Anthologica Universe Atlas / Users / kusuri

Ex foris

? kusuri posts: 37
, Possibly the Bosonest Boson to ever be a Boson in CO, USA, EARTH, MWAY, UNIV ever.
No, I didn't, that is cool stuff! I'm so making an Yngy post now. Or a month from now.
? kusuri posts: 37
, Possibly the Bosonest Boson to ever be a Boson in CO, USA, EARTH, MWAY, UNIV ever.
I like how Jalvaan sounds, and I appreciate all the tidbits. That post is like a little work of art.
? kusuri posts: 37
, Possibly the Bosonest Boson to ever be a Boson in CO, USA, EARTH, MWAY, UNIV ever.
Pin mo kin si pan fiu pau la pin, ran sin pai, ta pin mo sau pia tai si lon hui wau.
1 NOM work ACC system word make GEN 1, time span little, and 1 NOM hold manner stop ACC thing many 3
I work on my conlangs for a little bit, and then I abandon them.

last seen: 4 years ago
posts: 37

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Making the same three conlangs over and over and over.