(nice_title, "<!>");
				if(sep_pos >= 0) {[
					var subscript = substr(nice_title, sep_pos + 3);
					nice_title = substr(nice_title, 0, sep_pos);
					{<a href="/?id=[id]">[nice_title]</a> ([subscript])};
				]} else {[
					{<a href="/?id=[id]">[nice_title]</a>};
			]} else
	replace($foo, __lf, ", ");

if($c) {
<span style="font-variant: small-caps">tags:</span> [
	var $cat = title2id("Dictionary Tag");
	var $bar = foreach($c) {[
		$_data = replace($_data, __cr, "");
		var $id = search("id", "parent", $_parent, "title", $_data, "template", $cat);
		if($id == "") {[
			$_data = {<i>[$_data]</i>};
		]} else {[
			$_data = {<a href="/?id=[$id]">[$_data]</a>};
	replace($bar, __lf, ", ");

var reverse = foreach_key(_this) (_data = {<a href="/?id=[_parent]&mode=reverse&term=[_data]">[_data]</a>, });
reverse = substr(reverse, 0, len(reverse) - 2);

if(reverse != "") {<span style="font-variant: small-caps">reverse terms:</span> [reverse]<br>};

[end mode view]

[begin mode print]<style>.t a:link { font-weight: 800; text-decoration: none }</style><span class="t">[_this.title()]</span>[
	var pro = getv("pronunciation");
	if(pro != "") ", " & pro;
	var etym = getv("etymology");
	if(substr(etym, 0, 5) == "From ")
		etym = substr(etym, 5, "-1");
	if(substr(etym, 0, 4) == "the ")
		etym = substr(etym, 4, "-1");
	/* if((len(etym) < 40) && etym != "")
		" [" & _wiki_format(etym, "inline") & "]"; */
	{ <i>[getv("part")].</i> };

	var dd = getv("definition");

	if(substr($dd, "-1", 1) == __lf) $dd = substr($dd, 0, "-1");
	if(substr($dd, "-1", 1) == __cr) $dd = substr($dd, 0, "-1");

	var def = $dd;

	if(etym != "")
		def = " [" & etym & "] " & def;
	var x = foreach_key(_this) {[_data]};

	if(x != "") {[
		x = linesplit(x);
		// debug(x);
		x = sieve(x) ?(v) {[
			// debug(v);
			if(strpos(lcase($dd), lcase(v)) > "-1")
				false else true;

			def &= " [i]et[/i]. " & concat(x, ", ") & ".";

	// if(len(etym) >= 40)

	var usage = getv("usage");
	if(usage != "")
		def &= " [small]USE[/small]: " & usage;

	var att = getv("attestation");
	if(att != "")
		def &= " [small]FL[/small]. " & att;

	var infl = getv("inflection");
	if(infl != "")
		def &= " [i]infl[/i]. " & infl;

	_wiki_format(def, "inline");
[end mode print]

[begin mode edit]
	var $unwrap = function {[
		replace(_args[0], "<!!>", "<!>");

	if(strpos($_title, "<!>") > "-1")
		override_title(info_display(substr($_title, 0, strpos($_title, "<!>"))) & " (" & substr($_title, strpos($_title, "<!>") + 3) & ")", $_subtitle)
		override_title(info_display($_title), $_subtitle);
<form method="post" action="/" style="width: 100%;">
	<style type="text/css">
		#entry-edit .textbox {
			width: 50%;
		#entry-edit th {
			text-align: right;
			vertical-align: top;
			font-weight: normal;
			font-size: 80%;
	<input type="hidden" name="id" value="[$_id]">
	<input type="hidden" name="mode" value="submit">
	<table style="width: 100%" id="entry-edit">
	<tr><th width="5px">headword<td><input name="title" type="text" value="[edit_display($_title)]" style="width: 100%;">
	<tr><th>pronunciation<td><input name="pronunciation" type="text" value="[edit_display(getv("pronunciation"))]" style="width: 100%;">
	<tr><th>definition<td><textarea style="width: 100%;" name="definition">[edit_display(unwrap(getv("definition")))]</textarea>
	<br><small>(should always end with a period; the text up to the first period will be shown in lists)</small>
	<tr><th>usage<td><textarea style="width: 100%;" name="usage">[edit_display(unwrap(getv("usage")))]</textarea>
	<tr><th>etymology<td><textarea style="width: 100%;" name="etymology">[edit_display(unwrap(getv("etymology")))]</textarea>
	<tr><th>attestation<td><textarea style="width: 100%;" name="attestation">[edit_display(unwrap(getv("attestation")))]</textarea>
	<tr><th>inflection<td><textarea style="width: 100%;" name="inflection">[edit_display(unwrap(getv("inflection")))]</textarea>
	<br><small>(leave this blank to use <a href="/?id=[parent]&mode=inflections">automatic inflection schemes</a>)</small>
	<tr><th>tags<td><textarea style="width: 100%;" name="categories">[edit_display(getv("categories"))]</textarea>
	<br><small>(one tag per line)</small>
	<tr><th>related<td><textarea style="width: 100%;" name="related">[edit_display(unwrap(getv("related")))]</textarea>
	<br><small>(one per line; use #<number> to refer to an id of an entry in another dictionary)</small>
	<tr><th>reverse terms<td><textarea style="width: 100%;" name="reverse">[
	var x = foreach_key(_this) {};
	if(x == "") {[
		var def = getv("definition");
		def = replace(def, ",", ".");
		def = replace(def, ";", ".");

		var go = 1;
		while(go == 1) {[
			if(substr(lcase(def), 0, 3) == "to ") def = substr(def, 3);
			var dot = strpos(def, ".");
			var space = strpos(def, " ");
			go = 0;
			if(dot > 0) {[
				if((dot < space) || (space < 0)) {[
					var ret = lcase(substr(def, 0, dot));
					iif(_title != lcase(_title), ucase(substr(ret, 0, 1)) & substr(ret, 1), ret) & __lf;
					def = trim(substr(def, dot + 1));
					go = 1;
	]} else x;
	<tr><th>part of speech<td>
	[var $parts = replace(getva("parts", get_body(_parent)), chr(9), "<!>");
	if($parts == "") {<b>Go to <a href="/?id=[_parent]&mode=edit" target="_blank">the dictionary's edit page</a> and set up the language's parts of speech before saving this!</b>};
	_select(getv("part"), $parts, "part", {width: 100%;})]
	<a name="bottom"></a>
	<input type="submit" value="Submit">
[end mode edit]

[begin mode autoreverse][

	var revs = {[
		var x = foreach_key(_this) {};
		if(x == "") {[
			var def = replace(getv("definition"), "<!!>", "<!>");
			def = replace(def, ",", ".");
			def = replace(def, ";", ".");
			var go = 1;
			while(go == 1) {[
				if(substr(lcase(def), 0, 3) == "to ") def = substr(def, 3);
				var dot = strpos(def, ".");
				var space = strpos(def, " ");
				go = 0;
				if(dot > 0) {[
					if((dot < space) || (space < 0)) {[
						var ret = lcase(substr(def, 0, dot));
						iif(_title != lcase(_title), ucase(substr(ret, 0, 1)) & substr(ret, 1), ret) & __lf;
						def = trim(substr(def, dot + 1));
						go = 1;
		]} else x;

	mute foreach_key(_this) delete_data(_id, _data);
	var pr = replace(revs, __cr, "");
	if(substr(pr, -1, 1) == __lf) pr = substr(pr, 0, len(pr) - 1);
	mute foreach(pr) if(_data != "") {[
		_this[_data] = 1;

	It's done.<br><br>
	Definition: [_wiki_format(getv("definition"), "no_toc")]
	Reverse keywords: [replace(pr, __lf, "; ")]<br><br>
		<a href="/?id=[$_id]&mode=edit#bottom">Edit further</a><br>
		<a href="/?id=[$_id]">View entry in full</a><br>
[end mode autoreverse]

[begin mode reverse_simple][
	var t = 0;

	var def = lcase(replace(getv("definition"), "<!!>", "<!>"));
	def = replace(def, ",", ".");
	def = replace(def, ";", ".");

	if(substr(lcase(def), 0, 3) == "to ") def = substr(def, 3);
	var dot = strpos(def, ".");
	var space = strpos(def, " ");
	var ret = "";

	if((t == 0) && (space == -1)) (
		(ret = substr(def, 0, dot)) &
		(t = 1)
	) else if(dot > 0) (
		if((dot < space) || (space < 0)) (
			(ret = substr(def, 0, dot)) &
			(t = 2)

	if((_params.set == t) || (_params.set == ""))
		"<li><a target=\"_blank\" href=\"/?id=" & _id & "&mode=edit#bottom\">" & _title & "</a> " &
				if(t == 1)
					"easy: " & iif(_title != lcase(_title), ucase(substr(ret, 0, 1)) & substr(ret, 1), ret) & " <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"/?id=" & _id & "&mode=autoreverse\">(auto)</a>"
				else if(t == 2)
					"medium: " & ret & " ...  <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"/?id=" & _id & "&mode=autoreverse\">(auto)</a>"
				else if(t == 0)
		 & " <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"/?id=" & _id & "&mode=edit#bottom\">(manual)</a></li>";

][end mode reverse_simple]

[begin mode tidy][
	var d = getv("definition");
	var f = substr(d, -1, 1);
	if(f == __lf) {[
		d = substr(d, 0, len(d) - 1);
	] Removed 0x0a from end of <b>[_title]</b>.};

	f = substr(d, -1, 1);
	if(f == __cr) {[
		d = substr(d, 0, len(d) - 1);
	] Removed 0x0d from end of <b>[_title]</b>.};

	putv("definition", d);
][end mode tidy]

[begin mode submit]
	var $dumbwrap = function {[
		replace(_args[0], "<!>", "<!!>");

	if(strpos($_title, "<!>") > "-1")
		override_title(info_display(substr($_title, 0, strpos($_title, "<!>"))) & " (" & substr($_title, strpos($_title, "<!>") + 3) & ")", $_subtitle)
		override_title(info_display($_title), $_subtitle);

	$_title = $_params.title;
	putv("definition", dumbwrap($_params.definition));
	putv("etymology", dumbwrap($_params.etymology));
	putv("usage", dumbwrap($_params.usage));
	putv("attestation", dumbwrap($_params.attestation));
	putv("related", dumbwrap($_params.related));
	putv("part", $_params.part);
	putv("categories", $_params.categories);
	putv("pronunciation", $_params.pronunciation);
	putv("inflection", dumbwrap($_params.inflection));
	mute foreach_key(_this) delete_data(_id, _data);
	var pr = replace(_params.reverse, __cr, "");
	mute foreach(pr) if(_data != "") _this[_data] = 1;

//	refresh_to({./?id=[_id]}, 10);

	It's done.<br><br>
		<a href="/?id=[$_id]">Go back to the entry?</a><br>
		<a href="/?id=[$_parent]&mode=add_entry">Add another entry?</a><br>
		<a href="/?id=[$_parent]">Return to the dictionary?</a>
[end mode submit]